It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight |
Friday, February 29, 2008, 2/29/2008 04:15:00 PM
Sorry guys for the lack of posting. now(if you see the time) is the i'm and i have that "I-REALLY-HOPE-I'M-NOT-HERE-RIGHT-NOW" badge ohwells rot for another when I emerge from the com lab, you people better congragulate me for being able to be BORED for so long. hey. It's a SKILL you know. okayye Annyywayyyy.... to let you have a rough idea of how I spent the week(expect a very LOOOONG post): 25thFeburary08 Monday Woke up with a medium runny nose. didn't feel THAT sick yet until at night when my voice really became croaky. Yuck. Oh ya. Math quiz. forgot how to do one of the questions(dammit) Music class. froze my ass off there trying to listen to Dr. Wong talking. (note: trying) except for this. You talk I talk who's listening. I think Dr. Wong got it from Beethoven wonder if she got copyright. heh. that night didn't go swimming cuz of runny nose(yet again) 26thFeburary08 Tuesday I'm officially sick and hating it. i've to stuff tissues up my nose every few seconds just to stop all those disgusting stuff that i shall not mention from coming down. did it so many times that by the end of the day I went back home with a red nose (I'm sure my sister wanted to call me Rudolf) and croaking like a toad. damnit. I hate being sick. Things not to do when being sick(as by my mum):
deprived of my favourite sport by this bloody flu. hope I get well TOMORROW. Yes I mean it. Didn't do PE today. Two reasons:
Wahha. Guys/Lesbians VS Girls/Gays. nice one. I didn't play but I heard the score was tied. I went to computer lab to meet yanni and (I'll type NICK from now on I don't care) to do bio poster. touch up on the thingys and found a sick picture. go look at our poster for more details. After chinese met with nick to do the bio poster. he printed it out then we pasted the stuff on the poster. okayye.. something funny "Me:*chooses song from handphone and plays it* *song just started playing: Year 3000 by Busted* Nick:*straight away* Year 3000" wow he could tell that the song was that before it started playing wonder how many times did he listen to the song already HA. completed our poster, decided to leave peer critique to tomorow and I went back home feeling a good deal better. That night. No swimming(obviously) i complained how much on how fat I was getting because i didn't exercise for 2 days completely missing out on the fact that when you're sick you don't put on much fat. Ha. Whatever la. i feel so out of place. not swimming for 2 days. 27thFeburary08 Wednesday went to school late as usual had assembly in the audi after such a LOOOONG time. wahhha I just LOVE that Norweigian speaker's accent. He- whatwashisnameagain?- taught us how ot pronounce his name. Ah I think it was... Helmer Arklaysen? nonoono wrong surname Helmer Aklaksen? whatever something like that well what does a male polar bear say to the other male polar bear during winter? "Dude! Where are the females?" HAHAHA he is just SOOOO cute and "Him:Clocks were invented somewhere in the north, that's why it goes clockwise Some random person: Then what if clockes were invented in the south? Him: Clocks would still be going clockwise. But clockwise would mean the other direction." LOL He's really good. the talk was great then later for ACE we had some drama people act out "the little prince" for us I must say they were quite goodxD later at physics, I don't get a single thing Ms Lim was explaining fell asleep in class and drooled all over the physics file nah I'm just kidding but I really DID fall asleep. Ryan and Yanni should have noticed Then at night again Whatched American Idol. DAVIDDARCHULETTAAA!!! I fucking love him la can. his voice freakking rocks. it just bloody melts your heart over and over again. And if I'm watching AI on a wednesday night, it means... no swimming): GAHH. 28thFeburary08 Thursday Ooober free today 5 hours before French. slackked. Bio changed module lerrs. energy and energetics or whatever shit it is lah all of you know I wont pay attention no matter what module it is. then I'll end up failing everything. Hahs. whatever. slept in french. only just remembered that there was a test on Sat. dammit 29thFeburary08 Friday Hoho everyone it's a freaking LEAP YEAR! Comes by once every four years and yet here I am rotting away in front of the screen in journalism it's the MOST BORING CCA in school I suggest to all NOT to join this type of CCA unless they have a laptop, loves being bored, and freaking LOVES WRITING FREAKINGLY BORING STORIES ABOUT OUR FREAKINGLY BORING SCHOOL* ohwell. CCA just ended. I'm gonna be the 1st to rush out, AND YOU'RE NOT STOPPING ME buh-bye. *no offence to the others in journalism who joined journalism for none of the above choices.
