It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight |
Saturday, May 31, 2008, 5/31/2008 12:11:00 AM
Proof to me that this is true...
If the proof of a theorem is not immediately apparent, it may be because you are trying the wrong approach. Below are some effective methods of proof that may aim you in the right direction. 1. Proof by Obviousness: "The proof is so clear that it need not be mentioned." 2. Proof by General Agreement: "All in Favor?..." 3. Proof by Imagination: "Well, We'll pretend its true." 4. Proof by Convenience: "It would be very nice if it were true, so ..." 5. Proof by Necessity: "It had better be true or the whole structure of mathematics would crumble to the ground." 6. Proof by Plausibility: "It sounds good so it must be true." 7. Proof by Intimidation: "Don't be stupid, of course it's true." 8. Proof by Lack of Sufficient Time: "Because of the time constraint, I'll leave the proof to you." 9. Proof by Postponement: "The proof for this is so long and arduous, so it is given in the appendix." 10. Proof by Accident: "Hey, what have we here?" 11. Proof by Insignificance: "Who really cares anyway?" 12. Proof by Mumbo-Jumbo: " For any epsilon> 0 there exists a corresponding delta > 0 s.t. f(x)-L < epsilon whenever x-a < delta" 13. Proof by Profanity: (example omitted) 14. Proof by Definition: "We'll define it to be true." 15. Proof by Tautology: "It's true because it's true." 16. Proof by Plagiarism: "As we see on page 238 ..." 17. Proof by Lost Reference: "I know I saw this somewhere ..." 18. Proof by Calculus: "This proof requires calculus, so we'll skip it." 19. Proof by Terror: When intimidation fails ... 20. Proof by Lack of Interest: "Does anyone really want to see this?" 21. Proof by Illegibility: " ¥ ª Ð Þ þæ" 22. Proof by Logic: "If it is on the problem sheet, then it must be true." 23. Proof by Majority Rule: Only to be used if General Agreement is impossible. 24. Proof by Clever Variable Choice: "Let A be the number such that this proof works." 25. Proof by Tessellation: "This proof is just the same as the last." 26. Proof by Divine Word: "And the Lord said, 'Let it be true,' and it came to pass." 27. Proof by Stubbornness: "I don't care what you say! It is true!" 28. Proof by Simplification: "This proof reduces to the statement, 1 + 1 = 2." 29. Proof by Hasty Generalization: "Well, it works for 17, so it works for all reals." 30. Proof by Deception: "Now everyone turn their backs ..." 31. Proof by Supplication: "Oh please, let it be true." 32. Proof by Poor Analogy: "Well, it's just like ..." 33. Proof by Avoidance: Limit of Proof by Postponement as t approaches infinity. 34. Proof by Design: "If it's not true in today's math, invent a new system in which it is." 35. Proof by Intuition: "I just have this gut feeling ..." 36. Proof by Authority: "Well, Bill Gates says it's true, so it must be." 37. Proof by Vigorous Assertion: "And I REALLY MEAN THAT!" 38. Proof by A.F.K.T. Theorem: "Any Fool Knows That!" 39. Proof by vigorous handwaving: Works well in a classroom. 40. Proof by seduction: "Convince yourself that this is true!" 41. Proof by accumulated evidence: "Long and diligent search has not revealed a counterexample." 42. Proof by Divine Intervention: "Then a miracle occurs ..." cheryl yeow's blog. mehhs, I'm blog hopping today.
Friday, May 30, 2008, 5/30/2008 11:45:00 PM
21 things to do in physics, ripped from LS's blog.
21 most paikia things to do during physics 1. paint yourself purple 2. listen to ipod under table/ use bluetooth earphones/ put in myuk handphone pouch 3. sing 4. play psp on table 5. eat yellow jellybeans 6. sms other paikias from other class 7. spray water and flood the lab 8. bring wool hole puncher and keep punching holes on the notes 9. dig your nose 10. flick nose shit at each other 11. punch the person beside you 12. flirt with each other 13. sleep 14. draw on your table 15. bring elmo to class 16. squirt UHU glue at each other 17. read each other's pencil case out loud 18. spray UHU glue at teacher's butt 19. molest each other's water bottle? 20. shout "eh why you take so long to sms me ah" across the class 21. write a list of 21 most paikia things to do. 21 most guaikia things to do in class to go against paikias 1. print school badge and paste on paikia's sia front page (which is crumpled like toilet paper) 2. take notes diligently while paikias are passing a list around 3. toupai paikia copying homework 4. steal paikia's name tag 5. not write on this paper XD 6. prepare turpentine to spray at paikias 7. catch nose shit that paikias flick to use as evidence 8. "teacher teacher nicole is listening to ipod!' 9. confiscate paikia's cool punchers 10. highlight paikia's bad marks 11. "teacher teacher jezameano drawing porn (again)!" 12. help paikia add cloth to skirt. until ankle there 13. act paikia 14. attract teacher attention to backrow 15. tye hair neatly, again and again 16. erase the stuff paikia draw on table 17. take picture of stuff on table and email to caolaoshi 18. steal their xxxs socks and buy them xxxxl socks 19. tell teacher can take yellow jelly beans from paikia 20. cover your answers during quiz 21. show their list of 21 most paikia things to do to teacher I read this and was like, LOL? ahhas. Ripped off from LinSha's blog to share with the other half of the world.
2nd last day of Maying.
