It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight |
Monday, March 31, 2008, 3/31/2008 09:14:00 PM
Is it you? Is it you? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for...
Well so today was like... nothing happened at all. Of course not!! HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE!! Hope you liked the netball and the big bear and all the other cards we all got for you(: HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY YU QUAN!! What do you give a guy who has practically everything? NOTHING! Hahas joking(: Hope you totally enjoyed being THE BIRTHDAY BOY(: Okay so this will be the end of the month of March HELLOOOOO APRIL!!! The month of the exams): Guess I'll have to buck up dammit. They people held a truth and dare session in class today Just so happens that the bottle spun to Ben. And just so happens that I wasn't listening to what they said. So you could also imagine when I saw Ben knock into my table like, on purpose Then when I heard from Nar later that they actually dared Ben to walk right onto me, trip, fall, and kiss me(like, WTH?!) Yeah right I admire their cleverness. Cuz I was like, sitting on my chair at the table. So if he wanted to fall on me then he'd had to fall over my table first as there was someone beside me. Yeap, real clever. And during music Dr. Wong brought us all out(music week). Seesh had to do some stupid limbo thingy And this guy(sorry forgot name) was bloody pro He could bend his legs at the feet there outwards and go like freaking low down "Low low low low low...." ehhes(: *claps hands* I didn't really wanna do it, so freaking ambarassing when you cannot go down=.=" So then we went to the concourse to see the other stuffs on display And then she told us to sit on the ground "and leave no space"(: It just so happens that I was nicely sitting beside Mabelle And it just so happens that ZF was very smart And that he pushed Ben beside me. And, well Dillon, being Dillon was like "EH! Don't leave space arh!" Or something along that lines. Yeah right. Okay enough information. Shall stop elaborating. Today's swimming training. 18x100m freestyle at an average of 1min30s each lap. continuously. how wonderful(: Now I'm so sleepy, I don't really wanna go to the Yong Siew Toh conservatory of music for the concert tomorrow waste of my swimming training time Freakks Who's wearing what tomorrow can someone tell me? I really don't wanna appear there as the only person wearing school uniform 30mins, a blink of a night, 30mins to alter our lives, 30mins to make up my mind, 30mins to find me the sight, 30mins to whisper your name, 30mins to shoulder the blame, 30mins a bliss, turning lives.
Sunday, March 30, 2008, 3/30/2008 03:06:00 PM
I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating
Okay I'm creeped out My mum's now talking some sense into Ryan's(cousin) dad apparently, he got caught for, uh, I guess I'll classify this under personal. But all I'll say that he's in some trouble la kaye. So, He's suffering from depression(that's what they all say) and I think it's rather serious but his wife doesn't seem to care like what happened I think she does care la just doesn't show it. She's more like, happy-go-lucky type person but yeah, I can tell he's rather afraid such that he can't eat/sleep/drink or just do anything. but thanlfully he's getting better all kudos to my mum la talk so much sense into him say what "yao kan kai yi dian" that type thing Somehow I wish I can do something, but yeah sadly I cannot It's really horrible you know. and then my mum la. She hor, say so much about other people but like don't care about herself. OKay maybe she does but she doesn't show it. She's strong, going to work everyday when other people like her can't/don't But I guess she doesn't have a choice Somehow I don't think it's fair. and maybe that's why I don't have a dad(literally, I don't) but I'm really thankful to my godfather and my eldest uncle at least they show they care. Maybe after I get my Life-Saving one/two/three certs. then I can be a coach or during the december hoildays when I turn 14 can work already. I think 14 can work already la, or maybe 15 lor. Earn money la Seesh and my sis and Ryan are outside playing blackjack Lol just rub it in dudes. OKay now to me. ahhas I sound so ego. okay whatever. Training was kinda fun today usually sundays are "waste-time trainings' like cause Uncle alan always just tells us what to do then we go do the sets ourselves. today Gen and Lydia swam 76 laps in 100mins(including rest intervals) so that's : 3800m/100min= 38m/min gawdd that's slow. ohwells, we did 4 more laps of warm down just to make it a whole 80(4km) nice but then all the other were all slacking lo seesh nevermind them la. OKay so live-saving practice afterwards damn fun I but it was really fun(: like you had to make sure that the person you're 'saving' doesn't swallow water and doesn't panic. really it was fun(: come to think of it, I haven't seen sharley for a very long time since like last sunday I guess I heard she was sick, then i heard she went for camp =.=" maybe she was sick then became okay then went for camp. whatever I hope she's, not sick now. ahhaas. Oh ya. I learnt something from YingTeng today she said, "Hey Gen! Your eyes are sweating." cuz I had beads of water under my eyes. And I discovered that I had slow reaction, like I waited for 5s for it to sink in before saying "Yeah right." o.0 It'd be a perfect excuse for emo people when they cry. Emo person 1: Dude! You're crying?! Emo person 2: No... My eyes are sweating. Bwahhahhahaa.
