Friday, October 31, 2008, 10/31/2008 03:47:00 PM
HELLOH:DBlog has been on hiatus for quite some time already. I'm glad(: exams are almost overr yo! just another math paper on monday(jeez. so sian. Others already PARTYING all night already man. And I'm still here doing my exams-.-") and we're FREEEEEEEEE(:
uhm, so yeah. These here are some LOOONNGG OVERDUE stuffs that are, well. Overdue.
First ups.
26th October.
fourteen now, hahah! same as meeee(: jeeez. seems just a little while ago we just turned thirteen, now POOOOF -> 14.
And you know whatttt? (:
ARE TEH BESTEST IN TEH WORLDDD:DD:D:D:DD:D:D:D. 205 lovess youuuuuu(: and so do I <3 28th October.
Awwww.... Joelle! How can we not love this sweet little sweet( s) girl? <3!
 Heh heh heh(: what you 205 be without youuuuu leh? :D I can't imagine, but don't need to anyway--> Cause we already have you! xD Oh, 16 alreadyyyy. Can watch NC16 shows yo! oh and apparently in Australia you can learn to drive now. WOOTS~ Okay. Done with the birthdays. I wouldn't usually like to repeat out my exam questions after the bloody thing is done cause I'll feel sick( don't know why, I just do), but hell. I have not screwed any of my exams too badly yet, and I'm happy(: oh, and I just kissed goodbye to six marks in my first math exam because of careless mistake. Emo-ed over it for the rest of the day damn. D: bio was,( entirely) common sense. yes, I'm serious. english was super slack. I was relatively happy about my essay. A meaningful gift, descriptive essay. Summary and comprehension, finished half an hour before time, and slept the rest . And oh, that day dillon didn't come. So I was admiring his empty chair beside me lol. Chinese was... uhm. yeah. For like, the first time in a long long time I actually managed to properly finish the paper. Sumary writing was shit. One paragraph only, copied and pasted like siao:D French oral was shitty. The entire thing was "uhm, uhm, uhm" and "uh, uh, uh" and "huh? huh? huh?" so I got the other teacher. And He was quite nice i'd say(: but, I'm not really confident that he would pass me for oral. Chem was relatively okay. Just that i couldn't do one of the questions because I forgot to bring my assed graphing calculator. How smart is that. ( okay, very smart. I'll thank you for that.) Geog was, uhm. managable I guess? I think I wrote a little too much ( crap). Seesh hurberg's gonna say that I mug too much again. Hahah:D thank god all of the above are OVER. officially OVER and done for. shit, my eyes are getting bloodshot already. - rubs eyes- and I have not been training since sunday): - damn you jonathan, SEE I LISTENED TO YOU- My coach forbade me to attend a single training session this entire week. How lol is that? And the warren guys went for darwin's dad's birthday bbq at east coast. Not fair, I was the only one who didn't goooo): and brandon's birthday chalet this weekend. I don't know if I can go, there's a possibility that I could but, well. Mum would probably allow, but there's TRIGOOOO the next day. So I should spend the next day tomorrow practicing for math, then I could go at night on sunday? yup(: oh, theory grade 5 exam tomorrow. jeez, see? I take more exams than everyone in my class )x this was a long post. And probably boring too. But what the hell. If you don't wanna read, too bad. Cause you probably have read until here now. HAHHAHHAH. help me do a quiz, please? Everyone who sees this MUST do! pleasepleasepleaseplease(: What would you do if: ('I' as in me, genevieveannekieseker.) 1. I died: 2. I kissed you: 3. I fell: 4. I lived next door to you: 5. I was drunk at a party: 6. I showed up at ur house unexpectedly: 7. I stole something: 8. I was murdered: 9. I was sleepy: 10. I cried: 11. I asked you to marry me: 12. I was hospitalized: 13. I fell in love with you: 14. I stalked you: 15. I disappeared: 16. I hurt you: 17. You heard that i said something bad about you: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY
9. Personality: 10. Eyes: 11. Hair: 12. Family: WOULD YOU
13. Help me hide a body? 14. Keep a secret if I told you one? 15. Hold my hand? 16. Take a bullet for me? 17. Do my homework for me? 18. Try to help me solve my problems? 19. Love me? 20. DATE ME? HAVE YOU EVER
21. Lied to make me feel better? 22. Wanted to kiss me? 23. Wanted to kill me? 24. Broke my heart? 25. Kept something important from me? 26. Thought I was unbearably annoying? AND MORE 27. Who are you?
