It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight |
Monday, September 29, 2008, 9/29/2008 07:17:00 PM
Just found this video, and I think this guy sings really, really good. He so-called re-sang the song "Lollipop" by Lil' Wayne, and i think his version is much better. Seriously. :D TAGGED BY DARWINN. so he tagged me. So I had to do this quiz. So I had to waste more time. So I don't have to start doing chemistry so damn, I'm such a procrastinator xP ! I've got a strong feeling I've done this before. Hmm.... ohwell:D 1) th person who tagged u is ? Darwinn Loh TAT WENG:D 2) ur relationship wif him/her is ? wo3 men2 de4 sister! 3) ur 5 impressions of him/her. hmm. -gay -always fail math tsk! -a little bit sloww... -SLIGHTLY vertically challenged BUT.... -A GREAT FRIEND(: (seriously la, you think I care about the above?;D) 4) th most memorable thing he/she has done for you. Hmm. Making me laugh, so, so damn hard:D 5) th most memorable thing he/she has said to you. quote Darwin: "if I cancel this and this and this and this, then nothing left liao what WHOOT~" unquote 6) if he/she becomes ur lover, u will... really dead. 7) if he/she becomes ur lover, things he/she has to improve on will be? probably his math. 8) if he/she becomes ur enemy, u will? uhm. oh no that's bad. You almost cannot be enemies with this person, he's too damn funny! :D 9) if he/she becomes ur enemy, th reason wil be? probably I said something bad about his kc. 10) th most desired thing u want to do for him/her now is? tutor him math. yah, I'm damn serious. 11) ur overall impression of him/her is ? gay=the funny meaning of gay(: 12) how u think ppl and u wil feel abt u ? always sleepy, but when hyped up is a little bit xiaoxiao(: 13) th characteristics u love urself are ? Hahah, I dunno. If I say, it'll be a little too ego(: 14) on th contrary, th characteristics u hate abt urself are ? oh don't get me started I hate this part that part over here over there... 15) th most ideal person u want to be is ? me lor! at least still can fantasize about being someone else HAHAH. 16) for ppl tt care & like u, say sth to them. THANKYOU VEH THE MUCH and ILOVEYOUTOOOOO(: 17) pass this quiz to 10 ppl to know how they feel abt u (oni those wif blogs) #1 - Shermaine:D #2 - Hilda:D #3 - #4 - #5 - Isabelle #6 - DARWINN you too(: #7 - haha yanni tooo!! #8 - BRANDON YOU TOO. #9 - Aisyah? hee(: #10 - Michelle also can:D 18) who is #6 having a relationship wif ? [darwin] ahhh.... you guess lehxD 19) is #9 a male or female ? [Aisyah] very much female(: 20) if #7 & #10 are together, is tt a good thing? [yanni & Michelle] uhm, not really. They don't know each other:D 22) wad is #2 studying abt ? [HILDAA] LOL SAME AS ME LORH. 23) wen was th last time u talked to #3 in person ? [Sharley] Sunday;D 24) wad kind of music bands does #8 like ? [Brandon] eh, not sure. 25) does #1 hav any siblings ? [Shermaine] yupyup:D CHERLENE NAHH. 26) wil u woo #3 ? [Sharley] HAHAH I ALREADY AM. 27) how abt #7 ? [Yanni] OWCHOWCH! Too hot for meee(: 28) is #4 single ? [Lydia] nope! She's got Sharley and isabelle, and cucumber! 29) wad is th surname of #5 ? [Isabelle] Ng:D 30) wad is th hobby of #10 ? [michelle] Haha, obsessing over hot guys, and playing golf. OKay i'm done(: it's raining outside. Raining weirdly, rain stop rain stop rain stop. I don't wanna do chem leyyy.... Dumb, handouts and powerpoint and questions all by thursday. SHEEETTT. and math quiz tomorrow. and physics proj. next week. and english proj. next week and geog. proj. presentation next week. and bio "proj." next week. WHY IS EVERYTHING DUE NEXT WEEEKKK? oh ya, and I was opening this file on radioactivity for chem, then the small bar right below showed: "37% verified of......radioactivity.ppt opened" so, yah. Hah hah.
Saturday, September 27, 2008, 9/27/2008 03:00:00 PM
Posting for the second time today:D hehs. yesterday, LYDIAA just became my CARROT:D and I'm her CUCUMBER(: don't mind us, we're just being super lame:D Because sharley was my girlfrind and I'm not yet related to lydia in any way so I made her my carrot:D So I won't be cheating on sharley's husband:D but then sharley is cheating on carrot, but carrot is cheating on her together with belle, HAHAH. And I'm not cheating on anyone:DDD So many affairs, whlaaooo(: I'm now getting confused @.@ okay forget about those complicated matters. and come back to bio/geog/chem studyingg.... which are even worse. At least for us can draw family tree:D ; bio you draw tree you have to study all the tiny little cells inside then how these and that crap work and such ; geog you draw tree you have to study the effects of the tree on the atmosphere, and the effects of the atmosphere on the tree ; chem you draw tree you have to work out all the little little atomic molecules and compounds and complicating chemical reactions and such, and whether the tree is there or not(by the schrodinger wave equation). sigh. I'm so hardworking, exams are long away and I'm studying now:D okay, not exactly long, but 1 month is neither here nor there. o.0 hmm. I hope I can go for training todayyy... :D wonder if jonathan is gonna train us, I dunno. Might not, cause he didn't last week. Carrot is calling me to gooo.... wahh. I'll end here la. see if I can go:D okay, seems I can't go. Sad):):):):): These few days have been weird. My mood has been plunging up and down, sometimes even staying down. So at times I feel oober hyped, then at other times I feel like shit. Then sometimes I feel blur, then I feel indifferent, then I get bored. Then I'll get unusually happy at night during training, then I'll go sleep with a happy feeling. At least it's better than to end the day sad. Then the next day I go on a different roller-coaster. Seriously, I've been forcefully whirled around so much, I feel like puking my guts out. blearghh. Something's really wrong with me. Damn.