I'm so bored I shall take a quiz. Q1: Do you like your current school? Uhm, let's say I've got no hard feelings about it. And yes, it can be quite nice. sometimes. Q2: What do you want the most now? I wanna sleep, like, now. but I can't, for some reason. *cough*mysis'swhining*cough* Q3: Who is the closest person to you in your school? closest to what? There's my right side, my left side, my front side, my behind side, my CCA side, my lesson side, my lab side, my chinese lesson side, my bus side, my mental side, my lane side, my relationship side.... etc.? OKay joking. I don't have a 'closest person' to me. Everyone's equal the way I see it. Q4: Do you hate your friends sometimes? bOO! if I hate them they wouldn't be my friends right? but I don't get angry so easily, so uh, just to answer the question... maybe not, but *looks at the keyword 'sometimes'* sometimes, I guess so. Q5: Are you afraid of death? Uhm, no. It's just the nothingness and the dark void that I'm kinda afraid of. And perhaps it may depend on how I die? I don't wanna be murdered by some sick perverted maniac. Q6: Do you think having a relationship is a burden? yes. DUH. i hate commitments. Facing a demanding partner to my already demanding life, I'd rather just remain friends, I don't feel right with someone bossing into my life and wanting so much out of me that I cannot give. Q7: Do you believe in love at first sight? No. First sight = first impression. Since first impression isn't totally accurate because you can't judge a book, or a person, by it's cover, so the person that you fall in love with, at first sight, is the person that you judged by how their first impression on you is, and how your little fantasies in your mind thinks of them. But if you actually go and get to know them better, they might not fit your first impression. Then you might fall in love with the person not by your first impression of them, but by how you see them after you get to know them. So first impression is not accurate at all, and thus i do not believe in it because it is all a misbelieving. Q8: Do you believe in eternity love? No I don't. period. Q9: Have you ever broken someone's heart that he/she wants to commit suicide? uh, I don't think so, or at least i hope so. Q10: What do you enjoy doing the most? Running in the rain, writing stories, singing loudly in public places even though my sis tells me I cannot sing to save my life, stoning, and just stoning. Q11: Have you ever done anything for your admirer? yes, but I do the same things for people who are not my admirers, though. Q12: What feeling do you hate most? being given high expectations by everyone, then failing miserably and leaving them all disappointed a hella lot. AND being misunderstood. Q13: Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? Yes. All of them, even those that I forgot. Q14. Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with? myself. DUH. Q15: What do you think is the most important thing in your life? pen and paper. writing is so-called my life, if not, then sticks and sand, or anything to express myself. But it all comes back down to one person, myself. Q16: Do you find life meaningless? no duh. My life is so meaningful and wonderful. Q17: Who do you love most? you;D Q18: Who do you talk most to in school? I talk about the same to everyone. Q19: What are you listening to now? sounds of the tv, my sister whining, my typing... I'm still bored.
Monday, May 26, 2008, 5/26/2008 04:31:00 PM
"He loves me, he loves you not."
GAahhhh. I screwed my Music Practical. Slipped on some of my scales. Slipped on ALOT of my pieces/exercises. ohgosh, i'm screwed for this exam): Ohwell, at least I treated myself to a chocolatechipmarshmallowchocolate-icecream Ooooh that was yumm(: Oh and I saw Laurentia and Benjamin(phbt. yes I know, another one.) there, I wonder how they did. Heard Laurentia didn't do uh, too well for sight reading. Blah. I never could sight read either. Wonder how Ben did, Grade 5 so pro *envious* Gaahh, my G3 is screwed, byebye distinction): And oh, I travelled around Paragon today, and bumped into Stacia and Laurentia's family like, how many times. Before the exam.. after the exam... after I bought the icecream... yadayada And oh, while I was walking down somewhere, I saw this PINK condom shop. And somewhere on the open door, besides the usual NO FOOD and NO DRINKS and NO PETS sign, there was a STRICTLY NO PERSONS UNDER 18 sign. Lols. Nothankyou Mann... PTM today also, not much. (I'm not bragging, but Ms Feng actually wants me to be the top 3 in class for CAP next sem. Like WTFF??? Serious, and no kiddin. Bwahha, that's like, almost impossible, seeing the geniuses in my class.) ehhes. I'll stop here, got nothing else to talk about.
Saturday, May 24, 2008, 5/24/2008 03:50:00 PM
Do you know the Muffin Man?