Saturday, March 29, 2008, 3/29/2008 09:05:00 PM
Just take a look, through my eyes, there's a better place somewhere out there.
Lol when I saw this, the first thing that occured to me was mainly... WTFing hell this is so like WTF. ![]() Lets101 Quizzes - fun Myspace quiz I cannot imagine a coincidence like that. No wonder, a fucking 10% against a fucking 101% like really. When I saw 101% I was really like WTF who the HELL is this guy? Ahhas(: I really shouldn't date someone who is saggitarus. Lol it's like 101% against 1% wow I just love my birthdate dont you(: Well personally, I don't believe in astrology crap. No matter how large the coincidence is. so yeah you guys I know what you're thinking of cuz I'm a psychic mind reader(: so how bout another? ![]() Lets101 - Free Online Dating Lol. Look people. So many guys I meet fall in love with me so you should too(: ![]() Lets101 - Dating Free Online Okay I shall analize this. Heh dont mind me I'm being weird today and quiz-surfing(: So, "Dominant in relationships" Whatever. I kinda half-agree but I'm not gonna tell you why. It's personal. "Someone loves them right now" God loves me all the time so I think this is crap. "Always wants the last word" It's nice having the last word. It's not nice to say it when other people are not listening. "Caring. Smart. Loyal. Loud." Yeah right. Caring? Kind of if you know how I show it. Smart? Smart enough to be in NUSHigh. Loyal? People don't know me long enough. Loud? I can be extremely loud to the person behind me who is reading everything i type right now. "Easy to talk to." Maybe. "Everything you ever wanted." Yeah right. Depends on who wants me. "Easy to please." I dunno. I laugh at the things I get angry at like immediately after I get angry. So I don't stay angry for very long, I guess(: "The one and only." Who isn't? "Longs for freedom, rebellious when withheld or restricted." I hate being confined. But then, who does? "Lives by 'no pain no gain' rule." I agree with this. "Always a suspect." Reminds me of in primary school when someone accused me of stealing her pen. which is not true. And another time accused of something I didn't do. Excluding family because my mum is biased towards my sis. "Playful. Mysterious. Stubborn. Curious. Independent." Playful: being a kid again is nice(: Mysterious: I live in lala-land (yeah right) Stubborn: try me. Curious: not very. 'curiousity kills the cat' Independent: I'm 14 for heaven's sake. "Strong willed, a fighter." listen: losing might be in my vocab, but failure isn't(: Well I found that dumb. Didn't believe in a single crap it said. Purely coincidence. Lol I found all that from a friend's blog so Okay so today. French test. I 'mugged' like 1hour before the test because I reached school early and discovered that this time's one was really easy. Lol I can do directions(: Oh fuck. This morning my right upper arm hurt because of yesterday's swimming training. To which I shall not elaborate. (try thinking: 20x100m Indivd. Medley will ya?) and then I went to the gym in the afternoon. and now my right lower arms fucking hurts like hell. some nerve in it I guess. like, whenever I move it so it fucking hurts to type this post. so yeah and I've been pressing on it to help try relieve the pain but it fucking doesn't help. but it kinda got worse now i'm feeling a fiery buring sensation. Okay enough about that. Now for some things that I forgot HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY YU JIA! Sorry this was late ehhes(: and, HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY NICKY! even though you don't know who I am(: gawwd. there's so many birthdays in March. and there's two more coming up on the last day of march. zzzz If i were to buy presents I'd go broke. but I didn't go broke cuz I didn't buy O.o ehhes don't worry I'll get something for the both of them though(: maybe I'd do up to here. can't wait for training tomorrow. LIFE-SAVING COURSE(:
Friday, March 28, 2008, 3/28/2008 03:07:00 PM
Just join the crowd dude(:
Gawd this is tres kawaii ![]() Ahhas(: Lol I just realised that I used jap and french together. whatever bleahxD OKay so now I'm in I feel so dumb to say this but... I PONNED JOURNALISM FOR 30MINS to put my terrarium at the track there. Ahhas. that was dumb. Gahh I feel so bored. Oh shit I just realised I'm probably boring you all out too. hehs. OKay let's start on my terrarium It looks kinda nice, uh I guess. It doesn't have a small synthetic pond like the others do... And it only has like, WTF two organisms a spider and a few grasshoppers. so yeah and there are some plants and a half-eaten apple that grew moldy and the spider spun a web on it. Nar's and Joelle's group one looks nice, it even has a real pond but sadly all the water seeped out even though they put rocks around it. Ben and Dillion's group was really nice too, they caught this gigantic big grasshopper about 10cm in length and had a whole load of crickets and DEAD mealworms. and I guess it was really heavy because they put in two Cheryl Lit+Lin's group one is kinda good too. But they copied us by putting a half-eaten apple. ahhas(: But Melvin's group was PARTIALLY screwed. just because TZY's mommy came in with soil that they weren't that screwed Lol show some respect and thank your mommy you big lump of fat. Seesh all the other groups one have got ponds in them just mine don't have): Ohwells, at least we weren't screwed(: Uhm then... seesh now I have to decorate the CCA board. Bleah most people will just slack off lah. so who cares dammit. Oh ya I forgot. Chem test today I shall be egoiste and say that, "CHEM TEST WAS right but I'm not that ego so I shall say, "Okay la can pass can liao." Hmm I sound like Angela and today's chem lesson Mass spectrum or some chemistry shit that I still don't understand. so yeah. And in english lesson, MR SIM WASN'T HERE cuz he was sick ahhas so we all just slacked off loh. watched the guys at ryan's table beside mine crapping away. Lol then halfway or so Ben went to play with his tennis racket bouncing the ball on the frame then I suddenly remembered that Ryoma was once doing the same thing. like, as in this scene he was sitting on the bench and drinking his ponta(as very usual) during this day when there was a competition between Seigaku and Fudoumine(however you spell it) and Ryoma was gonna play against Shinji Ibu. then the Fudoumine team came walking by Andobviously they passed by Ryoma And Shinji was bouncing the tennis ball on the frame of the racket and Ryoma was doing the same thing. So it was like both sides bouncing... bouncing... bouncing Ryoma with his cocky attitude and Shinji had squares appearing on his temples.(like anime square) And they fought so yeah it was funny. Ahhas deja vu. And then some other time(later) Ben(again) wanted to mark his tennis ball so that it wouldn't get lost/stolen/->insert whatever here<- and I got reminded of PoT again hahhas. Where Sakuno drew Ryoma's face on the ball I thougt that was real dumb like, everytime you hit the ball you're hitting his face dammit stupid sakuno. so whatever she lost the ball Sadly. Then Ryoma found it. Normally And he asked her if he could keep it. Gladly. Lol so dumb. And all the way Sakuno was like blushing as red as a tomato and Tomoko was squealing Ryoma's name so loud and so often I switched off my sound speaker and read the subtitles instead. Ahhas. Okay I think that's more or less it. Oh ya I feel like adding this in The other time when we just watched finish step up 2 and came out of the cinema and went into the toilet all those phones that rang all had flo Rida's "Low" as their ringtone. so, we got so pissed off that all 4 of us decided to put our ringtone as Flo Rida's "Low" Ahhas just join the crowd dude(:
Thursday, March 27, 2008, 3/27/2008 10:59:00 PM
We're just that dense to not realise it under our noses
Sorry long time no post hehhs okay short intro Yanni's ego can beat yours but it CANNOT beat mine HA. Yanni can make Gen have abs but SO SAD you don't have xP Hahs so yeah Hahas Okay so Bio and Physics exams are now officially over I screwed up physics and stupid bio had a 20mark Question as the LAST question Lol how dumb is that. Hah. okay I gtg soon. Mum calling. I still don't get physics 2102. yeah and there's still chemistry test tomorrow yeap screwed. hehs I really don't wanna go for CCA tomorrow. TODAY GEN STONED IN THE CLASSROOM PLAYING TRUTH/DARE WITH THE PEOPLE FOR 15MINS INTO FRENCH. And made the rest of the class wait. Lol so sorry guys we made you wait. Writing your name backwards is fun Eveiveneg Enna Rekeseik Hahs that's so random Okay gotta go bbies^^ (PS. uhm guys? I think my snail is dead it didn't move for so long I hope it's still alive. And I DO hope that MELVIN does his own recording)
Saturday, March 22, 2008, 3/22/2008 09:49:00 PM
If you wanted something so much you'd do anything, God's the one who ignores you.
