Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 4/30/2008 03:41:00 PM
I just checked my results and went "WTF???!!!" let's take a look, some of them not yet out so yeah... BL2101 Bio Assignments: A- Pracs:A- Quiz: A+ Class participation: B-!!!! Lol Ms Feng you meanie gave me B- for CP not like I fell asleep in class): uhh. Maybe I did. whatever. CH2101 Higher CheeenaAssignments, kou yu cheng xian: B+ Compo: C+!!!! Si han: B Ting xie: A+ Ce yan: B Overall: B Gahh stoopid compo can never seen to write properly dammit. oh well. B for chinese, not very good): EL2103 English Group project: A(cool) listening: B+ Mid-sem test: A- Class participation: A+ !!!! Lol. Mr Simmmm..... HY2102 History Assignments: A- Class Participation: A Project: A- Tests/quizzes: A- Overall: A- not bad siahhs(: I'm in a better mood already MA2108 Maths CP: A+ File: A+ Project: B): Quiz: A- Test: A+ Overall: A Cool(: MU2111 Music overall: A- thank goodness I though I'd FAILLLL..... I feel so much better after looking at my marks, especially after MR SIM and MR LEE gave me A+ for CP(: Gahh so sao xing Ms Feng gave me a B- for CP): godd I can't tell the difference.sense the sarcasm.
"I'm so divided in 2, will someone please tell me what should I do?"
OOOOOHHH~ only one exam left and that's on friday WOOOT~ finally FRIDAY=205 DAY= CLASS OUTIING DAY((: Maaannn can't wait... now I cannot get bio into my head. Chem was okay, and I hate pickles one exam question came out on pickles(o.o) and asked why the salted pickle can conduct electricity. I HATE PICKLES AND I THINK IT'S A STOOOOPID QUESTION. English was okayye... I kinda liked the story in front. History was... Oh shit. Didn't finish the paper. Math was... Oh shit. Don't know how to do the internal angles question. OKAYYYE. Yesterday...
"Wow. So clear." -Emman. "Ryan can you PLEASE take off your shirt?" "Annunya(sp?) can you PLEASE rape Ryan?" ahhas LOL. Jokeee.... FREE B&J's ICE CREEAAAAMMM!!!
yummmy((: At first we went to Dempsey to get'em, we all walked in like what a straight line and in the reflection we looked like tourists travelling around cuz Dempsey was where most of the AngMohs live. but the Dempsey outlet was the ONLY OUTLET that didn't give away free ice cream>:(  (we were trying to look damn pissed, but, yeah.) Well, at least we got free water! think positive!! I filled up my bottle ehhes(: so we decided to go to The Cathay at orchard.  Bussed to Orchard...  Zik's our new pro photographer yupps(: so yeah when we saw the queue (below)  And look at the queue it's so freakking LOOOOO~ng, but still we each queued twice^^ (although we were like scolding the people who were as inconsiderate as to queue twice, we queued twice ANNYWAYYEE) whalao what a put-offer but actually it went quite fast(: and the guys ditched us there cuz ZF had to go for third lang, and the rest I have no idea. so WHATEVER we ate $10 worth of free B&J's and YOU DIDN'T NYAHAHHA we did some chem mugging in the long queue. and some other school people were just like :0 "gosh they're mugging here????" eeeek I know feel like a nerd dammit. but we cant help it if we have exams the next day): geez I can't wait for Friday 9am FREEDOOOOMMMM!!!! I mugged very hard you knoww.... SpeechDay mugging... with Angla's sis they all... I have the sweet company of my CJ7 and my bear(: Bear's confused with chinese... o.o 
Gahh(: At least that's all gonna be over on friday(:
Last french lesson before the exam... Madame's going away and the next teacher I hope it wont be a guy teacher xP.
Blah I look weird. Sankar's trying to stake his tongue. Eww don't you know how dirty that sword is?
 Sankar did a funny face :P
Ohh the 4 of us took first then we realised the rest were still there AHHAHS(:
 Don't you think Mabs is just THE ADORABLEST??
 J-O-Y angels x3 Be JOYful^^
SAM: "Kick ME!" on my pinafore.