I'll blog about the camp now, since I've got time. Oh they were saaaaaaad, Oh they were saaaaaaaaaaaaad, They were saaaaaaad when the biiiigg ship went downnn. ________________________________________ 20th May: FIRST DAY(: went to school at 7.40am, even though the busses only came at like 8.45am. Phbt. wore track pants then found out actually dont need to wear them, in fact, I didn't even wear them throughout the camp. Pbht. okay so in the meantime while we were waiting for the busses that took forever to come, we waited under the hot sun carrying out freakking heavy bags gahh. This shall be the part of any type of outings that I hate the most: waiting for busses(because they never come on time.) Okay, so we got up the busses with 203, some teachers and Naz(203 instructor) and went to Pasir Ris Park there the CDANS chalet. don't even get me started on the waiting time. freakking long, as usual. And the pre-camp prep-talk was even longer, as usual. You know, the camp works. so, yeah. On with the camp already. Up next was THE BIGG EVENT.(which wasn't very big, so to say) Obstacle course, blindfolded half the class and made them cross a field with plastic cups lying everywhere(you're not supposed to step on the cups, apparently) then cross another part of the field- linked hands and the hulahoop thingy, then blow up a balloon, squish it between two people(girls infront, boys behind) until the whole class is one line, then start walking without letting any of the balloons fall/burst. Needless to say, guess how many of my class's balloon's burst(one burst right behind me, like, owch.) well, so obviously, we cheated alot, and got ranted on by our instructor(oh? I forgot, her name was Jaclyn, nice and I like itxD), and almost got promised a FEAST! hehs jokingjoking. Camp preps a little before going to bathe. "QUICKERLY GUYS!! QUICKERLY" "Uh. What rhymes with Nick?.." "FIRST we were afraid, we were petrified, Cause we thought it wouldn't be the same without Sourav and his GAAYY." Proud of how we're gonna perform it for campfire night;D And don't even try getting me started on the bath queue. I started playing "Chopsticks" and some hand games with Ethel, and we managed to kill a full 6 minutes by playing a retardedly slow and repetitive game of "Chopsticks". O So after, was a game of A group of 4(including Jaclyn) went out to find Emman(kudos to Dillon, 1st one to find everyone.) Dillon:"I climbed up the side of the playground, then got one instructor called me to get down. Then when I did, everyone else rushed up and nothing happened to them." Uhm, okay. So everyone else left behind were supposed to do a puzzle(successfully), and wait for them to come back. And we went out to do the tasks. Let me try to remember, it won't be in order, though. -Get Damn Nick, he made jumping up to touch it so easy. -Do our Cheer with a mouthfull of water Damn hilarious. I spat out a mouthful of water -Cllimb up on the spier-web-thingy and scream out the school song. BWAHHHAHAHA. -Write out Ryan(mentor rep)'s name with our butts. THANKGOODNESS he had a short name. I wouldn't wanna be writing out mine. -.... I swore we did more than that, I'll edit it when I remember. and oh, I found the first number(13) Trainer Joel: "WHY EVERYONE CHOOSING 13??" bwahha. It turned out to be 205's number ;D and the other number was 2(took damn long to find) Rescued Emman(Phbt, Melvin.) Emman:"Tseren was damn funny. He blindfolded himself first, then acted blind and said 'OH SHIT MY BLINDFOLDS ARE GONE!!' and the instructors went frantic looking for it while he was What a joke. (poor Emman got bored while waiting for us that he set himself FREE!!) De-briefed, then supper and SLEEPING TIME ;D (uh, not exactly) chatted for a And oh, apparently Joelle fell off the bed like, somewhere in the middle of the night. And hence it's Katrina to the rescue ;D 21st May: CAMPFIRE'S BURING NOWW!! So from the title everyone knows it's a campfire night right? yeah but that happens later. woke up freezing my ass off. First thing was DOUBLE OR NOTHING. Where we had to go out and sell suffs to earn back $40. "I think that kid's regretting buying our drink, like, now. o.o'" And, I can swear that Dillon lives everywhere in Singapore. Phbt. Oh. And stupid SUNGEI API API. -does not go on to elaborate- After lunch was gladiator, where we threw wet sponges at each other. 204 won, mainly. I hate losing without knowing how I lost dammit. okay nevermind. Campfire preps after bathing(I used the public toilets this time) and we made alot of noise in the girls' toilets. Geez Emman was like... "YOU GUYS ARE SO NOISY!" Campfire after dinner(which sucked, I didn't like this time's one) Year 1's performances were like, Huh? WTH is going on? OH? They've finished? So you get part of the idea. Year 2's were better. 01, was sickk. 02, forgot some of their lines. 03, sang a song for their instructor/teacher whichever I forgot. 04, did some weird skit. 05, was us. 06, was based on Mas Selamat and coconuts. 07, was on advertisments. (hello? Mr. Indian curry house?) We went last. Phbt. Everyone was dead bored already. Oh, and Jacyln danced SUPER CUTE! ahhas(: (come on la, you and Randall have something going on, don't you(: admit it.) Bedtime. I slept on the bed this time(damn mabelle. DELETE THAT PICTURE. NOW.) Fell asleep to Truth/Truth. 22nd May: CLEANUP. wanna guess what we found? Skorts, towels, PE T-Shirts, and even *ahem* bra and undies. Do I need to go on? *AHEM* FBTs. Bwahh. No lunch): HUNGRYHUNGRY!! VERYVERY!! URGGHHHH!!! And oh, I just LOVEE Cheryllit's wonderful smacking hands. Calvin was just *WTFF?? So hard/pain* slept on the bus back, hit the pillows as soon as I got home. Ahhh... Home Sweet Home(: And oh, i've been drinking tap water for the entire 3 days, and I dont find a difference in the type of water. Though I'd really prefer iced tap water(: And oh, David COOK won American Idol. Hurrah(: And oh, my piano G3 practical is on Monday. Wish me goodluck(: And oh, ..... nevermind ;D ehhes ;D ![]()
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 5/22/2008 05:20:00 PM
Lesson 1:....