Sunday, February 24, 2008, 2/24/2008 10:06:00 PM
"Experience is what you get when you should have known better"
oooh it's Sunday yet again yesterday was saturday french, then slacking my last post was until evening right? I'll continue from there then So, didn't get to go swimming(dammit) gahhs then for dinner we went to some italian restaurant with supposedly quite good food but it turned out to be majorily horrible the lasagne thingy and the smoked salmon thingy was the worst too little cheesh/pasta and too much salt all-in-all, it sucked. i'm never gonna go back there again unless they change the chef or whoever's cooking then after at 'bout 7.45 plus after all that horrible stuff had finally settled in i went for a run YEAHxD ran 2 rounds(around 1000m?) around the park for warm ups then another round before I got bored of the same park that maybe I'd run more than 50 rounds in the past 2 months so i decided to go check out the neighbourhood for places to run. ran down to the park around the pond in my estate where I saw those exercise corners a day before thinking maybe it'd be good if I could go there for a change but then as I ran down bloody hell they freaking didn't turn on the lights and so the pond area looked seriously sinister and really dark. and naturally I decided against going in it. maybe when it was brighter i'd go in and perhaos i should write in to tell them to on the lights there because for goodness's sake there were those streetlights thingys there and they weren't on. only at the far end where there was a single desterted pavillion then they turned on the lights (note the word: deserted meaning: not a single body there) so yeah but on the plus side, I found that the pond in the darkness looked really pretty I just love the way it shimmers with the nightlights around it so anyway found the place where I used to run with my mum last time wasn't too far away. ran down the road all the way in, and saw this big rock with words engraved in it: Bukit Panjang Park Connector Lol it didn't really connect anywhere to anywhere Maybe from Segar LRT(i think it was Segar) to somewhere near the park so yeah when I ran out, discovered that two rounds was about 1500m, plus minus a few meters. niicee... did about 4 more rounds making the grand total of how much I ran 6000m(6km) oh that really felt good mind you I was drenched when i finished looked like i'd been out in the rain wakakkaaxDD okay then to today swimming training uncle alan was Evil. 16 x 100m IM for warm up then uh. don't think you'd wanna know loads of sprinting oh wells then sjarley lydia michelle and isabelle said they wanna go lot 1 to watch Ah Long Pte. Ltd. and my mum didn't allow me said what my sister's exam haven't finished yet so I cannot go bleah. I don't see the connecting point ohwells gonna find out from sharley tomorrow to see how the show was hehxD then after training had to teach the kiddies how to plunge properly hmms JANELLE YOU'RE THE BEST TUDI EVER i guess i was a horrible shifu ha ohwells jarryl's plunge was equally cute(: then afer bather finished went to eat lunch at BPP then went to library to borrow books i borrowed a grand totaly of 7 books ha leaving only one for my sis hehs I guess the books would be kinda nice to read i have two weeks to finish reading 7 thick books ha and i already finished one right now so then afterwards went back home with half the heart to finish my math assginment but ended uo falling asleep in front of the TV for three whole hours what a nice napxD okay i think i gotta go now haven't hung up the laundry yet. byebyesxD
Saturday, February 23, 2008, 2/23/2008 03:07:00 PM
BABY 6PEACE!! I feel nostalgic too
After reading what Zoey tagged on my cbox I suddenly remember how everyone used to call me gen too but they wrote it as gene suddenly missed 6Peace06 loads. all the good memories and especially miss kok. wonder when can we meet up again? oh yes I found this in some random ABB newsletter brought back by my mum ![]() Hahas I found Miss Kok's fiancee*insert that line above the 'e'* Ah no. Mrs Mok now^^
"Just la la la la la It goes around the world"
Heya peoples back to blog yet again. I feel weird this week. probably because last sunday I slept in the afternoon and woke up in the afternoon thinking that it was already another day uhh maybe not really thinking. It felt kinda normal, like it was at the back of my mind. plus, that ultra-cute guy cousin in my grandmother's house totally took up my entire attention NONO not literally *dont use your imagination please. I know how far it can go.