Have some caramel-flavoured yummy chocolate while mugging^^
Kiss-a-pole-at-the-playground-near-Shermaine's-house. Muackks pole ILOVEYOUU(: And on that sweet note, I shall end off for now^^ bbies(:
Monday, April 28, 2008, 4/28/2008 03:56:00 PM
"I touch your hand; a hollogram"
Exam today was "holy sheeeet, I only wrote one paragraph in 30 FREAKKING MINUTES." Chionged out compo, but I think I wrote better than the past few times, cuz I've been chionging reading out compos to improve my vocabs. Wonderful. didn't finish the chinese paper 2. left the last question blank, and guessed out all the MCQ. All of them. Physics was easier than expected. last question on magnets was a primary school question :D MCQ was retarded. for example... Which statements is/are correct? 1.(wrong) 2.(correct) 3.(correct) 4.(correct) 5.(wrong) ans: 1. 1 and 5 2. 1 and 3 3. 2, 3 and 4 4. All of the above. LOL. So damn obvious right. I just read the first statement and the rest were just cancelled out. wonderful :D Okay gotta go study, and better remind myself not to snack so much while studying, gotta save some space for the fats that are gonna pour in tomorrow when I eat a hundred thousand trillion million billion skadjkasjdksajdkasdjksa tonnes and gallons of FREE BEN&JERRYS ICE CREAM xDD
Friday, April 25, 2008, 4/25/2008 04:01:00 PM
If winning isn't everything, then why do they keep scores?
y'all know what day TODAY ISSSS???? Prince of Tennis OVA 19 (and maybe OVA 20?) is coming out TODAYY!~!! gawwddd. waited so long since the OVAs 18, YAY(: I really cannot get tired of my Eiji x33 I've read the manga, so I think I'll get roughly what the raw japanese version is talking about(: Okay now back to exam mood): French exam tomorrow, and I haven't studied. Tell me I'll die tomorrow sheeet. I find this song really nice(: Moonlight Shadow-DDR The last that ever she saw him, Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
He passed on worried and warning, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Lost in a riddle that Saturday night , Far away on the other side.
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight And she couldn't find how to push through.
The trees that whisper in the evening, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Sing a song of sorrow and grieving, Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun, Far away on the other side. He was shot six times by a man on the run and she couldn't find how to push through.
I stay, I pray See you in heaven far away. I stay, I pray See you in heaven one day.
Four a.m. in the morning, Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
I watched your vision forming Carried away by a moonlight shadow
Stars roll slowly in a silvery night, Far away on the other side. Will you come to terms with me this night, and she couldn't find how to push through
The last that ever she saw him, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. He passed on worried and warning, Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Caught in the middle of a hundred and five. The night was heavy and the air was alive, But she couldn't find how to push through.carried away, by a moonlight shadow, those two words really go so well together(: oky back to mugging gahh. bbies(:
Thursday, April 24, 2008, 4/24/2008 05:47:00 PM
The rainbow looks dull without your love
Stoopid. I can't do maths coordinate geometry Q1. wanted to ask Mr Lee but my bloody IMAC computer made my hotmail die on me >.< Say it, I'm dead. Yes I am. Dead tired of mugging for an entire day. This day was rather muggful fruitful did chem/chinese and math mugging, all except math I was stuck on a question for more than an hour>.< Lol. Caitlin's blog: pigs have 30 minutes of orgasm. whatever, so long for what? See??A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. what I'd said. o.0A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. I'm still not over the pig.Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour THAT SIMPLE? People, don't try at home, please. Maybe at your enemy's house and see what's their expression xPThe flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. 30 minutes..lucky pig! Can you imagine? Oh wow, then how far would that be for a pig?The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. What's so nice to eat at the bottom of the pond? That's like 26,999 taste buds wasted.Some lions mate over 50 times a day. pigs are still better...quality over quantityButterflies taste with their feet. I wonder what my socks taste likeThe strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. wow. I really never knew.Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. How bout those who can use both? -9 years ahhasahhashaElephants are the only animals that cannot jump. EARTHQUAKE PEOPLE!! THAT ELEPHANT IS PLAYING SKIPPING ROPEA cat's urine glows under a black light. quote hilda: buut you didn't ask us to use common sense to do this testAn ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. If I can't see you, you can't see me either.Starfish have no brains so do jellyfishesPolar bears are left-handed. If they switch, they'll live a lot longerHumans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. What about that pig?! 30 FREAKKING MINUTES ROFLMAO\.emmms. nothing else to say... Ohwells. I should really stop blogging for a while. bbies(:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 4/23/2008 08:25:00 AM
"I'm sorry, so sorry it's like this"
BOO PEOPLES. Wo.Chao.Jiu.Mei.Blog.Le. Did I miss anything? ;D So, exams are coming likr real soon, we only have speech day/reading days/weekends/labour day to do all our studying for exams 6 days of entirely HARDCORE MUGGING. wonderful, I feel so sian just thinking about it. damn I'm never gonna last cuz what's on my head right now is class tee/class outing/class chalet that's gonna happen RIGHT AFTER THE EXAMS like WOOOOOOOTxD!! hee(: oh ya. History test/quiz results. 14/20 not too bad, and 17/20 the quiz was chicken Just forgot some stuffs that made me lose that 3 marks>.<" And on monday last day of music Dr. Wong let us watch a hilariously twisted movie. Ace Venturer? Damn funny was laughing all the way from the start to the right endd of the movie. Go watch it believe me, you wont be disappointed. fantastic for those who are really in need of a good laugh. don't what to say now, except that I slept during the speech day prize giving/principal's speeches. what can I say? it was damn boring, and I was stitting right at the outside and was listening to my earphones and the DM didn't get me. 0.o '05 pwns. 7 awards for top in level, and TZY got 3 of them. needless to say, the three sciences. Hell, go give the $150 to your mummy and thank her for all her help you ....... nevermind. French is coming, and I haven't started studying. Congratz to me people. damn I really shouldn't be blogging so much right now. But really, HARDCORE MUGGING SUCKS. like, alot.
Thursday, April 17, 2008, 4/17/2008 08:37:00 PM
;D HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY SHERMAINENAHH!Hope love my present yeaah(: It's so kawaii rigghtt(: ehhes xD! The other time I forgot to put in this: My lovely chinese test 2 got a wonderful 52/80Ahhas so horrible, and my comprehension got 9.5/28 so lovely failed so badly(: and today math quiz 6 got 8/10. still can la. but I don't get the point in graphs>.< Whatever. I wonder if Shermaine found a nice blogskin(:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 4/16/2008 10:34:00 PM
"Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep."
CHEM TEST TODAY WAS EESSAAYY.... totally chicken la. I'M HAPPY TODAY(: my lovely physics test got 31.5/40 YAYxD and my lovely physics quiz got 12/16 ehhes not so good, but it was crapp anyway and my lovely physics assignment 3 got 15.5/20 not so good either full of careless mistakes. God I feel so proud of my physics(: and now I'm supposed to be doing the plot of the "to kill a mockingbird" easy la should be able to finish it in 30mins with the help of the internet(: whatever. sheeet french project performance 'rehearsal' tomorrow. and I still have no idea what am I supposed to say o.o and we're gonna perform it for the other class on saturday. which means waking up earlier =.= ahhwells. oww. and today's swimming I kept running my right hand over the rope. and now there's a bruise. again. gahh. oh whatever. exams are coming(and ENDING) soon yeahhs people come let's all study hard together(: 2/05/08 -> lovely 205 DAY! ;DD ( I don wanna reshuffle):)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 4/15/2008 05:14:00 PM
"It's a lot like Romeo and Juliet... It feels like something's happening to me"
Waha Shermaine's bday party thingy was funn(: Esther you're just TEH GREEATESST to play TRUTH AND DARE with xD! Shermaine you old wetblanketahhas lovesloves the cake was yumm(:and the durian puffs were just ohheavenwonderful xD! I'll upload pictures sometime later. Yesterday was just LOLOLOLOL ahhhas I just cut my hair and they all called me porcupine-head(: well I think that porcupines are cute(:funny lahh... andandand Dillon. "why is ben so emo today? cuz gen got chicken hair"ahhhas joke la they all. and today my hair's all flattened. lol no more porcupine): history tesstt... was not bad. chinese ying yong wen test... not bad too. sheet tomorrow got chem test and haven't mugged yett): gonna DIIE tonight. SHEEESH THEY ALL DAO MEEE!!! how could you hmphh):< okayokay whatever shall not complain WHATEVER. Yanni's so nice to crapp/complain/be dao-ed with(:
Sunday, April 13, 2008, 4/13/2008 09:45:00 PM
HELLOOOO PEEPS Aahsgahsgahsghas Can't write much now... JUST..... HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY RYAN OUR MENTOR REPP(:you chubchub/cutie/pencil-case-let-other-people-thrower((:
Saturday, April 12, 2008, 4/12/2008 03:05:00 PM
BooYAH people. Today's post is just to say: HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY DILLON CHEW!!!ehhes happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to dillon happy birthday to YOUU(: *EDITEDo.o* OKay back from swim training. (sjhdjassakdjaks don't feel bad that I train more than you xD) Johnothan(shit how do I spell his name?) was not very nice today will not elaborate he gave us a really hard set, that after I finished my arms, mouth(LOL) and everywhere else was shaking so bad that tears (almost) fell from my eyes. God. That type of training ROCKKSI love that feeling you get when you push yourself even when you know you body can't take it anymore. Jerome:" PUSH YOURSELF! MIND OVER BODY" I agree with that. It's been such a long time since I felt so tired after training. Johnothan-person-guy-coach really rocks. Oh. and I freakking dragged my hand over the stoopid rope so often now there's a bruise on the first knuckle of my left hand. yeowch. And I really don't get my mom. Everytime she sees me train(like not very hard) and afterwards I'm still full of energy, she complains that I didn't push myself enough. Then when I train extremely hard(like today) and feel extremely tired afterwards, she complains that I train too hard and will spoil my body. so in both circumstances, she will dao me the entire day I mean, what's HER problemthis cannot that also cannot. *Sighs* Oh ya. I shall add this in I haven't done my english group presentation thingy yet but I'm gonna do it now. Bad news: I'm really sleepy. Good news: is there a good news? Freakk. And they gladly changed the Chem test 2 to be a common test, on the 16th, wednesday which totally sucks cuz I we wont have time to study. Cheerios people.
Friday, April 11, 2008, 4/11/2008 11:00:00 PM
HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY ISABELLE DARLING!Ehhes you love my present don't you(: Seesh maybe i should have gotten purple. Anyway. that johnothan person is damn sick. "so my sperm has passed on to you" "i'll get you another sperm cap so i can pair up with you"Ahhas lol. French tomorrow, and now i'm sleepy. Shall sleep now gnites people(:
"Do you believe do you believe in magic?"
Okay. Journalism is ending, so I'll make this a rushed post. And I thought that I should CHANGE A NEW SKIN!!!Gosh I just love this skin. Ha I ponned shermaine in finding a new skin((: okay so today Chem was just HUHWHATTHEHELLISSHETALKINGABOUT????I just exploded into a spammage of question marks. I don't really like the teacher she can't teach properly. Mr. Imbufe ROCKSBut if we had him for our teacher this time, we'd all fail the exams o.o but he's still better than HER. Okay never mind. I just can't get over 'THE DUKE OF HAZARD'he was HILARIOUS. English was slackking period later. Did only a summary in 1h 30mins. Cool eh. Then lunched and netballed wonderful(: Bleah. Got distracted halfway somewhere, and freakking fell down on my ankle. Yeowch that bloody hurt. Ahhwell, I bumped into someone while trying to catch the ball, so can't be helped and I HATE MY SHOE(s) been wearing it for 3 years so the structure in it is spoilt so whenever I lean too much on any side I fall over. Simple. And Emman threw a hard ball in my face. nothing's wrong la, just knocked my jaw really hard but it doesn't hurt. Somehow I think that I have a very high pain tolerant or whatever you call that. don;t know why though, I just find that whatever people think should be really really really painful is not pain at all. like, AT ALLzippo. hmm, I conclude I'm weird. And, Today's a lucky day. Gen managed to score 4 shots(: I never could aim before=.=" Oh ya. And.... SOMEONE has been reading my blogs, but that certain SOMEONE never tags me "Math must be very easy for you right? Your blog: Math test was a breeze."cool. Last thing: Heal soon(:
Wednesday, April 09, 2008, 4/09/2008 07:53:00 PM
Upside downn... Bouncing off the ceiling(:
I totally agree with Charlene that JRock/JPop is cool. jap songs are damn nice(: Okay. Math test and Physics test today. Math test was a breeze, I could even do the bonus question xD Physics test was ookkayye... not bad, I should still can manage maybe a sub-30/40 ba. Seesh I must really do well this test, cuz the weightage is pretty high as it only has one test for the module and physics pop quiz today it was WAYYE shitty. I didn't read the freakking physics textbook and neither did the entire freakking class but PeiPei went on and gived it ANYWAYYY... I crapped out the entire quiz(literally) multimeter= 'electric-current-thingy' yeah that's what I wrote(: congrajulate me for heaven's sake. and the last question I didn't understand what the question was about and we had to draw stuffs in the circles. guess what I drew smileys in them(: and so did ryan but he drew many different faces angry...happy...sad...etc. o.o dumbb la!! hekehkehekejhke okay so we played 'murderer' in class before FPS. funn(: stoopid zf has so damn TINY eyes he can wink so easily dammit. Ahhas I love playing games as a class. Dillon was like... o.o "I'm the murderer, but I don't want to wink so I won't get caught."Dumbb. Then we had a skit performed for us after the tests in the morning. About 'understanding me' like on stress and stuff. cool. quite nice laa(: MMmmm... I feel like posting on yesterday's captain's ball for P.E. way cool. Mrs. Loh is damn sexist laa... seesh played BvG but the guys won, so we split into 'odd' and 'even' registor numbers. nice. I LOVEE being the defender/keeper person blocking the balls. Ahhas way cool. just that I CANNOT BLOCK THE FREAKKING TALL DILLON hmph. whatever Nicholas can help me block he's damn pro... so I went on court, and Ben was our captain. ahhas so hilarious to see TZY hitting him with the ball when Ben caught it/TZY missed it. and then there was one time when TZY missed the ball and Ben caught it. Then TZY VERY not happy, so he grabbed Ben's hands and started shaking them left and right. And everyone else was like... LOLWTFAHHAS. DUMBB. I just LOVEE it when the entire class plays together, makes us feel so unitedxD wonder if everyone and go out together on a class outing on the last day of the exams(: that'd be DAMN cool. WE MUST HAVE A CLASS OUTING. like, REALLY REALLY NEED ONE. sajdksajdiew jrierie ie fre fwrfhiew Shit there's still bio. Okay will have to do it later. Dammit cannot go and swim cuz of the sickening flu. I'm getting FAAATTT.... shitt. I can't help but feel sian when I think of tomorrow. 5 hours before french. hmmm.... gotta look for nice blogskins, I seriously NEED one. okay, I'll end off here. bbies(:
"I do I do I do do I do love you? And do you do you do do you love me too?"
Wonderful eh? Gen woke up at 4am just to study(: and missed CSI last night=.= Stupid physics at least now I get most of it weird how I never pay attention in class then tests always get very low then suddenly before a bigbig test or exam then I start to get what the notes are saying. LOLs. o.o shit I'm sleepy. Shit haven't done chinese. Shit it's already 5.15am OKay gotta go study! Did I mention? IT'S MY 100th POST!and it had to be on the day of a test. God this post totally has no meaning at all):
Sunday, April 06, 2008, 4/06/2008 10:27:00 PM
Sometimes I feel I don't know myself.
Shit. 2 tests down and 2 more to go for this week. dammit. And now I think cheryllin just passed me something. dammit runny nose and a weird throat, again. shit. okay so class tee is more or less settled(no Yu Quan we don't care what you say) design by katrina(: and it's all thanks to her. Music test was horrible. but at least Dr. Wong.... ehhes I'm not saying until thursday^^ *zipp!* slackked in english hell we haven't done our english presentation thingy yet and we're gonna be third. shit. slackked in lunch. talking with yanni cheryllin and kat. yeah... but there wasn't much to talk about la just that Yanni had ESP and read katrina's mind. o.o So followed cheryllin up to class seesh the hall isn't ready yet so apparently no gym tomorrow(again) sadsad I wanna do a cartwheel properly >.< so, back in class Truth or dare/winkwink/polarbear session. ahhas ryan totally CANNOT wink without moving his face. Truth and dare was... uh.. . can't really explain. Well once I went into the classroom they were like.. their first dare was super funny. They dared JK to propose to me. Lol. so dumb. And I got a dumb dare too. Had to ruffle ben's hair and hug him from behind. that was dumb Hey that reminds me of something *ehhehh winkwink xD* Last year's june swim training camp. They dared Geo to go on his knees and say, "Clarissa I love you" or something along that lines. God that's so sweet. And they dared Clarissa to hug Geo. That's sweeter. ahhas. No training today, clun closed didn't plan to go anyway dammit now I'm reminded of the tests. shit. okay now I have to mugg.... Ehhes I found this funny: "Hey Ben later don't kill JK ah! What later? He's killing him now!"ahhas(:
I wish upon a star, just to know who you are.