(Characters stand for all the peoples names in our class. I'm LAZEEEE.... xD) *M walks out to stage, B and JK start beating him up* M: Oww... owch...(etc.) *B and JK walk off leaving M on the ground, then K comes in.* K: (drawls) Hey you. Got balls? M: uh, no? K: Then "HOW TO BE 205" is the DVD for YOU! It contains 5 simple steps to teach you how to get balls(looks around), and more(winks). *K moves out abit, then everyone throws stuff at M. M moves out* K: Lesson 1: "Always face up to your bullies with courage and pride." *G, CLN and Y walk up, gossipping. R walks by, suspiciously. Stops before G, CLN and Y.* R: Watcha looking at? You wanna bully me isit? I tell you, I NOT AFRAID OF YOU! (waves hands like crazy and screams bloody high-pitched) G, CLN and Y: (Run out screaming) K: Lesson 2: "A... is NEVER enough." *L, H, TZY and ZF walk out, L hands out "test papers"* H: Ahh... B+ ZF: Oh yay... F- TZY: WHATT??? A ONLY? NONONONONONONO!!(crunches, scribbles, and tears up paper.)Hmph.(crosses arms) K: Lesson 3: "Sexyness... is EVERYTHING." *YQ walks out, followed by D, N and E. YQ turns and bends down to polish D's shoes, N files D's fingernails, E also polish D's shoes.* D: 我要谢谢我的妈妈, 我的爸爸, 我的阿姨, 我的阿嬷, 我的阿公, 我的婆婆, 我的伯伯, 我的哥哥... (etc. waves arms.) K: Lesson 4: "It's always good to have some SLEEP." *N, E, CC and J walk in* K: During Principal's dialogue... (N sleeps) K: During Bio... (J sleeps) K: During Mr Lee's Math Class... (CC sleeps) K: During Mr Sim's English lesson... (E yawns and sleeps) K: Lesson 5 *CLT, A, CT and MC walks out) K, CLT, A, CT and M: EVERYONE KNOWS THE 2-OH-5 SONG!! *all enter* All: -2 is for 24 people in the class, O is for OHMYGOSH I PASSED! 5 is the 5 steps you recall, cause in 2O5, YOU GOT BALLS. *Cheers;D* ehhes. level camp was FUNN(: I'm lazy to post anything much now, I'll see what miserable few pictures I have then I'll do the proper posts. okay, so lets seeeee..... BUSCOMINGAFTERFOREVER , NOUSEFORTRACKPANTS , STONINGDURINGICE-BREAKER , PACKEDNICENICELUNCHES , STONINGFORTEH BIGG EVENT , FEAST!! , CAMPFIREPREPSNIGAHIGAVIDS , LONGLONGTOILETQUEUE , JELLY-NAPPER , KIDNAPPEDEMMAN , SEARCHINGFORKEYYSSS , SLEEPINGAT4AM , SNOOZINGTHROUGHALARMCLOCKS , HUNGRYCHEER , WALKWALKWALKING!! , SUNGEIAPIAPI , DOUBLEORNOTHING , CHEAPSKATEFLOATS , CHEAPSKATESTRAWHEARTS , BUSBUSBUSING!! , GLADIATORRCHEATS): , GOTBALLS?NO , NOISYTOILETS , CAMPFIRE'SBURINGNOWW!! , ITOLDTHEWITCHDOCTORIWASINLOVEWITHYOU!! , SANGNILAUTAMA , LASTCLASS , 2-OH-5 SONG!! , SLEEPYPEOPLES , SNOOZINGTHROUGHALARMTILL7! , CLEANUP , FBTS=FREAKINGLYBIGTHIGHS , LEFTOVERSKORTS.FBTs.BRAS , THROWALLAWAY!! , BREAKFAST , JUMPSHOTS , SLEEPINGONTEHBUS and HOMEETOSNOOZE zzzzzzz ;D oh yes, camp was fun. CHEERIOS!
Monday, May 19, 2008, 5/19/2008 02:16:00 PM
"De toi à moi..."
Okay this is SOOO it. Know what? I went out somewhere with my mum and my cousin's family yesterday and apparently Ryan's mother knew the saleswoman person. And so she haden't seen me and my sis yet. When we walked in, she said Looking at my sis: "哇! 你的女儿好美啊! " Then she turned to look at me: "儿子也是哟!*pauses* eh?是girl来的." ftw. And it's not the first time I've been mistaken for a boyy... Baby Xaiver from my grandmother's neighbour the family looked at me and said," BOYY." ftw. And then this auntie from somewhere(can't remember) was selling some stuffs then I went up to buy something she said,"啊then boy--*pauses* girl leh? 要什么?" phbt. ohwell. and level camp's tomorrow. YAY(: finised packing already this morning. dont have nothing much to blog about today. I'll wait until I have some idea of what to blog about then. *EDITEDD>>* Okay so I really am bored. Bored enough to do blogthings.
Hah lol. Like, wow I use chopsticks and do chinese(kanji).
THAT is sweet(:
What Do Your Bathroom Habits Say About You? Hah. According to me, kinda true.
Which Foreign Guy Should You Date? Lol, how ironic. * * * * * * * Booo. blogthings are boring. Blahh. I'VE GOT NOTHING TO DO TODAYY....): (and oh, another person just mistook me for a boy again today. Phbt.)