* okay whatever. like i'm ever going to see him again until next year possibly. FOR GOODNESS'S SAKE THEIR FAMILY LIVES IN BUKIT MERAH how far is that? anyways so the next day(monday) i woke up thinking it's tuesday and almost packed my tuesday timetable until I heard my sis saying something about she hates monday like hell and I checked my watch and it said in it's BIG BOLD letters: MONDAY so i had to remove all the tuesday stuff and replace it with monday's stuff then the next day(tuesday) i woke up(yet again) thinking it was wednesday and almost wore my formal attire until I saw my watch then the next day(wednesday) i woke up thinking it was thursday and almost didn't wear my formal attire what a screwed life i have and right now i'm still thinking it's sunday and wondering why haven't i gone for morning training. dammit next time i'll know better than to sleep and wake up in the same afternoon ahhahha I didn't screw my history test that badly hehs 13/18 and my SEQ got like L4/10 which is quite good although I didn't finish the essay but my SBQ got like L3/3 and ms chua said it was too narrative better get to that compare and contrast straight away ain't got time to narrate so much sadly, I screwed my math quiz 3 8/15 not good at all and I shall not elaborate. wkkakakakkaa Singapore got the big to host the YOG@Singapore okay that was a really lagged post NEVERMINDWHATEVERxD Thursday is Slackers day. slacked for 5 entire hours before french tried to do homework (note the word: tried) all the girls had all left, so i was the only girl in class so what? surrounded by almost all the guys from jap class. throwing tennis balls, putting feather dusters on the fans and throwing that little square thing at the fans and not to mention making a hella load of noise while i had one earpiece on my ear and the other was listening to what was going on just in case a random ball came flying and knocked me thankfully, none did then later at french... (okay this was done some time ago. But wth I still find it funnyxD) Go find your own translator. im way too lazy![]() ![]() aren't the little bubbles thingy cutexDD hahhahhas look at wht one of then is saying0.0 heh I drew that in then later on friday chemistry with imbufe boy he was angry when the others took their time to come downo.o then english with the simster. YQ quarrelled with him say what he always pick on him shall not elaborate go ask him your self I dare you to. and tennis with the peoplesxDD hahahas joelle the way you swing the ball is sooo cute heh and the way you run after the ball and snatch it away from dillion and emmanuel LOL and Cheryllit you are DAMN pro YOURSELF and I am not. get that right. Angela no comment pro person you "AHHHH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" teh CHERYLLIT DISTRACTOR heh and sorry i aimed the ball at you guys(so noisy *hinthint*) "GEN SO PRO GEN SO PRO not like me so lousy." "EHHH WHAT ME LOUSY! GEN YOU ALMOST THE SAME AS ME HOR STILL CALL ME LOUSY!!" Note: those two above were said by the same person. Heh and when YQ and Cheryl lit ask me to lend them racket they both used the same hand gestures like literally the same o.o (In the random order that I'm thinking of right now) Cheryl lit is PRO YQ is PRO Angela is VERY PRO Dillon is PRO Emmanuel is PRO Ben is VERY PRO Mabelle is OKAY Narmadha is OKAY Joelle is OKAY Melvin is LOUSY Gen is NOT PRO. Period. I just found out the guys and girls of 205 are evil. PANGSEH ME TO PLAY NETBALL and whatever HORR and as hilda would say "DON'T FRIEND YOU ALL ALREADY LAH BIG DUMBDUMB" i'm really just joking. Honest.
Thursday, February 21, 2008, 2/21/2008 10:30:00 PM
"Abortion? I think a baby's more humane."
It's been almost three months before the father sperm and the mother egg met. The new life in the mother's womb changed from a mere single-celled zygote, to an embryo, to an almost fully functioning embryo. It had a heart, pumping at 140beats/min, a brain that had already begun to function, and nevertheless, halfway-forming internal organs. It's gender was not yet distinguised, for the organs of each forms only at about 5-6 months. It was, of course, in it's early stages of development. But it could already move, and it likes sucking it's thumb. It was already beginning to understand what things were, and recognise the voices around it. Although it's eyes has not even caught a glimpse of anything, it's also dreaming, dreaming things that only God knows. But then, it has also been sensing something... not correct. Something wrong. Whee!!