Looking for nice blogskins but can't seem to find one): ahhas nevermind just hope that the SOTD sometime later would be nice. Swimming way okay today. Poor lydia her legs hurt): wakksjdkjsakdjsa. Michelle and Isabelle were just like LOLWTF today. "Ehhh Geoffrey why today never come swimming.... *...conversation...* You lazy pig ah still sleeping... *...conversation...* No la dun wanna wake up... *...conversation...*" So yeah. A normal conversation with a normal sleepy geoffrey right? not.Michelle and Isabelle (whispering, thinks that I cannot hear) : Eh your girlfriend waiting for you here .(and very obviously that they meant ME.)And here's where they burst out laughing and I just look at them like =.=" They've got an extremely SERIOUS problem here. Look all those "geoffrey's so cute" and whatever shit that the naive me had ever said was now 3 years history. Can't believe they still remember and even BRING IT UP. Lol I feel so dumb ahhas. [ehhes. To geoffrey if you ever see this (yes you know who you are), don't blame me go blame them.] I'm watching Jin SanShun now. And it's damn hilarious. But I'm too lazy to elaborate. Ah seesh. Have to go study for the freakking tests now. And my sis's bugging me to let her use the computer or she'll breathe down my neck and that's bloody irratiting(look she's watching me type now.) (This should be her favourite word) jshfdsoif ewri fri ier skjfd ewfirewjrew s fwkf jwkjf sajf hejf sf 'jdf hwefhoia jf hsjfhf sjfhgfjf d jfhdjfdshsk Okay bbye.
Saturday, April 05, 2008, 4/05/2008 10:07:00 PM
"How do I breathe with no air?" You're telling me.
OKay So I'm trying to be a good girl and finally listen to the music that Dr. Wong told us to listen to It's like, the first time I'm ever listening to it. o.o And that sister of mine is playing her piano. It's freakking two music in the same room dammit what's her problem? Like, she comes in to practice her piano EVERYTIME I use the computer for homework.(yes I'm serious) And, well to be extremely honest, her piano playing isn't fantastic. Why can't she fucking use the piano AFTER I finish with the com? I swear that she's got something against me. Oh real smart. She just asked me how to play Titanic. In the middle of my song. GAHSGHASGHASGHASGHASGHASo just imagine my past few tests ahhas Hope I don't fail this one... Seesh there're so many tests like next week Oh like sheeeet? Chinese Music Maths Physics and Chem? And chinese 感想 on chap. 3.7 Eh? Physics is next week too? dammit it's on the same day as Math seesh The teachers are freakking not co-operating with each other. All the effin' tests fall in the same week. At lest Miss Chua is nice to let us have history test the week after. Oh shit now I realise that I still don't get a single effin' thing about Physics. (shall now procede to tear her hair out)Gahh. I feel like uploading pictures. ahhas(:  Ehhes me and benjamin my lovely "daddy" ahhas he's so cute in here.
 o.o darryl. cute active hyperactive little boy that is constantly so energetic. Lol he actually didn't want to take a picture, and I got this by chance ahhas(:
 JELLY!! I LOVEE YOU MY JELLY He's so cute isn't he xD
(eww don't look at me look at him)
 just damn adorable.
 ahhas. recognise this? It's my annoying sister(:
Ikke... Gideon dint wanna take picture. I don't care next time I'm gonna get yours. Gahh now I can't concentrate on the music.