Saturday, May 17, 2008, 5/17/2008 10:49:00 PM
"It's gonna be great, gonna be more than I can take"
So yesterday was the last day of trial training in Swimfast. I'll have to say it WAS pretty good, I'm kinda getting addicted to the training there. And after a week of going there straight after school/from home, I feel so accustomed(sp?) to leaving at 3.15pm, reaching at 4.15pm, walking up and down admist all weird stares from the guys and security guards, probably getting lost a few times, then going over to 7-eleven opposite and getting a chocolate cupcake/pocari sweat so that I wont starve at 8.30, then reaching back ACS B. at 4.30pm on the dot. Seeing the people changing, perhaps say hi to those who I knew (thank GOD that some of them weren't a bunch of Sharleys.), slacking awhile in the toilet cause JiaoLian wasn't there yet to start training, then when she comes hurriedly go up to the pool to start dryland, running rounds round the It almost feels like a daily routine already. Even the training. So yeah, might decide to change after all. Oh, and yesterday was presumably the last day of school for the semester. Prize-giving awards, CAP scores and classroom clean-up( but I think I could have done better if I didn't screw all my exams up so badly. I'm gonna be whacked like shit by shermaine if she sees this. But nonetheless, 4.10 is pretty good already ;D Higher than shermaine and (I think)Hilda. But hilda wont tell me her score cause it's three-point-something as she said. Whatever. Will find out, soon enough xD OH AND CONGRATS TO ANGELA THE SMARTASS WHO GOT 4.52 AND HIGHEST IN CLASS(: Geez I want her brains. Pwnning TZY is WOW. I shall aim for 4.3~ the next semester. WORK HARD YEAHH! ;D And I'm gonna be whacked like cow dung by shermaine after she sees this, but maybe not cause she doesn't dare go near dung. Oh, and level camp's coming up. Can't wait(: Will only pack my stuff on the last night, dont like being kanjiong. Went down to Queensway shopping C. today to gen would ahhas. Oh and met up with PingPing and Ryan + family for dinner, they came over to our house later. Oh and somehow I remembered this after some time while reading Hilda's blog... IB: International Buffalorette, the exam for female buffalos. Hilariously If you want to know what it really means it's the International Bacculorette(however you spell it) taken by And rock-scissors-paper during training(jonathan's) was funn(: Oh and yeah on tuesday at warren there was this lady singing some horrible song that made all our hairs stand, so bloody high-pitched like some screwed oprah singer that seriously needs to think of other people's eardrums. How the HELL do her friends stand her singing. She was bloody singing in the toilet, which maximised the volume and added echoes, like, wonderful =.=" And the people from the earthquake area and cyclone area Sichuan Province and Myanmar, sighs and all to those who cannot help them directly we should all pray for them for God's help for them to tide over this period, alive.
Thursday, May 15, 2008, 5/15/2008 02:10:00 PM
"I'm locked up, and they won't let me out"
Geez. eSpace must be bloody jammed up now. I freakking can't enter. The front page itself took so long to load, and it's STILL LOADING * * * * * * Oh yaY! Now I finally am able to log in ;D Food science looks nice... gonna take it no matter what. and Geog too, need like, 2 more MC o.o' Inter-house games were fun la. but today got nothing on so don't know why still need to go to school. watched Harry Potter in the audi, then played captain's ball on the track, then slacked on the concourse. might as well dont go school stay at home and sleep like a PIGGG... bahh. Results coming out tomorrow. betting against myself that my CAP wont go higher than 3.5 well, good luck to you guys ;D hope everyone thinks they did well and well see if TZY tears up his report sheet. But that smartass probably got like 4.5 or something. WHATEVER. *EDITEDD>>* WHAT FUCK IS THISSSSS MANNN. Why the hell did they change the eSpace MRS start time to 4.30??!! They delayed it for like, 1 hour already! Freakking inconsiderate, don't they consider how people feel it they miss the time because they have to rush off to do something at 4.30 and only have time from 2pm to 4.30pm and they PIANPIAN want to put the MRS start at that time??!! Then when those who really want some of the modules but cannot get the modules that they want? How? Put on waitlist right? But what it no one want to drop out? Then no extra class how?? Fuck eSpace. gahh. perhaps they'll change it to later... and later... and later... then finally dont have at all better la. phbt. I'm not happy. Training later at 4.30(ahem.)pm. Ab muscles still aching from tuesday's dryland, and today another dryland. Hope can last out. Oh, two days in Swimfast, still haven't died. IN YOUR FACE *person*. HA Wonder if Lydia's going... She said her arms pain.. ohwell.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 5/13/2008 11:45:00 AM
Let's play pingpong;D
gen and Lydia got lost on the way to ACS Barker and alighted 2 stops early ROFLMAO. What a very nice first impression we made by turning up 1 hour late for training. "Eh what you waiting for two stops from the school ah??" and Lydia forgot her handphone so I almost had no means of communicating with her(and no I don't blame you really(: ) thankfully somehow we managed to get to the school. and I still cant imagine I got off at the correct stop at 4.15pm(early) to wait for Lydia, but from the internet directions I was at the wrong stop so I took a bus back then Lydia came on bus 48, and I had to push her back up the bus to go for 2 more stops. just to add on, we got lost in ACS Barker and couldn't find the swimming pool, thanks to some And somehow we found the toilet and the swimming pool, then went out to see coach david. he was nice... then we went under this cheena lady coach who was quite good(: training there wasn't too bad, the people there were fast(coach david's one was scary) but we found we could still keep up a little. oh, and the girls there were very