Hahs I'm watching an Eiji AMV on youtube now and it's damn cute and the song's damn nice. Seesh boy that was random. Okay whatever. History project today. Completed the script Wanted to do the filmings but yanni wasn't here so we could only do scene 3 which was the shortest bleah. can someone tell us how screwed are we? the deadline is on monday. nah nevermind I'll tell myself. GEN YOU'RE BLOODY SCREWED. yeh. Okay so next week: Monday: -Chinese zuo ye 6 and 9 due. -History project due -Math quiz 5 on circles Tuesday: -Friday's timetable. Period. Wednesday: -Biology 2101 Exam -Physics 2101 Exam -Jay's birthday -Da Gu's birthday -Piano: learn new song cuz I bloody chose three 'dance' songs for my exams. Thursday: -History project presentation Friday: -Seal the Biology terrarium. Saturday: -French Test 2. GAHHH!! almost everyday's filled with stuff that I havent done or haven't bothered to do or just don't want to do. Especially wednesday tell the truth, I haven't started on my physics revision. how sweet I'm gonna fail. My last physics test only got 27.5/50 how wonderful and bloody zhi yang got bloody full marks. And Bio. Hell I almost finished bio studying but I can't remember a single thing. Gahh. this is so not nice. and the bloody terrarium Ms Fong gave us the terrarium late by almost a week or something, and she only gave us an extra day to hand it up. oh that's very nice of her. THERE's SO MANY THINGS DUE NEXT WEEK. ahhas I think I kind of freaked nicholas out today well that was wonderful. now the exams are all squeezed into week 5 or week 6 or something like that and I know that now's like a tiny little too early to think about this but won't week 8, 9 and 10 be like, completely free? wth. ahhha this week I ran out to run twice in 3 days each time like 7km to 8km. Lol that's alot. and 300 situps a day. Lol I was like bloody bored to death or something. And today i even went to gym. I HAVENT SWAM SINCE TUESDAY BECAUSE OF THE BLOODY RAINS AND GOOD FRIDAY AND BEING BUSY. this is so gay. blah and I run so much more often now that my 2.4km run is like 11.something minutes already. boookkooookokokoaskoadkosksa whatever. and I also did like so much stretching that my palms can go flat on the floor when I touch my toes without bending my knees. hahs nice training for my NAPFA but I'll suck at shutter run. I can do short D. sprints. Period. okay I gotta go. swimming tomorrow and history project. someone pray that it doesn't rain and I'll be eternally grateful. I miss my chlorine water so much.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 3/19/2008 07:29:00 PM
It's getting way offhand.
I'm really tired.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 3/18/2008 10:26:00 PM
The one person who wasn't supposed to let us down probably will.
Okay i've got 5mins till CSI starts. Holy crap I still haven't got any revision done for either one of my two subjects. this is hell I should have started studying earlier SHIT. Oh wells. Goodluck to me Goodluck to me... Hell. Johnathan and jerome keep telling me my strokes suck and my plunging suck and my butterfly kicks underwater sucks and even Uncle phillip also keeps saying my strokes are horrible. seesh I feel so downgraded especially since i JUST CANNOT hit 30s for my free 50m. DAMN. then jerome keep suaning me about how even the slowest girls in ACE still can beat me. OKAY I KNOW I AM SLOW. then still say until like that. So now I really feel like transferring club to ACE or something better and wondering if I actually should. i mean, the training's better than warren(no offense) perhaps I can improve faster, who knows? but then ACE has morning trainings, I guess, so I'll have to wake up like very early. AND NOW I CANNOT FIND ANY INFO ON ACE LA DAMMIT. seesh I feel so pissed off at myself. cuz I really wanna improve and I cannot just count on johnathan and jerome but on myself as well. Ohwells, wait till I build up my mental strength first I know the training's extremely tough. Ohwells. I'll do whatever it takes to improve. Je sais la formation dure, mais je ferai celui qu'il prenne pour s'ameliorer.