Friday, April 04, 2008, 4/04/2008 03:12:00 PM
I feel like rubbish o.o
It's friday, like finally. The relaxing ( not) weekend ahead of me is filled with WILL YOU JUST STUDY FOR THE FREAKING TESTS ANDSTOP SLACKING YOU LAZY SLACKER.gasjhasjhdfueh ruhefidfjn ifh fjsdk fweohvi iewi Journalism is as boring as ever.sahderiwejhsdfm,jio efj iowejfio fijwe c,mfdkaiowej vs you Chem quiz 1 was super easy asldklasdkwei jweif ei iwef kaskdjiosd weji Chem test 1 was stupid I got 16/25 skadjkasjkejfi ei wei wei ew And, never mind.... sjdkjsdweji ei weij iej cjkjfiwej e Chem test 2 will be a bitch. (okay I shall stop writing rubbish here) today's chem lesson was like just, Huh?kasdjaekdjeiwj iej rfwei (Lol what did I just say) okay. so. Primary colours are not red yellow and blueand secondary colours are not white, green and gay grey. go read your chemisrty properly before you come and talk to us nah jokesjokes(: magenta cyan and yellow are the secondary colours red blue and green are primary colours. weird eh. Blue + Red = Magenta Blue + Green = Cyan Red + Green = Yellow cool. English was listening compre. boring, as usual Nada save us from nada and deliver us from nada. nada my ass la. After english was lunch, and after lunch was stoning in the classroom. Kat Yanni Emman Yu Quan Dillion Cheryllin were damn funny. ahhas(: and this picture which I saw on kat's computer, 
ahhas(: Those people in class were weird. On and on about... uh. Never mind. Seesh it's a hell of a wonder how I keep saying the wrong things at the wrong time this just totally made me totally =.=" ahhas. oh well. Seesh. but I still cannot help laughing like sheeeet when I think about it.
"Hey don't do it in the dark! Do it in the light."
That was... whatever.
"Come on la. Since the start of the year right?"
Yeah right.
"I think Dillon likes Joelle... No Joelle likes Sankar!"
And of course...
"Anoymous would like to dedicate the song "Candy shop" to Tan Zhi Yang."
It was freakking hilarious to see TZY shaking his head AHHAHSHAGSHAGSHAGHSGHAGSHA
"Joelle: Nar went upstairs to BOO Angela. Cheryllin: Bull? As in B-U-L-L Bull? Emman(playing game on handphone): Shit."
Sorry if most of you don't get it. You won't know unless you were there.
OKAY GUYS!!! CLASS TEE AND CHALET!!! WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN??? I wanna do the class tee soon so that we all can wear it to the level camp that'd be so damn cool! please guys... it's just a freaking $15 to $20. SETSETSET?? We'll try to do the design A.S.A.P. then go get it in time for the level camp yeahhs(:
CHALET!! during June holidays OKAYOKAY!! Which is better for you guys? beginning holidays middle hoildays or end hoildays? and weekdays kaye? It's cheaper. and we have to book soon so make up your minds if you can't stay overnight you can go back at any time you want to. really(: come on people, don't we all want an entire class gathering before we all get reshuffled?
thinking of it, I don't want the reshuffle): I miss M07105. I somehow cannot stand being put in another class without Angela Charlene Cheryllin Cheryllit Dillon Ethel Christine Emman Yanni Hurberg Zhan feng Yu quan Ben Jun kiat Nicholas Katrina Joelle Narmadha Mabelle Ryan and even Leon.
Today's friday. It'll be the weekends until monday. "Is it one-sided or two-sided? How would I know?"
And I actually wonder if it is.
Thursday, April 03, 2008, 4/03/2008 09:47:00 PM
Your heart... And my heart...