nice ;D training ended at 7.45pm. wow. gen and Lydia got lost in ACS Barker again when we tried to get out. lol. couldn't find our way out after we bathed. until we followed this lady out. oh. and in the toilet, Lydia wanted to fill her bottle with tap water cause she was thirsty. then the taps were auto-sensors. so we were like two retards in the toilet trying to work 2 taps at once so lydia can fill her bottle faster o.o' anyway. we crossed the road to the opposite bus stop, saw a 7-eleven shop. "do you think we'll have time to chiong to 7-eleven to get a drink?" "don't need to chiong la. 7-eleven's just behind the bus stop." lol. we went in and got a slurpee(: then came out just as 960 came and we boarded it. mental-prepared to get screwed by my mum for returning so late and didn't tell her i went to swim o.o' oh thankfully didn't get scolded. wonderful, not even a lecture! xD okay then in school that day. more results. more depressing results. english- 41.25(??)/75 :( so loww... and my summary was, bleah. I don't get the point in doing summaries, I mean, some people have different ideas on which point is important to put into the summary. too many good points will kill the suspense of the story, won't it? and Christine Lam can't mark a compo for nuts. my entire compo was full of circles and underlines for reasons I HAVE NO IDEA OF. WTf... and bio. damn full of careless mistakes. 47/65. and yanni is so slow. me: "(looks over at her paper, discovers we have the same marks.) HEYY!! WE HAVE THE SAME MARKS!! (tries to HI-5 her.)" yanni: "(stoned, stared at my paper for a ful 5 seconds before) Huh? what same mark? OHH. we have the same marks!" o.o' later before french S-C, hilda me shermaine yanni and aisyah went out to JE. made hilda her new plasticky e-link. crapped in Macs. hilda: "you know WHATT?? There's a $5 note here that nobody wants." refering to aisyah's $5 on her tray. OH. AISYAH's NOT STRAIGHT! which means she's crocked(however you spell it, I know the spelling looks wrong, I can't spell for nuts) hilda and aisyah crapped alot, damn fun to be with them. later went back to school. and french was 84/1o0. not bad(:
Sunday, May 11, 2008, 5/11/2008 04:26:00 PM
"And you'll find me, in the land of make-believe"
I'm sleepy now, though morning training wasn't tiring AT ALL. Watched tv for awhile just now, fell asleep half-way whoops. had a really weird dream of dragons, slides, and people fighting all mixed together. whatever. going to Swimfast tomorrow, to try out. also, more depressing results tomorrow. my CAP's gonna drop real low this sem. gahh. level camp, hope it's not with the year 1s. if it is, most likely will be some stupid bonding activities. damn, don't know what's the reason to bond with them. neither do I want to bond with them. period. got nothing to talk about today. emmmss... shall talk about random stuff. -my -michelle still hasn't updated her blog. -I'm half-pissed because I can't find a certain song on the net. -I'm pissed because my sister is pestering me to find that song. -today's charlene's birthday, and I bought her a present. What a good friend ;D -I mean to get the chalet and outing pics from cheryllin, but I haven't seen her online yet. -sharley did an extremely long post yesterday. "it was THISlong you know!" -I was supposed to stop using the computer like, 30mins ago. -I don't feel like replying to *ahem*'s tag. -I don't know why I'd bother to reply her in the 1st place. -"should I change club??" -Happy birthday to charlene :D -Happy mother's day :D -I suddenly don't feel random. so I shall stop posting random stuffs. and HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY CHARLENETANN;DD hope you like my present, it'd DEATHNOTTEEE
Friday, May 09, 2008, 5/09/2008 11:54:00 PM
Ripped this off Andrea's blogg... 1)at what age do you wish to marry? Uh. After i retire from swimming, perhaps? 2)what i want the most right now? I really want to do well in school, and hit 30s again for freestyle 50m. But that's for now. 3)which artist you think rock you? I really love JayChou. 4)do you think you have confident? in myself or in what I do? perhaps so, who cares what people think of me? i do what I want. 5)if you have one more dream to come true what would it be? DREAM? Get a lovely shiny gold in the olympics. Whatever event counts(: 6)what are you afraid to lose now? My head, my 31s in freestyle, and my sanity. 7)do you believe in ETERNAL love? God's love is eternal. 8)if you meet someone that you love , would u confess to him or her? perhaps wait awhile to see if there really are feelings, if yes then of course. If no, then no point wasting time. 9)if there was a chance to change your life and soul would you? I love my life just the way it is. I love my soul just the way I am. It's just my body I hate ;D 10)what are the requirements that you yearn from the other half? he's probably gotta be good in swimming and studies, and have a great body I guess... 11)which type of person do you hate most? I detest backstabbers, especially those who pretend to be your friend. 12)do you cherish every one of your friendships? yes I do, of course i do. 13)do you believe in God? Yes and of course I'm Catholic for goodness' sake. 14)what do you think is most important in your life? swimming and studies, for now. 15)do you find it a need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no I dont. I find it irritating to be tied down to something. 17)what kind of friend do you hope to be in your friend's eyes? one who they remember as, "You talking 'bout gen? That great swimmer?" Naw. I just hope to be one that they can always fall back on and trust, though the above wouldn't be too bad xD 18)if you have a chance to change what part would you want it to be? My abs. I want a hard 6-pack. With a 6-pack anything works :D I'd change my face complexion, too, if I had another chance. 19)if you are feeling low one day who would you go to? My chlorine water. 20)how would you spend your time if its your last day on earth? I'd get a 29s in freestyle, and celebrate it with a whole bunch of friends.