I can't help it if it keeps staring in my face
Bored, so I thought I'd do some quizzes! (bahha I'm supposed to really be studying for bio and physics SHHH!!!) From sharley's blog: A: hot B: loves people C: good kisser D: makes people laugh E: has gorgeous eyes F: people wild and crazy adore you G: very outgoing H: easy to fall in love with I: loves to laugh and smile J: is really sweet K: really silly L: has a smile to die for M: makes dating fun N: can kick the shit out of u O: has one of the best personalities ever P: popular with all types of people Q: a hypocrite R: good boyfriend or girlfriend S: cute T: very good kisser U: is very sexual V: not judgmental W: very broad minded X: never let people tell you what to do Y: is loved by everyone Z: can be funny and dumb at times so my name: G: very outgoing(maybe) E: has gorgeous eyes(maybe not) N: can kick the shit out of u(HA yes I CAN) V: not judgmental(ehhe probably) I: loves to laugh and smile(YAY I DOxD) A: hot(uhm. No comment) K: really silly(true true) S: cute(still no comment) R: good boyfriend or girlfriend(no comment) Lol my name has so many repeated initials it becomes Genvi A Ksr. Blog-surfed, and these two pics(by sharley) were just like... o.O deja vu.
Oh. Just so to let you know I remembered(sorry if it's late...) HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY CLARISSA! I HEREBY GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BE EGO FOR AN ENTIRE DAY SINCE I DIDN'T POST THIS ON 150308. I don't know why but your name makes me feel yellowey.
Saturday, March 15, 2008, 3/15/2008 10:35:00 PM
"Even an angel can end up fallen, so don't you cry because you're crawling"
Some reminiscence... (Please don't mind this post, I'm just being an idiot here.) It's been exactly a year plus 1 day, 365 days + 1 leap day I'm supposed to have totally forgotten But somehow as today draws closer I remember it better And then that got me wondering, if he does too But then, what good does it do for him to remember? Just like it's totally useless remembering it. It feels just like waking from a wonderful dream, short, yet long like forever at the same time. And when you wake, it's almost automatically inside your head, but the more you try to think about it, the more it slips away. Then, I could be thinking how much I needed him, But now when I look back, I only think of the idiot I was. "Go knock some senses into that big head of yours, stupid! He never thought of you like that before. Never did and never will" Go on with life then, he isn't worth that much. I guess you should know, or maybe you don't I've long forgotten about you, and I don't intend to remember anything. But I won't forget this sweet dream that you and I once shared I won't cry because it's over, I'll hold my word for that. But I'll hold that memory and smile, because it had once happened. And I'll thank you for being the first(: HOLY CRAP I FORGOT TO DO THE MUSIC QUIZ THINGY AS I WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO FORGET AND NOT CHECK MY NUSHIGH EMAIL THINGY AND I KNOW THAT IF I DO IT TODAY AND SEND IT IN TO DR EMILLA WONG OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL HER NAME SHE WILL NOT GIVE IT HALF A DAMN ABOUT THE PRECIOUS TIME I TOOK TO DO ALL THE TWENTY SECTIONS OF THE PART 6 THAT I COULD HAVE SPENT STUDYING PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY FOR THE EXAM TWO WEEKS LATER AND SCOLD ME LIKE HELL ON THE NEXT MONDAY AND MOST LIKELY SHE WILL CONSIDER GIVING ME A FAILING GRADE FOR THE ENTIRE MODULE AND THERE GOES BYEBYE TO MY AIM OF HAVING AT LEAST A 4.0o FOE MY CAP THIS SEMESTER AND I SHALL HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WHOLE SEMESTER TO GET 4.oo AGAIN BUT HECK WHO CARES I KNOW MY PHYSICS WILL KILL ME ALREADY SO I REALLY DON'T CARE BUT I STILL HATE MYSELF FOR MY CARELESSNESS AND THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH MY NUSHIGH EMAIL NOT HAVING A BLOODY ALARM LIKE MY MSN EMAIL ALTHOUGH I REALLY WISH IT DOES. Oh God Gen don't you just love your memory. PS. I really hope that somehow Dr. Wong would come by and read this post so that she would mark my online music quiz as my music tests have been failing rather badly and come to realise that I really need these extra marks.