" Aiya. And today I just washed my car somemore." Lol. Seems like everytime my mum washes her car, it'll rain like immediately. Ahhas(: oh. and someone said I was posting too regularily. Somehow I've just got time on my hands ahhas. But soon I won't so I'm choinging everything like now. Yucks this totally sucks. I don't have anything to post today. Oh ya. Now I'm in love with the song Qi Li Xiang by Jay Chou. It's so nice(: And to Angela: I'll sms you the URL if you wanna read the story. Shit. I have music test chinese test and math common test next week. I bloody shouldn't be blogging right now. And english portfolio and bio terarium report and practical report. gahh dammit. Shit and French project Haven't written the script xP Okay this was a boring piece of post so you guys don't really have to take notice of this. I'm just damn bored and haven't finished my english essay intro and self-critique.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008, 4/02/2008 10:48:00 PM
"I want someone to love, to be my everything"
Today was M.A.D. literally (Music Appreciation Day)ehhes. was cool but I still prefer last year's hmmms oh ya Caaan you feeelll.... the LAAAFFF toonighht....I really LAFF you "Ha Ha Ha" cheeena accents are cute(: some of the speeches were so damn boring I fell asleep in the auditorium it's so nice to sleep(: ahhas was woken up by the assistant DM. Shit o.o didn't do much today. physics was just physicsFPS was just freakingly pointless, not. and now I'm still doing bio bleahxP Oh yes. YANNI!! TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN 6! beat that people.I think camwhoring is nice(: warren outside waiting for my godfather o.o

after PE with yanni. 
In the warren bus going back after gym.
Lol somehow I think I look dumb. All these were taken by my front camera, and it becomes a mirror image after I take a picture so yeah, some parts I might not be focusing at the camera o.o
Kissy kissy makes me happy Honey honey sweet as candy Kissy kissy take our hand and come along with me Kissy kissy makes me happy Honey honey sweet as candy Kissy kissy love is where with you my sugar bee
Tuesday, April 01, 2008, 4/01/2008 09:57:00 PM
Can't believe that I'm the fool again, I thought this love would never end.
today's concert at the yong siew toh conservatory just sucked.Wwasn't excellent, but it wasn't like BOOO either. I almost fell asleep during the show=.=" Ahhas most of the people who went that wore home clothes were all wearing jeans. O.o Yu quan and ben have nice jeans(: But then again, their both rich. And yu jia looked like aisyah from the back cause she tied two ponytails. And for once she looked like a girl. =.=' Okay whatever. Mabelle was folding crush gears and paper planes with the sheet of paper with the concert details during the show. Lol and i competed with her to see who can fold the smallest crush gear. Ahhas she won. It's so cute, the tiny crush gears were like 1cm long only. Today after school went to gym, ahhas my arms were shaking like mad after i finished. O.o Oh ya, I saw mildred's dad. Somehow i don't have anything much to say today. Today's PE was supposed to be gym, but the hall wasn't ready yet their freaking still installing the air cons. so we played captain's ball at the basket ball court. so yeah. being the captain on the opposite side wasn't the best idea ever the sun was freaking glaring and hot that many times I missed the ball because it was in the direction of the glaring sun so had to tell the people to throw over to the other side before throwing it to me ahhas(: Lol that's lame. Oh ya. We played twice And my team won twice. I shall be ego here and say that it was all thanks to me. ahhas(: o.0 and there was this time where dillon threw the ball to me like from half the court away his throw was very fast la so it went like directly straight and into my arms when I least expected it to. like I was stretching my arms forward then I caught the ball. ahhas so dumb nobody tried to catch the ball. the loser team had to do 5 push-ups such a rip-off 10 push-ups don't count anything, and yeah. I love being the captain. you see all the people running here and there while you stone on the chair. Lol that's so not true. and the bad thing is that you fall very easily. for example someone kept banging into the chair. fell down like quite a few times one of the most hilarious one was when Ben moved the entire chair off-balance and, well with me on it. thank goodness I have fast reaction so I didn't really fall badly. and another time I grabbed this random person's hand by accident when I was falling. ahhas. and during the time the others were all fighting for the ball I asked Leon and Ben to block the sun for me. ehhes(: how nice. two guys to block the sun for me. seesh play anymore and I'm gonna become bangla. I could almost never imagine that I was once whiter than Charlene. The skin under my swimming costume is so pale it's yellowish and almost see-through. that's really scary when you compare my arm colour and my stomach colour. and Leon's pants are damn huge. Both Yu Quan and Emmanuel can stand in it. o.O Oh ya. It's freaking April Fool's day. And brendon just sent me an april fool's sms that was downright lame. Okay no offense. And someone sent charlene an "i love you" message in jap. Cant really remember, but i think it goes like this: Aishiteru. Nante ne. Then i cannot remember the rest. Shall ask her tomorrow. But if I let you go I will never know What my life would be Holding you close to me
Yo sup.
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,
and that's all you needa know.