"I'll keep you, my dirty little secret (>.0)v"
More results today. Screwed chem. 20/40. fullstop cause I don't want to elaborate and I HATE PICKLES totally. physics was so-so, 36/50 full of careless mistakes and history was "YAY I GOT A- ;D" 38/50 even though I screwed a 20mark-question. so yeah(: I'm kinda happy even though my marks aren't too good xP Haven't been training for a week. Can't wait to go swim, later xD Inter-schools are coming up, and so is club meet. gotta train hard and I STILL CAN'T DECIDE WHAT TO SWIMM.... dammit. *EDITTEDD;D* so I'll be swimming 100m and 200m Freestyle for inter-school. hopefully can get into finals, really hope so. Damn Koh Hui Yu sure is fast o.0' oh, and my english CA is A- Bio(2102) CA is B+ ms feng keeps giving me B- as class participation lol. Monday will be getting back English, Bio(2102) and French. I wonder what my compo got... ohwells. it better be good. and monday will go to swimfast with Lydia to "try out" for a week. kinda excited to know what their training's like, but I hope I don't lose my way there cause it's the first time I'm going there o.0' and yeah. MS KOK and MUM's and DENICA's BIRTHDAYS ARE TOMORROW ;DD I miss Denica, the little adorable baby of the class. God I can't get over how CUTEE she is((: and CHARLENETAN's BIRTHDAY IS ON THE 11th!! Wish you people a great bithday and may God bless your special day with loads of presents and surrounded by family and wonderful frineds :D will end off for now, I'm sleepy and training was kinda tough today dont know why, but I couldn't really sprint. i wont go into detail but I when I think of the people at SSS and Swimfast, I feel downright lousy. so yeahh. bbies(:
Thursday, May 08, 2008, 5/08/2008 05:01:00 PM
"You're a bitch, but I love you anyway"
I'M GONNA GET MY NEW SPECS TODAYYEE((: YELLOWYELLOWYELLOW ;D Nick LOL, "If I say ,'gotta go or else I get screwed by hostel' okay or is this a bad timing?" ahhas. I love 205. we're all BYOTCHES v(>.0')v *EDITEDD!!* GOT EM xDD ![]() took photos from my imac xD ![]() I CAN KISS MYSELF ;DD MUACKKSx33 -loves her new specs- Today's exam results were half-half. Chinese and Physics(2101) sucked. Bio(2101) and Math were, "holy are those marks mine?" chinese: compo wasn't bad, though slightly lower than expected, 43/70 but then cheryllin got the same as me and she was like, WTH... paper 2 was horrible, only just passed 45/90. seems this time cheryllin didn't do as well as she expected to. I knid of expected mine la, can pass can already cause my chinese sucks. geeez... and to think the highedt in the level got 123.5/160 gratz to yongying. physics was horrible too. 26/50 and even shermaine got higher than me. cool, by half a mark. highest got, 48.5? yeah around there. and emman pwned the class: 47/50. Wow. Bio, I unexpectedly topped the class with a 59.5/80 damn 0.5 mark to A-. the last question was screwed across the level, and I only got a 12/20. if only had that little bit more time): Math was okay, I guess careless mistakes filled the entire paper though 50/60 is not too bad. TZY(obviously) pwned the level with full marks. gahh. Chem, physics(2102) and history tomorrow. I screwed the chem and history papers badly, so I don't really want to find out the marks that I got. Feel so sick just thinking about it. physics was probably okay, just hope I don't screw it up totally. ahhhkaskksdaksdja. good luck guys(:
Wednesday, May 07, 2008, 5/07/2008 02:19:00 PM
"Sweet little bumblebee, I know what you want from me."
CLASS CHALET was I'll let pictures speak for themselves here, then I'll do a short "summary" cause I'm lazy. Don't we just LOVEEE each other((: Checked in at 2.30 pm on Monday, lazed around at the chalet TZY mom brought us a Wii and PS2 and a load of games and movies and a dancemat and ANOTHER ROOM for us like WOW. Security guard came up three times to tell us to shut it. "downstairs got people sick wanna sleep ah." what crap. what the HELL would sick people be doing in a chalet? and Emman found that she was "camping" outside our room. "Let's all act like we dont know she's outside." "She CANT hear us because we KNOW that SHE'S NOT outside!!" ROFLMAO. The entire night was spent playing extreme truth/dare and Wii boxing/tennis and overdosing on CHIPS and SODAs. Look at hurberg o.o yo now ethel do you feel protected? ((: Sourav got lost at 2 something, so the guys went out to search for him. Slept at 3plus4plus-something-am. Talked about how pigs have 30 FREAKKING MINUTES of orgasm. Later on planned to wake at 6 to have Macs breakfast, but we slept through it anyway. The next day was at pasir ris park And me hurberg and ben got stung by a bunch of FREAKKING WASPS dammit I hate wasps like SHEEEET. And Beowulf was gahh so gory. Dillon: "Which movie you wanna watch cause all these are dumb." picks up Alvin and the Chipmunks, Enchanted and "something else" "But these are better. This(alvin) is dumb, this("something else") is dumb, and this(enchanted) is okay." LOL. Poor Hurberg Poor Ben POOR ME. But hurberg got the worst, and now I really hope he's much better. (You are, are you? Cause you better say you are.) heh. Gahh so sao xing had to go back one day earlier and postpone the wild wild wet): sorry you guys we'll hold it next time kayye? WATTERRRBOMBSSSS.... gaahh missed it. Now my finger's numb and I can't go swimming. Gahh. Fucking wasps, you better pay me back 29 bucks, one night in the chalet and 2.5 hours worth of SWIMMING TRAINING. I hate you, GO DIE GO DIE. xP (can you imagine how ironic the song I'm listening to right now is?)