Sunday, March 09, 2008, 3/09/2008 10:15:00 PM
"Konnichiwa, boku wa ZhouJieLun-des"
heh I find that whenever I go to my own blog, I notice that the first thing I do is to turn off the music cuz I'm sian of it and that got me wondering of the rest of the world does it too. o.0 okay so today 100m freestyle and 4 x 100m IM relay. I sucked. 100m free was 1min12.55s 34.27s 1st lap and 38.28s 2nd lap. 4x100m relay I did freestyle. 1min15s sucky timing. Ah well. I'll do better last time. okay another bloody mood-spoiler for 50m freestyle, out of the 36 people that swam, I came in 32nd. oh gosh how wonderful. and 100m free? 27th put of the 28 that swam don't I just love my timings(: ghheeyyy I have to print out something urgently and my bloody printer dies on me. argh and I still have piano homework to do for tomorrow. oh yes and I'm correction to my previous post, the third last picture with out tourguide that one, it's actually the last day there not the first. don't ask about the bubblegum it should be obvious and the entire group photo thingy was our first dinner, not 1st breakfast. there sharley. don't blame me, my memory has always been that good.
Saturday, March 08, 2008, 3/08/2008 10:16:00 PM
Holidays are here. Holiday holiday holiday holiday holiday heh
Oh yes. and yesterday marked the end of the wonderful first term of school damn on Monday i'm so gonna forget that it is a holiday that I'll wake up at 6.30am anyway. so, we got our end-of-term presents 2 fantastic tests in a row. chem and english chem was okay didn't really bother printing out the notes off espace so gonna get alot lower than expected. oh shoot. Imbufe's leaving us. sobsobsob): English was okay they gave us this compo, and told us to write a summary of it in 250 words, and write either a sequel, something else, and something else(please I'm just too lazy to put in the title) so I wrote what will happen if the girl actually becomes a piano prodigy. some story, rushed out in 45mins. it's short, about how the reporter asked her to be a piano performer or something, then she declined. i made her out to be an ass, so no offense to Mr. Sim who will be reading my assy story. later, played netball with the class. heh seems we love netball now. I still cannot shoot a net. but thankfully I shot one yesterday. HA lucky one la. seesh. kept bumping into people, I distinctly remember Hurberg stepping on my foot, cuz it really hurt. ah well. Shao Hao also played that ah well. basketballersx_X Journalism next. Updated some photos of the manila trip/competiton last year. I'll get it up here. ![]() Last night there, Sharley Joy Me and the philipino girls swimmers. We were exchanging gifts on the last night. I remember it was the "concert night" or something. ![]() Joy, Me, Sharley, Myran and Shi Da The first storey of the hotel- eurgh more like 5 star dump- we ![]() If I had a chance, I'd take a photo of how much Myran could EAT and show it up here. but most likely my memory would go flat so I couldn't. yes that's how much he ATE. I never really could understand why he's still so skinny that has gotta be a skill he should teach everyone. ![]() let me name all of them Back to front, Left to right Shi Da, Myran, Uncle Thomas(coach) and Uncle Goi(sharley's dad) Uncle damien, me, Joy, sharley and Auntie Goi(sharley's mom) Ha look at joy's red lips. according to her, it always goes red whenever she leaves the country. Hahs ![]() Hah me and sharley.
xD Hmmms. I kinda miss my ex-hairstyle.