28. Are we friends? 29. When and how did we meet? 30. Describe me in three words: 31. What was your first impression of me? 32. Do you still think that way about me now? 33. What reminds you of me? 34. If you could give me anything, what would it be? 35. How well do you know me? 36. When's the last time you saw me? 37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 38. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you? 39. Anything you want to say to me right now? Write it here: Thankyou! I appreciate it:D tag me back one you've done this and I'll do one for you too xD
Thursday, October 23, 2008, 10/23/2008 10:18:00 AM
Okay okay okay. Exams are tomorrow, so I won't be blogging until the 3rd Nov., when they end. so in the meanwhile, here's a nicenice picture for you to look at and admire until I come back from oober mugginess(:  WOOHOO(:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 10/22/2008 03:43:00 PM
Hello(: Today is the 22nd Oct. 2008. a.k.a. Year 6 graduation day. a.k.a the last day of classes. a.k.a the 2nd-last day before exams. a.k.a. LAST OFFICIAL DAY WIH TWOOHFIVEE. " hmm. 22nd October. Sounds like someone's birthday." -cheryllin.   Joelle's shy(:  isn't joelle teh sweetest(: and 20% of the class didn't come today. Either pon school, or sick. so complete horh. ryan, tsk!  and we got 205 bottles to play with :D:D:D:D  oh, i took this photo just as it was about to fall heh !  heh, remember the ruins in Rome? looks like the big circular thingy yeah(:  say cheese! *camera flashes!*  notice the floors and chairs:D " hey christine, there's a bottle by your foot.What, they're many bottles beside my feet."  wheeheww(: OUR BOTTLES PWNN YOURS. YES? derrh.(:   Walking to buzzstopz. ooh. My face got cut off halfway, and nar looks tired somewhat. Whee~ I caught angela! Amazing isn't it, how our class transformed form total strangers during matricualtion, then to friends from the first week of school, to a huge family of 205, now. when we first came together as an entire class on the 2nd January 2007, we had 2 years together. 2 years, can't say it was long, couldn't say it was short. A week of orientation gone by. Then another went. Remember? We counted the "weeks of school" :D And then we found ourselves mugging for the mid-years. All too soon came the EOYs, and then, ONE year left. Everyone went, "ah, just a year left." Year 2, two left for another class, three came in to join. Class outings, class chalet... <3! Months flew by, as yet again. Finally, last the many "lasts" with 205. Last month(oh sheetzD:), last week(oh noo....) last day(crap.) Finally today. Last lesson together as class( but, really. 205 may not be our class next year, but 205 will always exist in our memories. All of us might not be together, but at the very least we will still be able to see each other in school. It's not the end of 205, not at all(: Although classes will have a different feel to it, but school will not. 205... I  every single one of you(: Come on, SMILE! :DD
Monday, October 20, 2008, 10/20/2008 01:54:00 PM
sleepy heads, exam-muggers and taiti kings. All so, so dear. less than a week left, and I still can't get round to imagining me being in a class without angela, charlene, mabelle, cheryllit, cheryllin, dillon, emman, PYQ, nar, joelle, ethel, christine, katrina, junkiat, hurberg, ben, zhanfeng, ryan, TZY, neekolas and NUR'REDHAYANNI BINTE MOHD. KHATIB <3! ____________________________________________________________________ OH NO EVERYONE IS GETTING SICKK!
GET WELL SOON YOZ! BUMMER TO FALL ILL DURING EXAM PERIODS! ____________________________________________________________________ WE'RE REACHING OUR TARGET 205 BOTTLES YOZ! HURRAH <3! ___________________________________________________________________ all the best for upcoming exams, best-of-the-bestbestbest! .gen. desperately needs to go revise, she has already wasted too much time on the computer. and also is to the person who has read until here ---> GO STUDY LAH YOU NUSHigh PERSON.