Friday, September 26, 2008, 9/26/2008 03:23:00 PM
HELLOH:D my class is now weirdd. So many branches of the family tree. Yuck, big families are just... eurgh. *shivers* don'twant don'twant. GONNA GIVE LYDIAAA HER PRESENT TODAYYY HOPE YOU LIKE IT YEAHHH(: and no I'm not telling what it is yet heh heh heh:D calculator had no battery): must go get already. I think I post too often, so always got nothing to write about=.=" I'm acting guai in journalism today(: Whenever Valles walks by I open one of the Microsoft Word thingies and act like I'm totally engrossed in writing whatever shit is there. Even if the 'file' I open is just a blank page. And to think he actually can't see through it. Well I dunno. He might have. But I don't caare(: tralala(: half an hour more. . . . . . I see everyone chionging physics solar car. Now I feel like chionging too(: so I can't wait for sunday HAH HAh HAh/. Say the truth, it's been quite some time that I've felt "OMIGOSH I CAN'T WAIT FOR _____" okay la, not so exagerrated, but still. I dunno. exams are in about 1 month I think? they'll end around the 5th Nov): SOOO LATEEE. and to think J.Ang still complains on how I always manage to arrive late for school. Come to think about it, I've only been late twice this month! Improvement yupps! :D anyway. I bet all my other friends have already started holidays while my exams just started. SO COOL RIGHT? yahyah. Smart. very smart. ohwell. to those having exams soon, GOODLUCK:DDD oh and btw, the y5 and y6 in my schools are gonna start their exmas soon too. Hah, lol. shall i do a quiz? nope:D blah, i'm too lazy(: nehmind. Changed my mind(: Have you kissed somebody over 19 years of age? Uhm, nope. Except parents HAH HAH. What would you do if your best friend went out with your ex? Eh, they did before. And I didn't do anything. That says something, right? Green or gold? GREEN:D. oh, just to be random, my earstud is gold outside with a small green gem inside. Says anything? What’s your sport? SWIMMING:D shi4 wo3 de4 zui4 ai4 <3 Do you know how to keep a conversation going? I guess so... but not on a single topic, I COULD be random at times:D like, I'll go... uh. Oh, the weather's nice. then maybe, what homework is there, then EH YOU KNOW HORRR... yah(: Do you like the rain? .gen. ♥ the rain:D raining is tehbestest to zzzzz! What hat would you rock? Uhm, I look weird in hats. Were you ever with someone who was completely different than you? HAHAH alwasys. Like as in, guy is completely different from girl. :D Have you ever had a crush on someone that was in a relationship? SHH! What is bothering you right now? uhm, not really. Oh wait. Yes there is. grrrh>.< I’ll bet you miss someone right now. I'll bet I don't:D Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films? Nope. My dreams are worse than horror/thriller films. Just like today I finally remembered what i dreamt, and I dreamt that an earthquake just happened. Then I watched 'cinderella', the korean horror one, in the dark. you compare. If you were given $100, would you spend it, or save it? Probably save... until I see something that i like:D If there was a large spider in the room, would you stay? Eh? just squish the bloody spider! Do you have any enemies? I dunno. But it's not nice to have enemies): Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person? YES! SHANNON MY COUSIN! She's blonde-haired and blue-eyed! When was the last time you were truly happy with your life? When I hit 30s for free! :DD the day before my birthday I was unusually happy(: Last person you had a deep and meaningful conversation with? don't know, seriously. Does your ex miss you? I dunno. hope not:D cause I don't miss them(: Do you miss your ex? quote: "I dunno. hope not:D cause I don't miss them(:" unquote Reason behind why you last cried? Quite long already. Can't remember. Do you have a deep dark secret? Don't everyone has it? What was the last thing you ever got grounded for? For wanting to go swimming): my mum is crazy. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? -tralala(: What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? serial killer. Only that i thought it was called 'a bigbig bad man' last time. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? I dunno. Someone who has food? I'll get hungry haha(: Who do you blame for your mood today? I don't have much of a mood today. Have you ever seen a dead body? uhm, no. except in movies. How do you vent your anger? blahblahblah. Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child? neither. Is anything alive in your room? right at the moment, nothing. Probably bacteria. Tag 15 people. lazy to(:
Thursday, September 25, 2008, 9/25/2008 11:28:00 PM
TWOOHUNDREDANDFIFTH POSTTT!!! WOOHOO!!! Math was dumb. "CHEW,CHEW,LIM, LEE,SIOW" etcc. bio was easy peesy fell asleepy weasy French stretched till 6.30pm P.E. was skipping. hah I'm just repeating my first post. anyway, just finished studying for ting xie. Mass convo-ed with ryancheryldillon. got majorily owned, wanna see go classblog and see. CHERYLLIT IS MY DAUGHTER WOOHOO? haha if she is then dillon is my son-in-law HAH HAH HAH. so they can be prince and princess awww so sweet right;D OKay, I wanna sleep now. Probably when I go check out the classblog tomorrow I'll see more edited pictures LOL. Helloh:D First things first. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIAA!! Sorry i wasn't able to pass you your present yesterday, i'll give it to you tomorrow yeah:D Okay(: French now. Probably will stretch. Already hungry): Nothing much, P.E. was skipping today. Our class got screwed cause we went down half an hour late:D I think i did something to the side of my shin, the part directly above the ankle. It now hurts like sheet): stoopid. I thought it went away long time agoo... The guys did "music composition" in class, damn pro and funny hahah! I think ethel got scared by my stare, uhm, well. i'm seriously sorry! Chionged chinese si han in class. Hurberg already finished his, damn pro. Then i wrote on one wrong page, whoops! Then fell asleep in bio, while watching a video on symbiosis. Double whoops! Oh, and murali didn't come for chem today. So had free period:D SHERMAINE GOT BRACESS TOOOO(: and she didn't tell me she gotem. Hmph.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 9/24/2008 06:28:00 PM
"Ey class, you have a physics test next week, so please go and study for it. It weighs 35% of your CA." WHY DON'T WE WANNA KNOWW(: I screwed up fucking fysics likeyoudidn'tknowiwould... there was this question in the paper that came out in the practical(not exactly, but similar.). And we did that practical AFTER the test. Wow, so smart right? More than 3/4 of the class scored below 30/36. Only Joelle tehsmartperson got 42. JEEZSXSXSX. I half wish there would be a re-test or something that can help me pull my grades up(besides physics proj.), but then I SO don't feel like studying for physics anymore. Oh well. zzzzz. fucking 35PERCENT. *poof!* aites. enough of physics. not going training today, running instead. BUT I WANNA SWIMMMM FREAKKYOUUUZZ): AND to give SOMEONE her present:D SOMEONE'S BIRTHDAY TOMORROW WORRRS! heh heh heh:D ______________________________________________________________ yesterday's training was wtfff.... 300m free I was supposed to hit under 4.15s or something(OKAY SEESH. I KNOW I'M SLOOWWW) cause jonathan added all sorts of stuff up. AND GUESS WHAT. 4.15.03! smart? no. real dumb. had to do another 100m get-out swim. under 1.15s(SHHH I KNOW IT'S SLOWW. it's not my pb anywayyy...) AND GUESS WHAT. 1.15.43s! I must have done something to the number 15 for it to torture me like that. SEESH, WHATEVER I DID TO YOU I'M SORRY KAYYYE DON'T TORMENT ME LIKE THAT. _________________________________________________________________ I've been feeling really weird these few days. Don't really feel like talking and I don't know why. grrrh. I amaze at how Joelle manages to talk for every second of the day. Serious. OKay, I can too. But I don't think anyone would wanna hear my crap yeah (x _________________________________________________________________ Hurberg YANNEH JunKiat coming over this sunday to do physics proj! hopefully, we can finish in that day:D i don't wanna drag it close to the exams(: __________________________________________________________________ hmm... (:
Monday, September 22, 2008, 9/22/2008 10:54:00 PM
HELLOH:D for the second time today(: hmm/. my Fila bag is flourish-whitish now. cause it got flour thrown on it by mabelle(who was actually aiming for Cheryllit, but missed.) zzzz >.<" didn't get to do physics today. Not enough materials/time. Our planning so inefficient:D handed up geog.:D! Yes! Finally got it off my mind(: I don't wanna care about english. the subject is boring, the teacher is boring, and the project is boring. But yet i'm using it. Cause I'm not influenced by my friend LimZhanFeng to post an entire post in chinese. Unlike hurbergxD Mum let me have the new laptop she bought! Happy(: But, well. Bad points follow. Nothing on the laptop's fault though. 1. My sister is already getting jealous. 2. My sister will get jealous. 3. My sister is scary when she is jealous. and in the end I might just end up having to share this laptop with her): And my mum insisted that I don't put password to my user. I don't know why, but I guess I know better than to argue. SighD: Training with Hilda tomorrow, during break:D that's IF we're not doing physics(: Sometimes there are many things I want to say, but I don't find it appropriate to say it aloud on blogger cause everyone can read it. Hmm, better not(: Oh, and I CUT MY FINGERNAILLLLSSS(: now they're short, and I prefer them short(: And just for funnxD ILOVEYOUUU LYDIAAAA(: and ILOVEYOUTOOO SHARLEYGIRLFRIEND:DD someone's birthday is coming upp! heh heh heh :E AND I can't wait for swim camp too! Sharley nv3 peng2 you3 and LYDIAAA! hah hah hah! let's all 3 get a room together! To celebrate my 200th post(YAY!) I shall do Hahah! o1) Who knows you most well? - hmm. don't know. please, I don't even know myself! o2) When was th last time you go on a hol? - June:D o3) If you could kiss someone who would it be? - YOU:D no, actually not you. I dunno, I don't wanna kiss anyone :x o4) What song are you listening t ? - Rock you - Jesse McCartney <3 o5) who does it reminds you of? - JESSE McCARTNEY hee(: o6) Last movie you watchedd? - Wall-E, i know(: o7) which of ur friends live close t you? - school friends? Uhm, either TAYKAILINHILDA or SHERMAINENAH, whichever fajar or petir is nearer:D o8) What is ur fav food? -Lol haha, my grandmother's curry:D o9) Do you drive? - I do, in about another 4 years or so D: 10) What did you do ytd? - Geog.? a little shopping, and training;D 11) D0 you wear contacts or glassess? - specs(: 12) Do you trust ur friend? - uhm, which one? 13) Who was th last person that called you? -YANNEH:D 14) What/ Who annoys you th most? - uhm, won't say it up here:D 15) Do you want multiple piercing? - YESSS.... I want 2 more ear piercings! (for now.) 16) your fav song in ur list? - uhm, This Kiss - faith hill:D 17) Last time you went t a swiimming ppooL? - (the spelling looks weird.) YESTERDAY(: 18) What was th last thing you ate? - Candy hee(: 19) Who among you would make th best room mate? - LYDIAAA & SHARLEYYY(: 20) last time you bought? - bought what? 21) Last vacation you were in? - Germany:E 22) Do ppl spell ur name wrongly? - genevive. you say leh. 23) Who was th last person you texted? -UHm, NICK:D Next. o1) Do you wonder what's ur ex(s) up t ? - I don't caare(: o2) Have you ever been given roses? - nope, I think roses are mushy yuckD: o3) What is ur all time favourate romance movie? - romance movies suck, big time. o4) had a long distance relationship? - uhm, no. I said before, LDRs don't work out o5) Do you believe in this saying - what goes arnd , come arnd? - what goes around, comes around; what goes up must come down:D o6) what is ur fav. colour? - Green! o7) Who was th last person you held hands with ? - LYDIAA:D o8) Do you believe in love in first sight? - nope(: o9) Would you kiss th last person you kiss again? - who was the last person I kissed? 10) At what age did you starting noticing th oppostite gender? - OHH> I remember, P5 HAHAH! 11) do you like anyone? - uhm. 12) Do you know someone who likes you? - Wish I did. 13) Do you love anyone ? - :D I LOVE LYDIAAA(: 14) Do they know that you like / love them? - LYDIAA LOVES ME TOO(: 15) Why did you and ur recent ex break up? - because he heard some rumor about me. Which wasn't true, btw. It happened so long agooo, hardly recent at all.... I'd almost forgotten:D 16) When did you and ur steadd last talk t each other? - I. Don't. Have. One. (: 17) What comes t ur mind when you think of love? - EXAMS. > so nerd. tsk! 18) Is there anyone who knows you inside out? - THE DOCTOR LORH. He knows everyone inside out, outside in:D okay, I'm done:D gotta go cut my nails, so damn long! I can't stand long nailsss.....
Sunday, September 21, 2008, 9/21/2008 05:55:00 PM
Almost done with geog!(: tralala. GENN! FINISH GEOG BEFORE YOU START BLOGGINGGGGGG!!! Fine thennn..... =.=" okay, almost an hour later, and I haven't finished with geog. But I reached 5 pages o.0 Anyway, just cause I wanted to write down something, here is: I smell the smell produced when iron rubs against another iron for a very long time. You know, the metally smell? I don't know what you call it, but I don't like it; it gives me the goosebumps. And now, I'm wondering why the kitchen is full of it. AND why neither my mum nor my sister is affected by it. it's, the way you love me; it's, a feel like this it's, perpretual blisss........... this kiss, this kiss - unstoppable this kiss, this kiss - criminal. This kiss by Faith Hill is nicee(: STOP IT GENN. you haven't finished geog. GOGOGO! DONEE!! YES I DID THE MAIN CONTENT FINISHED :DDDD now I can slack ahaha cause nick is gonna print it out *.^ Mum bought a new bag and a pair of shorts and a knee-length pants from Queesway for me today(: I'm happy!
Saturday, September 20, 2008, 9/20/2008 08:57:00 PM
heyyy peepos!! We're gonna finish with geography project soon knowwww(: When I finish the report(2 MORE PAGES :DD) and nick finishes the other stuff and yanni finishes the other other stuffs then we're done! More or less :x HAIYOOHHH GENN STOP SLACKKINGG tsktsk. Today's geog meet-up was that productive(: not like usual, where we all just meet up then start slacking. hmm... ate lunch with nick cause yanni didn't want tooo.... well we almost finished before we went for lunch, and finished whatever we had to plan for the day during lunch, so we all SAID BYEBYE after lunchhh(: Went to warren! Missed the warren bus, so took 302 and then walked in. So far knowww... But whatever, good exercise! Seeing that I didn't do any today. darwin needed help with maths, so the kind me decided to help him hahahah! well, yeah. He took so long to do a single question! WHEYYY EOY COMING UP LIAO LEYY. STILL DON'T STUDY HARD tsktsk. But nevermind. Haha at least he can understand what I explain(uhm, I guess? hope so.) better than isabelle HAHAHAH she become so pekchek after trying to get him to understand quadratic(sp?) equations. Ate in the study room... shhhh don't tell!(: left at 6.35pm to catch the bus out, and reached home at 7pm. Told my mum I would reach at 7pm anyway hahah(: such a good girl am I. And mum installed the adobe thingy I bought from school into the computer! Aww, so nice(: but there wasn't enough space in the com. to add in the adobe photoshopp AHHHH): ohh. A new part of coral reefs of the great barrier reef was found, looks cool! Sis is having a hard time getting newspaper out of the newspaper pile lolls. I think I'm done, my stomach hurts. it's churning whatever I ate for dinner like a ferris wheel and a roller coaster mixed together. I'll leave it up to imagination on what's going on in my stomach- I'd really like to know too! Jeezzz....