Gosh i really miss those 5 days and 4 nights in Manila<33
"No matter when you call me at night, I'll be there all the time"
Okay. today's swimming officially sucked SUCKED. all capital letters, that much worth of suckyness. Morning bloody forgot to bring my bloody goggles and bloody cap. had to rush to buy a new pair of both. screwed cap was a little too tight and to sillicon-ny screwed goggles with degree too high it made me giddy in the water so while in the water I kept looking at the ground to reduce the giddyness of turning here and there with over-degree-ed goggles. go try it. I can safely say that they make you EXTREMELY giddy until you get used to it. and I spent 32.91s to swim 50m freestyle which is so out my my league, and thinking why the hell is the floor so close to me. ARGGHHH!!! wasted two seconds off my time. two seconds of thinking what a complete ass I was to forget my most important swimming gear. HOW TO SWIM WITHOUT GOGGLES AND CAAAPP?? ehhh wasted. seesh even Lydia Joy and Sharley did faster than me. Goooosh I think there's something wrong with me. cannot seem to be able to swim properly for the past few weeks for some reason, i cannot hit 31s no matter what I do. or how hard I try. gehh there's seriously something wrong. I don't care i'm going to overcome this problem and hit 30s AGAIN. I DONT care how hard I'm going to train until I hit 30s AGAIN. eurgh CANNOT let lydia sharley and joy catch up with me. ARGGGHHH Afternoon 4 x 100m freestyle relay 1st-Me 2nd-Joy 3rd-Sharley 4th-Lydia not bad for all of us. at least we didn't get last HA 4min 53s I did 1min 13s lydia did 1min 13s also I can remember how much did sharley and joy do. eeek so sorry I didn't see the board): ahh well. Inter-school's coming next in July I don't care i'm going to PING my all for this one and get into top 8 again. yes I will just you see. And oh yes, I found these quotes off the backs of some of the swimmers' shirts, and I find them very true. well, for me. "7 days of no swimming makes one weak" "We swim because we are too sexy for any other sport that requires clothes"
Monday, March 03, 2008, 3/03/2008 08:06:00 PM
If there was anything there at all, there'd be something left
freak. there's so many tests this week Math Physics Chem English wakkkakaka that's a hella lot freak SNAG's getting closer found I'm swimming on the 8th and 9th of March 50m Free 100m Free 4x100m Medley Relay 4x100m Freestyle Relay with my besties. shoot. They're choosing good swimmers for the YOG, the Olyimpics, and the SEA games. dammit. no wonder the timings that they set were so high just look IM- 2min56s okay I know I'm slow but I can't hit that bloody time I don't care I'm gonna hit it next year. BLEAAH I'M SO SLOOOWWWW I don't care gotta be faster next year I wanna swim at the YOG damn do I sound too ambitious? heh. played netball today rained a little then stopped then rained a little again then stopped then rained extremely heavily LOL the guys were, how to say... rough. but fun. Ha. Self-contradictory. whatever bumped into a load of people a load of times e.g.
Dillon(alot, don't know why), Hurberg(quite a few times), Ben(not really. But I think from his point of view I just suddenly appeared in front of him or something) and a whole lot of other people. Weird. When Dillon first came in that time, I almost immediately crashed into him. Him being the first person I bumped into during that game, and me being the first person who bumped into him during that game. Can't blame me. I was gonna catch the ball, then I saw him running in and about to catch the ball too then the next thing I knew I saw white everywhere. No I didn't faint. His shirt was white. Dumb lahhs. "Emman:*catches a ball, turns around* Joelle:* Was originally in front of Emman, but she ran away just as he caught the ball.* Me:*Seeing Joelle running away, I ran in* Emman threw the ball to someone, and I happened to catch it. Emman: WHAT THE HELL SO TALL! Me:*thinking: I've always been tall, why's he complaining about it now? But that was before I heard what Emman said. Emman:*laughingly* LOL I thought Joelle suddenly became so tall." Heh. okayye this was Dumbb. yes that's a CAPITAL LETTER and two 'b''s worth of DUMBness. "Emman: *threw the ball to me* Me: Huh? *thinking: why the hell did he throw it to me. Then-* Emman: OH SHEEET I THOUGHT YOU WERE BEN!" I have no comments on this For the second time in the same day, I have been mistaken to be two different people by the same person. Geez I must really look like a lot of people. Either that or Emman has to change his glasses. |
and that's all you needa know. |
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,