(uhm. Maybe not.) Today, I'll be officially 12 weeks old! Yeah! I can kick mummy now HAHAHA. I've never felt so much more alive! I wonder what's it like to get out of this place? It's all so dark here, but it also feels like I've been here since forever. Hmmmm... Mummy's so warm. I can hear her heart beating. Hahaa although it can never compare to mine^^ Hmm. Thinking of mummy... I wonder why she feels so sad all the time? Maybe it's because I keep kicking her? Oh. Sorry Mummy! I never meant it): Ohwell hehehehexD. Oooooh. What's this thingy here? A big circle and 5 sticks? Wonder what it tastes like... And just at that moment, a big suction tube enters the womb, and with the suction force of 55ml of mercury(or something like that), begins rapidly sucking the contents in the womb. (Baby inclusive) Ehh? What's that thingy over there? Why is everything like in a whirpool? Why's it so noisy? OH NO! Don't come so close to me! GET OUT! GO AWAY!! MUMMMYYYYY!!! HHHHHEEEELLLPPP!!! It kicked and pulled and tried to swim away from that nasty thing. The noisy churning sounds scared pretty much, and it did its best to move away from it. Frantically kicking, it swims around the amnoitic fluid in the womb, which is being sucked away by the tube, desperately trying to escape that horrible device. The amnoitic fluid diminishing quickly, it know knows it doesn't have a chance. But it still tries to escape the dark hollow walls that encircle around it. Knowing nothing would come out of it's half-formed mouth, it still tries to pry it open in a final bid to scream. MUMMYY!!! HEEELP!! I'M SCARED OF THIS THING!! Too late. I feel that thing being attached to my tiny body. It's sucking hard. Really hard. My body cannot take that type of pressure. I watch in dismay and horror as my legs go in first. Maybe they'll be the only things that will go through this ordeal and come out undeformed. I try to pull, but the walls are too slippery for my hopelessly tiny fingers. My attempt to escape was futile, but still, I don't want to give up. I grasped at anything and everything, but to no avail. My legs were already through, and now my body starts to sink in. It hurts like anything I can ever imagine. My body gets stuck at under my arms. I still try to push myself out, even though I know it's no use. I'm going to die. Die before I even see first light. The tube pulls on, and I feel a searing pain in both my underarms. I saw in horror of what had happened. My entire upper body was being physically ripped apart from my lower body. The pain cannot be described! First, my skin rips apart, displaying a gory scene of flesh, muscles, bones, and a hint of internal organs. Another sear of pain comes when my muscles are being ripped apart, and blood spurts out in every direction I can see. I see also, for the first time, how my organs look like. My stomach, intestines, kidneys, lungs, and even my heart, still beating its last few beats while being sucked down. My arms are then sucked down, not after being physically torn from my neck. I hear the tube go away. Is it over? I think. No, I cannot be. My entire body was gone, whoever wanted to kill me, had to do it clean. I hear someone from out side say, "Is Number 1 out yet? Is it done?" Sad to say that, number 1 is the humane way of saying 'my head', and that the killignwasn;t done yet. My head was still in the womb, but the rest of my body was outside. I see a big pair of shiny metal things. They poked around and caught hold of my head. As before, I felt pressure applied, and my weak skull was not strong enough. With a third sear of horrible, unbearable pain, and a sickening "CRACKK", they'd cracked my skull, squashed my brains and burst my eyes. They removed the last of me from mummy's womb. I saw light for the first time, and Oh. How beautiful it was. I saw mummy, and she looked beautiful to me. I saw my dismembered, distroyed and distorted body lying in a huge pile of mess in a silver alumimium bowl, drenched in blood. Mummy, why'd you have to get these people to do this to me? If you weren't ready, why did you even have me? No wonder why you kept feeling sad. I'm sorry you had to do this decision because of me, and the pain I felt cannot be matched with the pain you felt. I'm sorry Mummy. But mummy, don't be sad. I see someone in front of me. He's glowing, no shining, he's like no one I've ever seen. He says I'll go to a better place. He tells me not to worry anymore, so I hope you don't too. I'm going to a better place. Where no one cries, no one gets hurt, and everyone is happy. Mummy, don't cry for me anymore. I won't need my body anymore. I wonder if this actually goes through the minds of the baby when they're being aborted. I was shocked at the mumber of abortions taking place all throughout the year. It's very inhumane, what they do to these little buds of life. Imagine being torn limb from limb by a hideous sucking device, head crushed by metal thongs, and your body being sold to those bad people by illegal abortionists and made to be toyols(go check the dictionary). it's just, disgusting to even think about it. I sincerely hope that people would think twice about having unprotected sex if they don't want a baby. Abortion is cruel. Abortionists don't like what they're doing either. Please don't make them do so much of it. If killing a person is a hideous sin, then killing an innocent little 12-week-older is thrice worse. Born or otherwise, it's still a life thet you're taking away. Labels: abortion
Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 2/20/2008 06:24:00 PM
"Dear, would you buy me an A-colour diamond?"