Friday, September 19, 2008, 9/19/2008 10:47:00 PM
posting for the 2nd time today(: Sharley is now my girlfriend:D And lydia's her husband. But Lydia's having an affair with Isabelle, haha and I'm having an affair with sharley:D okay don't mind that hahahahah(: oh and for the quiz just now, I counted wrongly. 27x3= 81. I screwed up 81% of my teenage life, now that's scary0.o YuJia: bie2 le4, bie2 le4, bie2 le4:D Berton: hey ben, time to upsize! Dillon: I got dancing:DDD haha sorry inside jokes! My class is crazed over table tennis now. hahaha I cannot play table tennis for nuts and peanuts or macadamia nuts(: Was late for training just now, but then they were all playing truth or dare so whatthehecklaaaa:D We tried to make tektek do a handstand. Then jonathan wanted to act pro, so he did it also. But then he landed on his head HAHAHAH. "hmm. Thinking in a 15-year-old context, I'll first kiss ****, then marry ****, then kill myself(:" Ahhas! And I want an Austrailian husband when next time mann won't it be funn:DD Then the water was so hot today. I didn't like it): My sister is addicted to playing her PSP now. I don't see her even once without it zzzz. Oh, and I screwed up geog quiz hahaha! 9/17, but at least I passed(: After EOYs, jonathan wants us to train from monday through thursday. Not like that's any much diffeence, but now he wants us to do short-course. I think it's gonna be cool(: But I hope that Jean-Marc won't stretch French all the way to 6+/7+/8+pm. Cause I really needa train. Getting out of shape damnD: X-cultral is gonna be at the end of november:D I saw a rat in the drain while walking out of school today. Big, black, fat, and dirty. I hate rats. They carry all sorts of horrible diseases yuckD: I just realised that I've got a lot of spaces in my post now. Cause everything's all jumbled up as I don't have a mind to arrange them altogether. Heh heh heh. Oh and hurberg woke up at 10am again today, so he didn't come to school. Tsktsk! I suppose that's about it for today. Just I forgot to bring/do physics, so I'm gonna hand it in on Monday heh. YANNEH!!! I DID 4 PAGES AND STILL And I thought this was pretty sweet(: 'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.' isn't it. I believe it's true, in a sense. oh, and for english, emman's group got chocolates for being the ONLY group to present their advertisment(: Then they shared around the class so sweet aren't they:D Cheryllin has the book New Moon. Will get her to lend it to me after she's done with it(x Oh, and my sister's planning to come my school 2 years later. Hahah, I'd encourage her to, but she's so lazy I don't think she can tahan here. let's do some quizzes(: -kope from Stacia's blog, cause I haven't seen any of them before hahs. These look kinda random=.=' o1) Three names in your inbox cellphones? - Mum, isabelle, and emman:S o2) Your main ringtone? - Shinjitsu by yukimura seiichi(PoT). it's nice kay, go listen(: o3) What you did at 12 last night? - might have been sleeping after doing 'popcorn' ws. But then again, I didn't keep track of time. Might have been lying down in bed thinking? o4) who was the last person you went out with? - Lydia, SharleyGIRLFRIEND haha lol:D, isabelle and darwin. o5) Th colour of the t-shirt you're wearing now? - Purple. o6) The last thing you did? - eat pear. Very nice, crunchy and juicy! I like. Must go but the same type next time:D o7) List 3 Things you always bring to school. - Phone, wallet, and school badge. o8) How much money in ur wallet now? - Don't ask, I'm broke. And Lydia's birthday is coming up. o9) How's life? - No hard feelings about it, it's fantastic right now(; 10) Your fav city? - haha surfers' paradise in brisbane! cause that's my favourite one that I've been to. 11) What will you do next weekend? - meaning tomorrow and sunday? Do geog, do physics, revise stuff, training. Quite as per usual. 12) When was th last time you saw ur mum? - I'm seeing her noww.... 13) Whree is she now? - Bedrooomm. 14) When was th last time you talked t ur parents? - Good question. 15) Who was th last person that texted you? - Mum. 16) Where did you have ur dinner last night? - uh, home! 17) Th last surprise you got? - birthday cakeee:D Thanks guys(: 18) last thing you borrow frm ur friends? - conditioner? yeah, i think it was. Either that or the graphing calculator. 19) how are you? - Feeling sleepy, but fine thankyouverymuch(: 20) Whr are you schooling? - guess laa. NEXTT. o1) Attached or Single? - Single:D oh no, I'm attached with sharley! o2) Do you like it? - Single much more fun than being attached! o3) Have you ever had ur heartbroken? - Long time ago. No use dwelling on it:D o4) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok? - Since when has cheating been acceptable? Tell me when it is/was will'ya. o5) Are you missing someone right now? - uhm, i guess? I miss my dad. o6) have you talked abt marriage with someone? - I'll talk to you now. When I get married, two people will hit the same time for the Gold medal in the 50m freestyle event in the olympics. o7) Do you want children ? - currently, no. they're such a bother! o8) if yes , how many? - didn't answer yes, so I'm not answering this question. o9) Would you consider adoption? - I'll prefer to adopt older kids. 10) If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? - i'd prefer for them to do so, cause I really think it's scary to be on someone's mind constantly throughout the day. 11) Do you want someone you can't have? - Hmm. All the more a challenge! 12) Do you believe in celebrating in annivasries? - It could be fun, but after the first few you stop counting. So why bother actually? 13) Do you get butterflies when ur crushes around? - Last time i did. But now I've learnt to control it. 14) Do any of ur ex still have feelings for you? - why don't you go ask them instead? I haven't seen any of them for quite a long time already! 15) have you slept at a boifriend or girlfriend hse? - Uhm, no. 16) Do you love someome? - I (hearts) all my friends and family(: 17) Do they know? - uhm. I LOVE YOU ALLLLx333! now they all know(: 18) Was ur last kiss with someone you liked? - why would I kiss someone I didn't like? besides, I haven't kissed anyone yet. Not planning to in the near future anyway. 19) What's on ur mind now? - Geog. project. 20) at what age do you wish t get married? - since 26 seems like a nice age for people, hahaha I'll go with 26 too(: but only if I feel like it, cause I think that relationship commitments are a burden. Tralala(: o1) Are you serious when it comes to love? - I should be, right? o2) Are you afraid of commitments? - yes. my pet hamster died because I couldn't commit to taking care of it. o3) Are you a risk taker? - *nods head* *smiles* o4) What can you say abt long distances relationship? - It ain't gonna work out. o5) Can you love a person who doesn't love you? - I guess so, unconditional love for someone surpasses all. o6) do actions speak louder than words? - I believe so. o7) Hve you felt/found true love? - won't answer this question. I don't believe in it. o8) how can you say that a person loves you? - ?? waddya mean? I don't really get it, sorry. o9) are you good in handling relationships? - don't really care for relationships right now. exams coming up. 10) Willing to give everything? - I might say so. I don't actually know. 11) are you the jealous type? - hahah, no(: and i'm sure of that:D 12) Do you demand ur love one to change into someone that pleases you? - instead of changing the person, why not change yourself? 