Sunday, May 04, 2008, 5/04/2008 12:41:00 PM
"Come into my heart babe, cause the wind's gonna blow into a hurricane."
-I can't find a good intro today- Today's staring shall be abrupt and straight to the point: I WANNA CHANGE CLUB. And yes I really do. Perhaps to Swimfast or Elite. But I think Swimfast's a better choice. Lydia's think of changing too, but if we change that'll mean morning and afternoon training. before and after school. Godd I feel like I'm in a daycare thingy. And waking up at 4am everyday is seriously no easy feat. That's why I really admire top swimmers. Jerome's asking me to join Swimfast too. Elite's in Toa Payoh, and Swimfast's in Barker. I think Barker's closer to school, and Swimfast's damn good. I just really hope I can improve there. But then, I feel bad leaving Warren. Michelle la, say what not loyal to Warren. To make me feel better maybe I shall go Warren to train during Sundays yeah? And for Warren's competitions also I swim under Warren. I really want to change club. I really, really, really do. Gahh. I'll talk abit about today's training. Nothing much, Sundays are usually slack. My legs still hurt and now I can't sit down/stand up suddenly. Brendon Darwin Michelle Isabelle and Benjamin we all talked awhile after swimming. Mostly about schoolwork, and somehow we got to the topic of me, Reon and Myran, and ice-skating, and caddies, and golf, and work, and tennis, and ah lians, and hairstyles, and, yeah. AND DARWIN'S GONNA REBOND HIS HAIR OMFG. dammit you vainport I like your hair just the way it is so you better not rebond it. And lol benjamin i don't anyhow hit people like some other people so you don't have to worry about me hitting you if you spray water at me so there. Oh and Darwin almost hugged me when i said his "curly " hair was nice just the way it is. To Darwin: so you better not rebond it. This is interesting. Benjamin from warren also plays tennis. Cool. I wonder if my daddy the ben jr. plays tennis too(: Been watching nigahiga's videos. spent the entire afternoon ROFLMAO-ing. Especially at that stupid wig. And, Tomorrow's chalet, I haven't Mmm. shall end off here then, bbies(:
Saturday, May 03, 2008, 5/03/2008 11:07:00 AM
020508: M08205 CLASS OUTING DAYYYY!!
Yesterday was just so SHIIOKK. Went to sentosa after Charlene's last paper. Poor Narmy had a bad stomach ache before that got all of us really worried. thankgoodness the librarian had some medicated oil that really helped and so it's OFF TO SENTOSAAAA!!!(: bussed 166 to vivo first. up on the top deck we made a hella load of noise and disturbed all of the commuters there. godd we made us seem so childish ahhas(: so at vivo waited for YQ and Nick to eat first while we all went to the arcade to play AIR HOCKEYYY then monorailled with cheapskate $3 child tickets to Sentosa. we jammed up the machine with 19 tickets and $57 dollars paid in $2 notes ane $1 coins(; station future development: "Welcome to Sentosa."-Dillon. "Yeahh let's get off here."-Yu Quan. imbiah station: "IMBAH station!"-Yu Quan and Dillon. ahhas loveesloveess. we got off at beach station. walked to siloso beach but the entire dammned beach was booked by a big bunch of rich AngMohs. then we went to palawan beach instead. and saw the crew for Wei Wo Du Zhun filming stuff over there. Cooooool.... and apparently Katty saw Christopher Lee and so the crazy bunch of girls tried to get his autograph but scared all the crew away so yeah bad luck and no autograph): went down into the water. and the sand was FREAKKKKKING hot. the water felt so coolinggg(: Yu Quan Kat and Ben went to climb the rocks beside the water. Kat screamed and got off Yu Quan climbed up and found a beer bottle and Ben fell and cut his leg. (lol reminded me of martin from last time warren he had so many casualties ahhhas) so we all played frisbee, burried Yu Quan feet, played football and monkey, burried joelle, buried YQ and went to eat yummyummy OSCAR FANTASY. xDD I had to go off at 5.30, along with Narmy and Ryan. Gahh if I didn't have swimming training I could have stayed on. Geez they sounded like they had a whole bunch of fun there and I missed it): So anyway. reached warren dinnerless at 7.30. Johnathan made me do lunges twice around the entire perimeter of the pool. Ended up with sore knees and thighs but it felt so GOOOD(: the water was freakking hot so we didn't do much long D. just quite a lot of sprints. oh and I can wear sharley's pants ahhas. gahh. I think my body's srewing itself up. My mind was all thinking about "Training.. Training... Beat Lydia... Beat Brendon... Hit under 30s... Go faster... Push yourself..." and that type of stuffs. But my body just wanted to stop. gahh so put them together and you get all screwed up so yeah. how wonderful. and today i woke up with my butt aching, but nice. haven't ached in a long time I lovee Johnathan's training(: and oh, I'm gonna get my new specs soon and it's gonna be a lovely vibrant yellow. Gosh I'll have to get used to my reflection soon, I'm getting too used to blue. shall end off for now, I'm so looking forward to the class chalet xD loveslots best of the best best best, gen.
Friday, May 02, 2008, 5/02/2008 10:11:00 AM
"Don't wanna be like Cinderella, waiting for a prince to save me"
YAY!!! Finally is the end of the last paper and BIO was easy. now at cheryllit's house waiting for Charlene to end her paper at 11.30 to go to SENTOSAAAA(: yayayayyayayayayayayay. Shall update later when I get back or something... I can't wait(: |
and that's all you needa know. |
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,