Heh. physics was changed to wednesday 11.00am-12.30pm from tuesday so, the good news is... Tuesday I get let off at 1.30pm(YAYYAYYAYxDD) and the bad news is... yeah there's physics on wednesday(sighs) ehhhehe my marks 12.5/25 for my practical 2 13/24 for my assignment 3 and I still don't get the n1sini=n2sinr thingy argggghghgh Ima so gonnnna FFAAAAIIL my physics test 2. bleah to you i'm not gonna care about studying you ANYMORE physics you can go and die for all I care kthxbye. gazgagzgagzgagzgagagzgagzgagzggazga ohyeahhs and on wednesday for assembly we had this guy from Samaritarians Of Singapore(Hence SOS) came to talk to us about suicide OKay lets all go jump off some high story building now. heh and they actually classify that as a warning sign for those who actually wanna go die. geez i don;t see why they have to go and commit suicide like if they dont die, they'll get jail/caned/fined or whatever shit the police can do to them seesh it just rubs it all in, doesn't it? and then again if they do die well. I just find it sad that they want to end their lives so early I mean like, bloodyhellhowmanyotherpeopletreasuretheirlivessooooomuchandhereyouarewastingitaway i just find it dumb. ohwell. i still dont think that there are problems that cannot be solved. thenthenthen for FPS Ms Fong bought snacks for us YAYAYAYAYYAxDD heeheheh wankwank(don't know? go check dictionary i'm not telling) ha it was HILARIOUS to see Joelle bounding down the aisle to get her fave snack and was it also to see TZY DANCING DOWN THE AISLE HA HA HA(good one Ms Fong) well and I laughed till my "BUTTBONE HURT" HAxD well i think that's it for wednesday
Sunday, February 17, 2008, 2/17/2008 11:51:00 PM
"Instant STDs in a bag. Just add water."
bleah just look at that bloody pile of work the teachers left us to do over the teensy tiiiny itsy bitsy holiday we call a weekend.
Dammit. I HATE Bach. All of them. Why the bloody hell did C.P.E Bach write so many compostitions? Like. He'll only get his hands tired(thankful for printers now) and his head stressed out. Then leave so many behind for us to go and search for. Can't he just... like... Organise them properly? Bleah. And it's already12.24am and I'm sleepy. Music test(again) tomorrow and I haven't studied. I'm so gonna flunk this one. And I didn't listen to a single bloody song by those bloody composers. So you tell me what's my fate tomorrow. Bloody hell. The baroque and classical periods are sooooo LONG>... ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *sobsob* Oh well. At least yesterday was fun "Done with the transfer?" Heh nicholas and leon and yanni can just crack me up. "instant STDs." "STDs in a bag. Imitation one. Just add water." "That's a CONTORTED smile. It doesn't count." "Fat guy naked. No. Half. Fine, half." "*typetypetype* Leon loves TZY." "That big lump of... thing?" "OHHH!!! YOU ATE THE STDs!!!" "This guy here? He spent $1,500 in 3 days. and this guy? $2,000 in 3 days" don't try to get it if you don't. I don't blame you for not being there with usxD Hmm. I wonder how was the movie "Jumper" YOU TWO WATCHED IT SO GUYS HOW WAS IT??? wakkakkakaka I wannt watch CJ7 *Squeal* okay random nevermind. arggh. "Sorry ma'am, but your *insert word for that thingy doctors stuff up women's cervix into the uterus to prevent them from getting pregnant* fell out. *Checks papers* Congrajulations ma'am, you are pregnant! *Checks papers again* And congrajulations again ma'am! You have twins! *Insert moment when the person freaks out and bashes up the gynae*" Heh BIIIOOOOxDD hehehe SWIMMING TODAY Brendon: hahahaha *to jarryl* Whoa you must really teach me how to do butterfly. You butterfly stroke got style one ah, and it has to be passed down. *for your info, Brendon's a 15 year-old freestylist and butterfly-er. Jarryl's a teensy tiny little boy who is not a butterfly-er. I'll leave the rest to your imagination^^* weird today during training, all of us felt so stiff we couldn't move. Bleah must be the new training schedule that we're not used to. then after training, mum sis and me went to our grandmother's house(apparently we had some LOOOOOOOONG distance cousins coming that day. So, yeah. No prizes for guessing the reason.) Ate pizza 1st before going. When we went there, they hadn't came yet. I felt kinda sleepy, and fell asleep in front of the TV. slept for like 15mins before Ryan and PingPing came. Then got dragged into the room where fell asleep, yet again, for another 2 hours plus. whao that sure felt good. So then it was about 4pm when I woke up. Heard loud noises outside so i deduced the other party of people came. Rubbing my ultra-sleepy eyes and still half asleep, I went out yawning. heh. saw these two aunties which my mum claimed were her sisters or something(my grandmother's brother's daughters and sons.) I wasn't much interested in them, only except for the two more angbaos that I received hehxD. personally, was more interested to see if they had kids. well, they had one kid. AND HE WAS OH-SO-CUUUTTE* damn my handphone was charging at home so I couldn't take any photos. Hmmmm.... I think he was around my age, plus or minus 1 year. *cute as boy-going-on-to-guy cute, not cute as in handsome cute or little-boy-cute. For those who don't know, all three have a BIGGGG difference.