13) Would you let go off someone you love? - *blink* it's pretty dumb, isn't it. 14) How do you express ur love for somone? - Face-to-face( I don't believe in using electronic devices to express love) and through my actions. 15) What is the major reason of a breakup? - You probably get tired of each other. 16) Important things a relationship should have? - Trust. Commitment. And alot of love(from what stacia said). I don't know actually. 17) Ever regretted loving someone? - I don't think so. 18) One thing you hate abt love? - The face that people say it is blind and how true it seems to be. 19) One thing you like abt love? - haha! To love and being loved(: 20) Are you in love ? - I currently love that new laptop that my mum bought for dunnowhat purpose. 21) Are you a hopeless romantic? - No. straight no. 22) Do you get tired of loving? - You'll soon get tired, seriously. 23) Who has changed ur view abt loving? - God(: his love is great and unconditional. 24) choice to be with the one you love , or the one who loves you? - hahah! Both laa(: 25) Message to the person you love . - I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! I'll end here. It's already past midnight. hihihi(: I'm actually doing geog. proj. in journalism. someone sent me a crappy piece of article to edit. It looks horrible, and is about humanities week. I didn't do a single station, so I'm not gonna do anything about the article yay (^.^)V! Meeting up with YANNEHHH NICKKKK and, I dunno. Leon also I guess(if nick tells him;DD). To do the front page of geog! hahaa so rushed tsk! we're such procastinators*shakes head* Then staying back in school for physics proj. with hurberg YANNEH and junkiat:D so many projects now lor can. english proj.! Oh no, can I don't do, pleaseee? Pleaseee with a cherry-on-top? No? aww. Hmph. Meanie. Been surviving these past three days on less than 5 hours of sleep per day. So not healthy. Damn, nick says I've got eyebags. So thankful it's finally friday(: can finally get a good sleep. feeling so tired these few days, sleeping in lessons and free periods and such. in the car, on the bus, here and there. I think geog. lessons are so gonna kill much of my brain cells. There's so much to memorise! Damn, so not gonna look forward to geog. exam. See for example every chapter there's like 10-20++++ pages worth of notes, everything to be crammed into the every small unused crevice of our brains. Then there won't be any more memory space for any other subject. i've got horrible memory. Like maybe 200GB only. Geog by itself would probably have used half already. Then the other subjects(except physics WHOOO!!!) have to be squished in): well, on the bright side, at least I don't have to study for physics anymore:DD Quizzes? Haha(: How much of your teenage life have you messed up? [ ] made out with someone before dating [x] gotten a phone taken away in class(book, actually. HP book.) [ ] gotten suspended [x] gotten caught chewing gum [x] gotten caught cheating on a test (falalala, ooh I didn't say anything:D) Total so far: 3 [x] arrived late to class more than 5 times(uhm, heh heh. For school actually:D) [x] didn't do homework over 5 times(falala *bigsmile*) [x] turned at least 3 projects in late(I did ask for extension, the teacher didn't wanna give it): ) [x] missed school just because you felt like it(CCA actually. But just as bad right? hahaha:D) [ ] laughed so loud you got kicked out of class(come to think of it, never;D) Total so far: 4 [x] got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school(primary school, wanted a transfer because I didn't like the school uniform xD) [x] text people during class(EH WHY YOU TAKE SO LONG TO TEXT ME) [x] passed notes(paper aeroplanes:D) [x] threw stuff across the room(same as above) [x] laughed at the teacher(out loud) (all of the above: WHO THE HELL HASN'T?) Total so far: 5 [x] took pictures during school hours [x] called someone during school hours [x] listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours Total So Far: 3 I must be badly screwed by now. [x] threw something at the teacher [x] went outside the classroom without permission [x] broke the dress code [x] failed a class test [x] ate food during class Total So Far: 5 [x] gotten a call from school [ ] couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly [x] given a teacher the finger when they werent looking [x] swore during class/school( all the time(: ) total so far: 3 [x] forged your parents signature [x] slept in class [ ] cursed at your teacher(thankgoodness no) [x] copied homework [x] got in trouble with the principal/vice principal(let's say I often visited my primary school principal:D) total So Far: 4 Total : 23 Multiply by 3 equals: 69percent. LOL! I'M BLOODY SCREWED HAHAHAHAH
Thursday, September 18, 2008, 9/18/2008 09:03:00 PM
how are you todayy? oh no not so good very sleepy. Whyy leh? cause never sleep enough. Darn all the bloodied homework, tests(ahem, exam) and projects. Aren't the teachers kind(: multitasking chinese 'popcorn' worksheet, chinese zuo wen, and geog project right now. I hate chinese. It has the most homework, is(very coincidentally) the subject I do worst at, and the exam is way earlier than all the others. PLUS, we have to do O's for chinese when we don't have to for the other subjects. and i'm not having enough sleep these few days been sleeping at like 1am for 2 consecutive nights and maybe tonight as well. jeez. I thank GOD that tomorrow is friday, which means there's swimming training, no need to sleep at 1am because of doing homework, no tests the next day, no lessons on the next day, and the slack-slack-ness of journalism. as they say, TGTIF(okay, I said it's Thank God Tomorrow Is Friday). I probably need another september holiday, but then again, who doesn't? ___________________________________________________________I really shouldn't be blogging right now. TskTsk! what a procastinator. _____________________________________________________so weird. I'm getting night cramps in my legs ever so often now. It hurts like WTFFFFOHHHSHIIITTTT and I'm dead serious. I don't like it. Because I share a room with my sis, then it doesn't do much good to wake her up and she'll go bawling out to my mum. I hope it stops, sometime soon. Sometime really soon. Oh, and speaking of legs, hurberg scraped off an entire layer skin on his shin while jumping in class today(YEOWCH!). The layer of skin underneath was so white, scary much0.o thank god he says he's better now:D now it'll leave an abnormal whiter mark on his darkdarkdark leg hahaha. _________________________________________________________oh yes. Physics test was damn shit. LPP sucks, big time. 35% for test 2 eh. More weightage than the stupid project that has nothing to do with thermal properties of matter. And whyyy??? Cause they scraped off the exam. Smart right? no, really dumb. Just add a freakking 5% more to the test and call it an exam la damnit! And she didn't even go through much practice questions with us mann! Then give us a freakking exam that even Emman/YQ/TZY said it was hard. Oh yeah right so now I'm as sure as hell that I'ma donna fail this. Then I might as well just fail my entire physics la. SO DUMBBBB. and to think I did so well for test 1 when it's only worth a miserable 10%. Yeah, LPP, you can go bury yourself in volcano lava like, right now. It might do something good for the soil in a few years to come. _________________________________________________________Yesterday, went out to Oh Chin Huat's hydroponics farm. Quite obvious from the name what we did there yea. Our 'tour guide' was only 17 mann! From S'pore Poly. on an attachment. I think he's damn smart! He has to remember so many flower and herb and spices and leaves names. I'm impressed:D He's so tanned, but still wanna get darker. Haha lol. And, he's not bad looking HAHAHA. oh. speaking about the hot sun, for the sports day thingy, I'm actually gonna try out 1500m. Congratz to me. Hope it works out something for nobel, jeez whatamItalkingabout I'm so slowww.... kay whatever. I'm doing 4x400m also, I'm afraid I'll pull my team down, just like last year. Oh nooo....): ___________________________________________________my right hand is throbbing now. don't know why :P __________________________________________________________skipping for P.E. just now. I CAN'T DO A BACK CROSS DD: and I used to be able to do back skips, now cannot. Seems haven't been practising much =.