* but he was really quiet. sitting there watching TV, like me. Stupid show. seen it like hundereds of times already still want to show it on TV. well. for someone who's bored and without her handphone and just woke up like 2 minutes ago, she isn't left with much choice. Ah well. turns out i didn't ask him for his number because I was still trying to stay awake, and thinking how the show could be replaced by sesame street or something else and no one else except the two of us would've noticed. (kim and ryan was playing scooter outside. Note: the scooter's ancient. I think i heard a fall somewhere in the lift lobby. PingPing was reading her book.) oh yes. and Stacia-and-Laurentia's BBQ party yesterday. damn fun. took loads of photos(i'll upload them tomorrow or something), played blackjack(won like $2 on my first try. Got a blackjack on my first card.), BBQ-ed(duhh), and Karaoke-ed(heh I actually sang, and not croaked.), and pass-the-bomb(surprised all of them how I memorised how to play the game after reading the instructions only once.) all-in-all, it was rather funxD. "ULL?? What the hell does not end with ULL?" heh whatever. Okay shall do some last minute music mugging before I go to bed. I'll leave chinese
Friday, February 15, 2008, 2/15/2008 03:19:00 PM
HehxD pluto isn't a planet anymore. it's a dwarf planet. sad. wonder why they demoted it. *sigh* I sympathize with pluto. for being a planet for a few decades then it got demoted to just a dwarf planet. Pluto: DAMN YOU JUPITER hah
Thursday, February 14, 2008, 2/14/2008 08:36:00 PM
heh today's valentine's day the PSLs set up some booths in the canteen like stamps and heart thingys and flowers and whatever-you-give-peoples-on-v-days kinda stuff. wahha it was so cute of them oh ya and song dedication and they also have a kinda 'service' where people(mostly guys) can buy stuffs for their valentines or whatevers then they will help give it to them like, as in anoymously(sp?) cool eh? haxD heh THANKYOU cheryllin for the foam rose(: THANKYOU cheryllit and christine for the WONDERFUL muffins(: THANKYOU ethel for the MARSHMALLOWS and STRAW HEART(: THANKYOU mabs for the SEWED HEART THINGY(: hmmms what a nice valentine's day(: today(later on) BIOOOOOOLGY no la not mouse disection again CONTRACEPTIVES (wtf.) heh i think i'll take the baby instead. then slacked for 5 FREAKIN HOURS before french oh ya this was random: (me JK and ben were in the classroom for the last 1hr and *fills in blank*mins before french) Ben:wahha tomorrow play tennis in the rain again?(or something like that) Me: Ha if it rains again lorxD ben: Then i bring extra racket(does whatever pose he always does) me: 0.o (how the freaking hell did he read my mind?) cuz cherlylit wanted to play tennis on CCA day or something like that. then she didn't have racket so i asked angela to bring her extra racket but she doewan and call me ask from ben so i say nevermind i have my own anyway then until today (above) i was like wth. he read my mind. bleah ohwalls yes cheryllit i'll bring my racket tomorrow^^ HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEEPSxD
Sunday, February 10, 2008, 2/10/2008 08:28:00 PM
wahhha just finished watching KONG FU DUNK wahhhh JAY CHOU IS AS CUTE AS EVERxDD if not cuter^^ love the way he slammed into the bball thingy behind the net when he tried to do a slam dunk for the first time hehheex33 wahha and he can freeze time too! heh the way he combines kung fu and bball hilarious heh<3 argh shit my calves hurt from yesterday's steps zzz can't go running today even after eating so many popcorns gahhh ohwells can't wait for tomorrow's swimming!! not been training since tuesday it's a confirm deprove one lah. (kimberley can you stop reading what I write and go away? dammit i hate you correcting whatever I type wrong) bleah swimmingswimmingswimming oh ya! swimming reminded me of sharley HEY SHE COMES BACK TODAY!! heh too late ba don't know what time she came back today WELCOME BACK SHARLEYxDD gahh homework still haven't finish yet seeeeesh bloody maths don't know how to do bleah and tingxie on tuesday and history on thursday all haven't studied *sigh* (kim once again GET LOST) gotta go. she's really irritating i lost the mood to blog (damn you)
Saturday, February 09, 2008, 2/09/2008 10:39:00 PM