= Cheryllin is proo:D wow. __________________________________________I wish I could sleep now): my hand is throbbing so painfully. it hurts. __________________________________________________I suddenly miss dad. you lucky people have got to be really thankful. sms-es, emails.... hell. other people are just better off. Them adults like to do the weirdest stuff behind your backs, then blame you for it when it all goes wrong. Then you'll be standing over there like some innocent piece of shit, not knowing what the hell is going on. Then they expect you to actually know and understand and accept what happened, but they still refuse to tell you anything. wow, don't they seem contradictory. and I thought I was weird. (people should just take this as me crapping and don't ask questions cause I ain't gonna answer a single one on this.) __________________________________________________________ TIME TO DO GEOG!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008, 9/15/2008 02:50:00 PM
Qing1 ai4 de4 ni3 men2 hao3(: ![]() So pretty isn't it(; gen is happy she scraped off 5s from her original Indiv. Medley personal best timing to a 2mins 52s! she hit 30s for free again! she got, ahem, 2 golds 2 silver and 1 bronze! Aaaannnd... She took MANYMANY PEEEKKTURESS:DD Warren won(: by about 15 points from serangoon! Met Ivy again today! she's so sweet(: swam with her before last time, perhaps 2 years ago, last year, and this year again! we always do IM together for AIMS so cool isn't it? Oh, and I beat her this year, but then she wasn't doing her best time. She did her best time in p6, 2min50s wow! OHOH and there was this little p6 girl LiWen who swam with lydia she's pro kay! They two were the fastest there and they were keeping same pace as each other until the freestyle lap when LiWen chionged in front and won Lydia by 6s like, wow. Oh, and LiWen is SHORT kay. When she(1st) stood beside Lydia(2nd) on the podium, she was barely taller than lydia! And she was standing on a more elevated platform lolllss... And I swam with national swimmer Amanda Lim! She's very very pro, not like me so loser beside her haha. Her IM is like what, 18s infront of me and that's still not her best time. Okay, what am I comparing. She's one of singapore's top! Not like me so lousy how to compare hahahas. Her freestyle damn pro, 27s wow. And there was another girl from serangoon, freestyle 29s. She also power, but I forgot her name. And my costume was a lil' bit loose cause i could feel a gigantic air bubble in the front of my costume. Annoying kay... Kept thinking of it instead of my strokes=.=" Yadah, yadah. Prize presentation was boring. As usual. I bought a new pair of race goggles cause I lost my old one *smiles sheepishly*:D Then uncle thomas got dunked! Along with billy(oh, and btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY:D don't say I never wish youu.....) and darwin and jansen and me and isabelle and a whole lot of other people. Then my slipper strap broke, sad no time to get a new one): I saw Myran. He grew again! Whlao when is he ever gonna stop mann if he doesn't stop soon he's gonna reach 2m and that's like, omigosh. I'M SERIOUS KAY HE'S 1.94M NOW. haha so funny can I feel like Joelle while talking to him. Hey I barely reach up to his shoulders maybe just slightly taller than his elbows wtff..... And he's 17. If he wants to reach 2m, he's got a pretty good chance. Oh no, I didn't get a photo. Haha imagine how the height difference would be like 30cm lolllss... And Shi Da grew too! so much taller than me goshhh WHY OH WHY ARE GUYS SO TALLLL so not fair. I so buay tahan can! Everytime i ask them about their height they always seem to grow at least 1 or 2cm! Then it feels as if i'm stuck at my height): Okay, never mind. Dinner afterwards! with sharleyisabellelydia and darwin. At Kaari house. We ate curry. Haha lol I didn't notice about 'Kaari' and 'curry' until Darwin told me lol! I had this disgusting 'healthy' curry that was just YUCK xP the milky taste was so strong and I felt like puking after. Bad choice): so I didn't touch the curry:D Oh, then we took PEEEKKTURESSS(: at KFC. ![]()
HAha so this one? Darwin snapped late so Lydia got out of her pose already lol!
Sharley got most of the photos, when she up loads them I'll kope from her(: then I'll upload along with my jumshots from saturday in the playground!
now back to geog. Tsk, spent so long blogging. naughty naughty.
Sunday, September 14, 2008, 9/14/2008 10:32:00 AM
*smiles* AIMS laterrr.. Wish me luck!
Friday, September 12, 2008, 9/12/2008 10:50:00 PM
Helloh;D I'm gonna do this quizzzz(: You type in Google Images your answer for the following questions, then you put the first picture that pops up. 1. The age you will be on your next birthday. ![]() 2. A place you would like to travel to. ![]() 3. Your favourite place. ![]() 4. Your favourite food. ![]() 5. Your favourite colour ![]() 6. Your favourite piece of clothing. ![]() P.s. You won't ever catch me wearing one of that triangular pieces of cloth. Not ever in a million years. 7. Your favourite song. ![]() 8. Your favourite TV show. ![]() 9. The first name of your significant other/crush. 10. The district/town that you live in. ![]() 11. Your nickname. ![]() 13. Your dream job. ![]() 14. A bad habit you have. ![]() 15. Your worst fear. ![]() 16. One thing you would like to do before you die. ![]() 17. If you have a million dollars what would be the first thing you'd get? ![]() (start time: 2259) ![]() Haha and this is just for fun:D 2.58s for IM trial today. Sucky, should be able to do better on Sunday. :D I want more MEDALSSSSS:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ohno freestyle.... Gotta do 30s again:D I feel like I'm up to it(:
Thursday, September 11, 2008, 9/11/2008 10:55:00 PM