heh second piece of blog for today just went running up and down the stairs yes that's what I do when I'm free and usually at night seesh I think i'm gonna become a night owl I sleep extremely late and wake up extremely late heh heh heh and i'm addicted to playing PENGUIN DINER!! heh I know it's kinda childish but the penguins are soooo ADORABLExD<33 hehehe and they eat throughout the day no wonder they're so FATxD weird just now after climbing up and down the stairs my legs just started wobbling like jelly no, shaking like really bad both legs weird like, when I put my weight on one foot, it starts shaking o.o oh well SORRY LYDIA I CAN'T GO McRITCHIE WITH YOU TOMORROW!!! pspsps next time i'll try to persuade my mum to let me go yeahhxD sorrys gahh not been swimming in a long time hoping I can go train tomorrow like, by myself or (sharley if you read this) maybe ask sharley if she wanna go with me but must see i she come back from penang already hehhs looking forward to meeting my cold-watered boyfriend again MY SWIMMING POOL I MISS YOU LOADS!! after not swimming for so long i'll expect my muscles to become lazy again can't wait to break and repair them wahhh I just LOVE that feeling I MISS YOU MY SWIMMING POOL!! MONDAY WAIT FOR MEEEEEE!!!!! argh my penguins are angry!! have to go feed them o.0 byebyexD Argh ohmyfgosh just look at the pile of homework the teachers bestowed on us for the 'hoildays' dammit and I haven't started on a single one yes I AM serious not a single one argh and History's mind map is going to be a killer I can't find anything useful from the notes only just a handful so BLEAH and math extra exercises I have no idea how to do Q29. a and b and c and whatever that totally threw me off the mood to complete the rest of my homework bleaaahh and FPS report dead we haven't started yet bloody hell it's an ENTIRE REPORT dammit and we had TWO FRIGGEN WEEKS to do it must chiong it out already xP and that bloody english essay I still, repeat, STILL don't have any idea on what to write bleah sobbs ting xie, then HCL test, then math project ewwwww i haven't studied/done anyD: sighh but then.... TOMORROW WE'RE GONNA GO WATCH JAY'S NEW MOVIExDxDxD yayyayyay!! jay choux33 ehehehehehehe. oh yes. and to ryan, my dearest cousin: please, change your habit of rubbing your palm over your entire face with the lameass excuse of 'my nose is itchy'. It's and perhaps see a doctor for your sinus or whatever shit that's called you kept us all awake with that incessant blowing of nose of yours. hahahas. after CNY i'm considerably somewhat richerxD hehehexD finally met my cousins whom I've not seen for an OOOBER long time miss you guys lottssss.... hahahas and that day, darren didn't style his hairxD he said it took too much time to maintain ha. ANDANDAND ooooooohh JOEL YOU'VE GROWN TALLER!!! but you're still 5cm SHORTER than me HA. still, it's weird when I look at you and think, whatthehell you're soooo much taller. heh and leon seesh after 239897834798327819 million years I STILL cannot remember how old are you. I'm still thinking you're like, 16 or something BWAHHHAHAHA like AS IF. 16 would mean you're 2 years older than me(which I very well know that you're not) heh pardon my horrible memoryxD oh wells... after all that happy stuffs don't we all have to go back to homework. yo teachers if you're reading these, we really thank you very much for helping us rid our free time it's been SUCH a great help to those who have nothing else better to do. heh heh heh don't we all just LOVE the holidays. Back to homework
Thursday, February 07, 2008, 2/07/2008 10:11:00 AM
Hehehehehhe not been updating regularily shall start with the CNY celebs yesterday ya?xD school started at 8am that day so sad I wasn't able to see the performance so I can't tell you all what happened Was supposed to be manning the stall I heard the dancers were good^^ so then later at my stall we were doing the paper cutting and such so many people came it got really crazy and i was like there thinking nobody would come heh cuz everything was really last minute we'd only printed out the words the night before I slept so late becouse of it hehe and we only bought the paper two days before so it was really CHIONG AHH!!xD but it was fun really fun too bad it ended at 1130 so me hilda and shermaine couldn't go back to IJ wonder who did? I really miss 6 peace '06 x33
Friday, February 01, 2008, 2/01/2008 02:39:00 PM