who was the person who tag you? DARWIN TAGGED MEEEEE TO DO THIS SO I SHALLL:3 what did you think of the eh? hmm. gamemakers are all short. *ahem,ahem* :DD 1.Do you eat alot of fast food ? oh noo....don't remind me. 2.Have you Kissed anyone in 2008? uh-uh nope. 3. Were you happy when you woke up today? Not really.... I'm usually dead in the mornings. but I wasn't sad haha:D 4.What did you last get upset about ? I can't remember. What the point anyway? you're gonna get upset again if you keep trying to remember it. 5.Do you eat candy on a daily basis? uh. heh heh:D 6. What about is your 5th sent message? I'm hungryD: 7.Who was the last person you ate with ? family? dinner mah. 8. Who was the person you took a picture of ? YANNI HAHA (^.^)V! 9.When ordering sushi , what do you get ? I order sushi. I get my sushi. 10. Who was the last person you sat next to ? Hmm. In class was WenHui during french:D 11. What were you doing at 10 am? MATHHHHHHH 12. Have you changed a lot since summer? I believe such. If you mean summer was June? I'm more hyped now:DDD 13. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself ? water, probably. I'm always getting sprayed by water. 14. Where is the place you want to be right now? I wanna be asleep now. I'm not getting enough SLEEEPPPP. 15. when was the last time you cried? it's not a very nice thing to remember. 16.what's your favorite songs at the moment? Runaway love. it's nice okay(: 17. What were you doing at 11 last night ? hmm. On the computer? 18. who's near you ? no one(: 19. what were you doing at 5 am in the morning? i'll be doing the exact same thing as you were doing:D 20. What's bothering you right now? my mum. =.=" 21. who was the last person to talk to you on the phone? TAYKAILINHILDAAAAA 22.who's house did you go to last? mine? 23. who honestly knows everything about you? myself lor. No one else even comes anywhere near to close. I don't like Kaypohs(: 24. who broken your heart ? Hahaha why dwell on it mann! besides, this question isn't even gramatically correct. 25.Honestly do you love some1 very much? someone else? If it's relationship kinda stuff, no I don't(: 26.who was the last person to tell you that they love you? Lydia! Cause she wished me happy birthdya yesterday:D 27. Are your friends with the last person you kissed? If I'm not friends with the person I kissed why would I even kiss them in the first place? lol haha. 28. Are there any parts of your body that hurt? My arms hurt a little, but I don't know why. and the bruise on my shin. yeowch! 29. In the supermarket , the first thing that gets your attention is ? WHLAO WHY THE QUEUE SO LONG. 30. How cool do you think you are? probably 37 degrees. LOL OKAY THAT'S COLD(: 31. Drugs are ? from the pharmacy? 32. Which one do you hate the most? hating takes energy. what a waste. 33. who was the first person to text you today? my godfather. 34. what was the first thing you did this morning? turn off the alarm to snooze. so dumb, cause it rang 2 minues later. might as well just turn it off. 35. Who was your last missed call on your cell phone? uhm. The phone call was from my house. haha:D 36. What's the last mistake you made? screwing up my bio test so badly. damn. 37. what are you listening to right now? not listening to anything :3 38. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? YanSheng. After french when I met katrina and tingting and su hang outside. 39. who was the last person to call you? TAYKAILINHILDAAAA 40. is there anything that you want to say to someone special? yes there is but i'd prefer for it to be private:D i'm lazy to tag people hee(: french ended at 8pm today. hooray man.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 9/10/2008 11:44:00 PM
Happy birthday to me... happy birthday to me... happy birthday to gen... happy birthday to me. *edited:D* Well, congratz to me. I'm now officially 14 this year. One year older than last year's 13. Gawd I feel old. Today I'm not as hyped during training as yesterday. Might as well have been my birthday yesterday. whateverrr... birthday's just another normal day so blahblahblah. Maybe's cause I didn't eat dinner before training, so my body's lacking on some foods and sugars and other whatnots. Note to self: ALWAYS eat a proper dinner before training. Choco chip cookies and choco cake DON'T count. Having seriously major moodswings now, probably PMSing. Haha, lol. In the mornings and afternoons I'm like, deaddd.... then at night during trainings I get so hyped up :D *coughlydia!cough* Gawd what's wrong with me. tsk!! Ohwell. Realised when I get super hyped up I don't feel as tired during training haha! Being happy is nice. My mood hasn't been right this few weeks. Oh what going on with me damn. Plus point: being happy and hyped during trainings lets you hit 30.72s and 30.23s for 50m free:D Yup, two 30s in a night. I'm really glad:D It's a wonderful birthday present from myself HAHA! So I'll aim for 29s next! Keep up the happy feeling:D:D:D oh. weird. lydia knows I did 30s twice. Sharley or some other person must have told her. HahaxD Saw Joy today, sad luhh. She broke her arm/hand/wrist or wherever that part may be but yeah it's on her left arm=.=" So she can't swin for almost 2 enitre months or even more! Imagine, not swimming for so long! Oh no, I better not break any part of my body, I don't think I'll be able to stand it. Sad, she can't swim for AIMS. And her timings are damn pro. Her free is already doing 30s and back 36s I think? not sure might be faster liao loh! oh myyyy..... The guys gave me a 'surprise' cake during training, awww so sweet of them(: hahaha been eating so much cake lately tsk! And TODAY:D Class gave me a 'surprise' cake during break! Aww so sweet of them(: so now... 7 cakes and counting:D So. In no particular order, thankyou for all your presents and wishes(: mom sis dad godfather grandma&pa:D geo sharley lydia brandon isabelle joy uncle thomas darryl darryl's mom deborah deborah's mom benjamin jr. darwin gideon michelle jelly:D TAYKAILINHILDA yanni aisyah yu jia nick katrina cheryllin TZY ben hurberg narmadha christine ethel cheryllit angela charlene emman yu quan ryan zhan feng dillon joelle jun kiat SHERMAINENAH:D There's gotta be more. Sorry if I forget/: Thankyou and I LOVE ALL OF YOU(: haha lol. Geo's message was the earliest. 1am in the morning 0.o Next birthday: Lydia 2509:DD
Monday, September 08, 2008, 9/08/2008 03:07:00 PM
Hello. My name is gen. I cut my hair today. Now it looks like shit. And after I bathe, It looks like diarrhoea. Thankyou all so much for bothering into my life. KTHXBYE
Sunday, September 07, 2008, 9/07/2008 08:25:00 PM
well hi:D After today, school holidays are officially overrrr... aww sad. This holiday has been totally unproductive. I still have much homework not done(CHINESE! ohmannn...) so gotta chiong later luh. Not done anything much other than laze and slack around and going out a few times. hmm. not good. Haven't started on a single bit of Geog. project. Don't bother reminding me that i only have 2 more weeks=.=" okay bye.
Saturday, September 06, 2008, 9/06/2008 01:38:00 PM
School holidays are ENDINGGG....): and I haven't finished my homework only left with chinese ARGGHhD: jonathan bought CAKE for debs. and daniel yesterday, we had it after training:D training was uhm, yeah. 1000m warmup 300m swim, 150m negative split. 3x100m kick 6x50 sprint. then repeat the above three sets again. (supposed to be thrice, but only did it twice D:) planks, then fins, then, without. then final two 50m sprints. total: 2900m I CAN'T SPRINT I DON'T FREAKING KNOW WHY. there's something wrong with me, I can bet my life on that. 33s for a sprint is freakking slow! whatthehell's wrong with me why can't I do an 'effing 30s?? DAMMIT. My fly stroke's screwed, my back stroke's still as horrible, my breaststroke no matter how hard I pull also cannot move, and freestyle do I need to say? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MEEEEEEE MANNZXZXZXZ. I've got no motivation to swim. I sometimes just think to myself, why not just quit the damn sport? But, you can't quit swimming. Only swimming can quit you. But swimming hasn't quitted me yet. TIRED SO WHATT.