Boo! I'm backxD zzzZzZzZzZz we only get released at 11.30am on CNY eve like, DAMMIT!!! Now I can't go back to primary school (perhaps I should consider what Kat said about going to the movies?) freakk IJ(OLQP) ends at 10am so it'll be like totally EMPTY when we get there so what's the bloody point of going altogether xP blast you those who planned it *walks away* *gets some ice* *simmers down* *walks back* okay that was REALLY overreacting ah ohwells maybe i'll go back a day earlier or something (shermaine hilda whaddy think? Wanna go back this year?) okayyyeee..... yesterday..... MOUSE DISSECTION!!! wayyy fun SQUISHSQUISHBOOMBASHsquirt!!! **//CENSORED\\** nah don't think saddistically I didin't bash the poor creature's brains out only her gutsxD ok serious stuff now ms feng did a demo on a male mouse(by popular request=.=) (sorrys I don't have the pics at the time being I'm now still in school and I didn't bring my phone's USB port and so yeah go to these blogs if you wanna see the details-> **//Katrina\\** or **//Christine\\**<- I'll upload them once I get home yupps I shall(: she stuck down pins on it and we all said she crucified it(cuz it really looks like itxD) poor thing dying for our sins although it knew nothing about the bad things we've all done hahah;DD them she cut the skin open with a scissors(no scapels people(: them separated the membrane enclosing the organs from under the skin then cut open the membrane AND ALL THE GUTS SPILLED OUT MUAHAHAHAHa nah that didn't really happen. thankgoodness they were all still rather intact oh yes there wasn't much blood thankgoodness (If there was I think loads of people would faint) anyway. the liver and heart looked so dark and that was cause majority of the blood was stored there. so if one of us were to accidentally puncture it, I'll leave it to your own imagination^^ so anyways back to ms Feng she poured water over the intestines so we cound see what was under them so the poor mouse was drowned in the mess of it's own guts, a little blood and a big puddle of water. *shivers* I still can't help but feel sorry for it being bred and raised only for scientific experiments *sighs* maybe outerspace aliens are using us for dissection experiments ewwws okayyye nevermind it's their problem not mine so anyway the mouse's testicles were bigger than it's BALLS! like... alotalotalot bigger so anyways we saw the: -bulbourtheral... whatever -epididymus -seminal vesicles -vas deferens -bladder -urethra (sorry if all these sound EXTREMELY alien to you, I can't help being in NUSHigh) so then we had to go and dissect our own mouses in groups. poor emman he didn't feel too well oh yes! before I forget ZF:*When Ms Feng was gonna dissect the mouse* Erm I don't feel too well Hurberg: I'll keep Zhan Feng company*Smiles* Me:ZF'S VEGETARIAN Everyone else:o.0 Me: *Thinks* and Hurberg's excuse for not watching the dissection is exteremely lame so anyway My group dissected a female the poor littel girl*Sighs* and Dillion cut up the mouse's head poor thing Ms Feng was furious (I MEANT THE MOUSE, not dillion) oh yes and I heard hilda didn't scream but cut the mouse up instead wow! Christine: It smells a little Me:I don't smell anything eh.*Continues pouring the water over the guts* christine: Hm. Maybe it's my nose that's sensitive... ........silence as I separate the guts................. Me:*looks up suddenly* Oh. Now I smell it the rest:Diao.o gahh then we have top draw what we saw in the mouse worth 28marks altoghether for two drawings o.0 okay kets go to today now xD CHEMTESSSSSTT!! looked kinda easy though... but I wouldn't bet on getting full marks o.o english.... slacked.... then break/lunch/electives time whatever played netball!! random voice: netball? me:YES NETBALL!! random voice: netball? Me: YES! AND TENNIS IN THE RAINx33 love that one although I sucked at tennis well... Me:*Hits a shot that, apparently, got in enough for dillion to return it in, but he hit it too low and it bounced on the net or something**Blurblur, stands there* o.0 Berton:Nice shot. Me: Huh? Oh. Really? and then later... Ben:*Hits the ball with a load of strength...* *....some word.....* *and the ball goes waaaa~yyyy out* *Says* SHITT! Me:*thinks* Uhhm... maybe... nevermind.*says*hit in next time! weird. the guys just cannot seem to hit the ball in properly. uhm sorry not in they cant hit it over the net o.0 at least I can hit it over the net... sometimesxD can't blame dillion, he's never played tennis before can't blame me, I've never played tennis before either heh excuses to cover up for us being so horrible at tennis angela and berton are, supposedly, pros!! anyway netball and tennis in the rain are oober fun! just like swimming in the rain! x33 they are now loved. (too bad can't swim in the rain while there's lighning... and come to think of it, can't play tennis or netball when there's lightning either o.0) hehs my shirt is still wet... and so are my shoes and my socks are sure to stink up the bus later so any of you who see me going up the bus later try to stay away cuz I think the rainwater just stunk up my entire uniform. (Heh then later I can get a seat in the bus! yayayayayxD) I suppose I can go now... damn I do hate journalism and always one of the 1st to goxD byebyes^^ |
and that's all you needa know. |
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,