Thursday, September 04, 2008, 9/04/2008 08:10:00 PM
WALL-E x33! THE MOVIE IS SOOO SWEEETT(: GO WATCH GO WATCH ALL THOSE WHO HAVEN'T YET GOWATCH!!!! LIKE, NOWWW!!! wall-e's the cutest little broken-down rusted old-fashioned robot everrr.... he calls Eve eeevvveea! no matter how she tries to correct him! Awwwww.....(: and that little cleaning-up robot that clean freak! and...and...and... I could go on, but that would be a major spoiler:D although the dancing part is a little, uh, chiche. so yeah. Just a random thought, perhaps it would have been cuter if Eve could blush HAHAHA! okay, don't mind me(x I SAW TZE YUEN :D (L)'! I was kinda afraid I'd walked up to the wrong person and said hi lol! Awwww... I miss you so much!! AND I saw Lydia while walking out from Lot 1, and YuanHan and Meifang at the LRT whooo I'm bumping into so many people today mann:D Seesh, i never knew YuanHan grew so much! He's almost the same height as Meifang! plus minus a few cm... OHH. and Cheryl got her braces! Haha she was complaining she talked weird lol yeah it will be first few days then you'll get used to the braces AND the talking:D And she showed me her teeth that were plucked out from her bottom jaw(yeowch!) WHOW I never knew those teeth could be soooooo.... long! Scary.... o.0 I have a sudden craving to eat mooncake! Keep seeing it everywhere(x Jeez I'm eating so much but not exercising awww shucks):
Wednesday, September 03, 2008, 9/03/2008 08:16:00 PM
OKay I'm watching this little 4 year-old girl Kaitlyn sing on America's got Talent. DAMMIT SHE SINGS SO 'EFFING NICELY THAT I SHOULDN'T BE USING A SWEAR WORD HERE. And she just got past the judges. Ohmigosh!!! SHE'S PROBABLY THE CUTEST LITTLE CREATURE THAT EVER LIVED ON EARTH AND MARS AND JUPITER I'M SO IN LOVEEEE WITH HER NOWWW>>>>>>> (HAHAHA GUYS YOU CAN NOW SCRAM:DD) Yesterday went out with 11 people from 205 to cycle at ECP:D Met ben and emman first at Macs. Had a "healthy" Grilled Chicken Foldover. (Dammit, broke my Macs. ban. Shoot.) The rest came soon after, and off it was to rent the bikes! So then we all cycled all the way to Changi there(where we got pangsehhed by emman and yu quan) and back! About, uh, 30km-35km I'd say? Not good with distances:D Passed by changi airport, saw planes taking off ooooh nice hee(: JunKiat fell like, twice aww sad. Then zf's bike spoilt like, quite a few times aww sad. Hurberg had a really really heavy bag omigosh what was inside lol aww sad. Mannn... Once I had to jam-brake to avoid collision, then unfortunately swerved onto the uneven part between the path and the grass, and kena flung off my bike, fell and got abrasion on my palm(yeowch!) and three big lumps on my leg(triple yeowch!!). HHAHAHA and I was playing with the cuts on my palm all the way back home :D:D:D:D:D sorry la but it's damn fun can. Ate subway for dinner yumms! Oh ya hurberg has really weird dreams mann damn funny should share more of it we all need a few more laughs don't we:D:D Haha lol if only my dreams were that nice instead of someone kinda-familiar-but-still-not-very chasing me here and there like some serial killer i might share some:D who wants to hear dreams like that mann!? No swimming that night, raining buckets with little kittens in it): This morning :DD wrote late-coming excuse letter for Mr. Ang, got mum to bring me to school to drop it off, then went back home. Later went down to warren to do homework and such with Isabelle Brandon Sharley and Geo:DD Sheeeetttt mann Isabelle keeps laughing crapshittily!!! Make me so distracted LOL! (OKAY NOW I THINK I'M GONNA CHANGE TO THAT BATON THROWER GUY. HE CAN BLOODY PLAY WITH FIRE AND NOT GET then later off to lot 1 to get dinner and deborah and daniel's present! whlao, ex siahh): Macs. again, damnit broke my ban, AGAIN! seesh. gotta stop doing this sorta stuff! Raining buckets and them cute little puppy dogs. Then no swimming again, also cause mum didn't allow. Seriously, I can't stand her sometimes, always don't allow me to swim. I mean, what the feeeshhh is her problem mann? (OH SHIT NOW I LOVE THAT BRITNEY SPEARS IMPERSONATOR DAMN GOOD AND HE'S A MAN.) okay back. (OH SHIT CAFIDAH THAT GIRL SINGER DOUBLY ROCKS) ahhas well that's what you get when I watch talent shows(: And Geo eats a freakking hell lot. Like, he wanted 2 MAC CHICKEN BURGERS and 1 MC SPICY. UPSIZED. whlao. Although I admit I can eat that too(minus the fries and drink, I practically DON'T touch then at all) but I'd feel horribly bloated and grrrhhh sleepy so I rather not(: let's revvv. back to in Macs. had a, weird type of conversation. Well then. HAHHAA LOL I never knew mann! I never thought that even if I did, it would have been so obvious HAHAHAH! hmm if they'd said so perhaps it was? Omigosh/: nooo....... tsktsk can'tbe-shakes head-can'tbe. I LOVEE DEBORAH AND DANIEL'S PRESENT!!! SONICESONICE(: see? We love you all so much, my birthday better get me a NICEEE present :DD (okay hahhaaha joking) *HINTit'scoming!!HINT*
Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 9/02/2008 09:50:00 AM
ECPECPECPTODAY(: Class Outing laterrr.... hehhehs! Well. Gotta get some homework done first D: shit I don't want to do the chinese summary. What the point mannxsxz.... in compo you stretch A S L O O O N N N G G A S P O S S I B L E then in summary you try to squeeze all the bloody points together. So gayyy. Haha yesterday went down to warren with sharley lydia isabelle and brandon to (supposedly) do homework. Eh, I did do okay :E Then they all all brought drinks and sushi into the study room then almost kena chased out LOL! hidehidehide(: Brandon weird. Halfway go gym, come back do some work. Then run off to dunno where and came back with CHIPS((:!!! Then went off with THE CHIPPSS)): aww sad. Later... Lot 1 PASTAMANIA:3 hungryhungry! Well then poor gen had no money then SHARLEY so kindly lent meee(: (L) Ohhh! And I had baked rice, with TONNES of CHEESE! Haha Lydia the CHEESEFREAK put more CHEESE on her (cheapskate kid's meal) Chicken bolognaise spaghetti than me. Like, half the container whoooww.... Can't stand how they always give so tiny portions. Always makes me feel hungry like, 0.5hours later. Not good. Well then. Bought Lydia her PIECE OF CLOTH ("to wear inside the shirt one lah!") and then caught the warren bus back. JONATHAN CUT HIS HAIR NOW IT LOOKS Played truth or dare in the playground with jonathan hahahaha until 7.30pm. Lol funny much can isabelle kept knocking her head against the bottom blue portion of the slide underwhich she was sitting on so I dared her to go and knock her head on the yellow portion of the slide on top :D And bloody hell jonathan and isabelle can do a freakking SPLIT. damn. Later training. All the way till 9.30pm++ oh gosh. Monday- 1/09/08 (: Total: 3060m. Wahlao, how come we always do so little de? 300m warm-up. haha the next one is fun! 3x100m -- 25m sit on board and -uh, how to spell?- skull? whatever.25m kayak. 25m sprint kick. 25m easy kick. 6x50m -- underwater kick: 15m 25m 35m then repeat. Gawdd I can't hold for the 35m dammit. 12x100m on 2mins -- 1st 4 decsend timing swim. Next 4 hold timing. Last 4 ascend timing swim. 8xalternate 15m & 25m -- IM sprints. Then STARTS! then power set. Aww. 2x8x50m -- 1st: 2 fly 1 free. Holy crap lydia did 28 fucking seconds for 3x50m fly. 2nd: 2 free 1 back. My back is hopeless. With flipper still only can do 34/35s Free worse. 29/30 freakkingly slow seconds. Dammit, how am I ever gonna improve??? Must be like deborah, PUSHHARDERPUSHHARDERPUSHHARDER!!! Talking about deborah, HER BIRTHDAY IS COMING WHOOOO!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D |
and that's all you needa know. |
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,