Thursday, October 16, 2008, 10/16/2008 09:25:00 PM
Helloh:D Haven't updated for some time. Exams are like, next next monday and I have not started anything on most of my subjects. Don't. Remind. Me. Geog. has majorily killed many of my brain cells. Only at chapter 2 and I took so long to finish damn): I feel oh-so-tired now... I think I'll be doing late-nights just to cover all my topics, and that doesn't sound good. Can't wait till after the exams. Jeez. You know(I can't stop but repeat this cause I'm DAMN BLOODY ENVIOUS) that almost all the other schools have already finished their exams and PARTAYE-ING already while I'm still mugging for - insert subject here- *sadface* I'm only blogging now cause I have time hahaha;D no, actually, I don't. I'm just procrastinating(: I'll go through a few stuffs this week, the more major stuffs(: Finished with all the presentations of the major projects YAY:D got back math test, 30/30 WHOO(: chinese kouyuchengxian. JOELLE WAS DAMN PRO(: and so were everyone else of course(: zls said that me and hilda improved HAHAH LOL. *happyface* and got back geog test too. 21.5/25 WHOO(: this week did loads of revision works. and nuclear chem. ohmigosh dieee. then pulau semakau island thingy talk. Which I slept through, obviously. buay tahan, was so boring. and research congress. live video-cast in the hall. So also was crapping around writing one-word essays:D this must really be boring out all you guys. I took like, almost an hour to write this omigosh. Cause everything in my head's like, in tiny bits and pieces, so yeah. this post was quite unorganized. OH. ~10 more bottles yo! almost 205 bottles already;DDD (hearts) 205(: and I got geog as my humans. subject next year lol. Now I have second doubts about history, and even music(LOL?). but, more history than music hahah;D EEYER I DON'T KNOW. Okayokay. I don't care already. I'll just use the excuse that I CAN'T WRITE A PROPER HISTORY SBQ/SEQ to not do history, so GEOG. it is(: boo. I just realised, while I was reading someone's blog. Not anything about the contents, but about the way the person wrote it. All twits( e.g. miie=me, bloqq=blog, tinqq=think and such. You get the message.) and broken english with inproper grammar and missing letters in words! read until so pekchek. I found it annoying, I don't like reading anything with improper english, ( with the exception of a few swear words(: ) call me a control freak or whatever, I just don't like what I see 0.o OH. I wanna watch TWILIGHT:D:D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Edward cullen is played by robert pattinson, who also did cedric diggory in HP. HOTT<3! does anyone have the books new moon/eclipse/breaking dawn? Cause I really wanna read! Whoot~! Hmm. Wahh, I can't think of anything else): this entire thing was so random. =.=" uhm, yeah. I guess I wasted enough time already. sorry you all had to go through this crappy piece of update. I promise a sort-of proper one after the exams(:
Friday, October 10, 2008, 10/10/2008 04:35:00 PM
hahah;D I'm editing stuffs in journalism now. So much more fun than writing stuffs(: got back chinese test today. Hilda came in third WTH WOW! but anyway, I got 2 marks lower than her, 45/60. But whatever, A-, and this test was easy(: anway. THIS WEEK WAS HELLLL./ I never usually had to drink coffee just to stay awake, but from the nights of monday and tuesday I had to down so much caffeine just not to feel groggy. Tsk! so unhealthy. Sorry la, blame me for my last minute-ness. but now, THANK GOD IT'S ALL OVER(: by thursday, I thought I would die. TGIF:D time to breathe a sigh of relief and relax a little on saturday before having to start studying again for exams in two weekzszszsz(: which reminds me, only 5 more weeks together with 205): minus out perhaps four weeks for exam mugging and the exams themselves, which means the remaining 1-plus-week has got to be SPENT REALLY REALLY WELL. time'll pass by very fast. Wahh): ohmigosh, can you imagine? 2008's gonna be over in less than 3 months! it still feels like, it just started... gawdd I'm still lagging! tsk! Something's bothering me. no, it's not anyone of you guys, i'm serious. What is is that I've got no proper time to think about it, so I'm getting frustrated over what to do or what not to do about it. Everything has been driving me really busy lately, even I don't have spare time for myself. Le sigh, but I don't think it's anything important, so it can wait till after the exams(: ( actually, I don't even know what it is! gahh.) anyhow. CIAO(:
Thursday, October 09, 2008, 10/09/2008 09:27:00 PM
HELLOH:D geog quiz tomorrow. And I haven't read through any thing on geog. o.0 anyway. gonna do so later. now doing the poster part of the english project:D today's P.E. was epic fun(: juggling balls:D TRES FUNNY. Balls were literally dropping here and there HAHAHAH. at least the instructor was somewhat entertaining. Not like the skipping fat byotch. He juggled the balls damn pro, and zhanfeng also very pro juggler HAHAH:D And then we swopped with o6/07 to do the WHATCHA-CALL-THAT? (edited: it's called a DIAPOLO, actually.) you know, the big big yo-yo type thing? that you use two big drumsticks with string and you bounce it uo and down thingy? the ancient china type thing? whatever it is, DAMN FUN(: I LOVE ITTT Well, blah blah blah. Oh, and we got scolded for being late for P.E. WHATEVER. I don't think we really do care at all(: hmm. math... then chem. oh, our group presented the last. And it stretched half an hour into lunch): AHH. HUNGRYY. anyway. I think my part of the presentation was damn epic. murali "okay, okay, okay skip skip skip" so then by the time he came to the end of gauges, my part was already done and I only presented 1 slide -.-' so I just went 'okay done:D' hahaha:D then, taiti in class during physics elect. and bio, where we went through the bio practs and worksheets. Ms. Tan let us off early today(: so taiti in class until french. then Joelle was acting weird HAHAH. she had this, happy mood, sad mood, sore loser mood, and some sigh-y mood. must be PMS-ing HAHAH. okay jokes(: so then she kept scolding herself then jumping up and down in class. wah. really serious. uhm, and Ethel got to eat pizzahut today(; sorry random(: anyhow. I love playing taiti(: so fun know! like, you might be asshole at first, then you suddenly become king, and then you plunge back down to asshole:D hahaha, really epic(: french... then back home. mum fetched, and she came at like, 6.45 or something. So I was discussing with Amanda about our hilarious teachers:D SHE'S SO NICE TO CRAP WITH <3 ! really funny and bubbly:D uhm well. I really should go read up a little for geog. and thinking of homework, I just rememebered that we had to do a mind map for trigo. Eh, how to do a mind mao for math? so weird 0.0 exams are coming SOOOON. so not fair, some schools *COUGHdarwinCOUGH* already finished theirs. WAKA LAKA.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008, 10/08/2008 09:55:00 PM
//EDITTED:DD// friday, 10th oct. editting cause I forgot some stuffs that I had felt like posting:D Heya(: sorry, no time these few days for a proper post. Know what? since Thursday, excluding friday, I've not slept any earlier than 12am each day): So yeah, been pretty worn out by mugging for tests and doing projects. Le sigh. But thankgoodness now it's almost all done, only left with geog. quiz on friday and chem presentation tomorrow(: I think it should be the last day for PSLE today. According to my piano teacher's son yeah. Lucky them, our exams have not even started): Anyway. I'll do a detailed post now(: Monday. YO HURBERG HAPPY BIRTHDAY(:Hardcore mugging for geog. over the weekends. Then only came out 2 simple questions from 3 of the chapters that I mugged so hard for. There came out this temperate climate thingy, and I forgot what were the characteristics of temperate climate. So just guessed. Turned out to be somewhat okay(: Oh, and zls only gave back our worksheets for 9.30 that day, with the chinese test tomorrow. So yeah, I thought i was gonna be kinda screwed. Anyway. On friday or something zls went through this composition thigy, about teenagers kissing about and being mushy in public. Which was damnned hilarious:D we all saw zls hugging this box of papers and holding hands skipping with an imaginary someone. Huge joke:D Then bussed back home with hilda and yanni <3 ! To do english project. We're doing a video(: and it looks like a damn joke. Well, at least I think it's super hilarious. Cause there was this part where me and yanni were in it, acting really retarded o.0 2 thirds of the eng proj. done, only left the poster:D Studied for chinese, then went down to run and pick my sis up. Came back home and studied chinese again=.='' Tuesday. chinese test. I thought it was kinda okay. Easy actually. But I should be keeping my mouth zipped and not say anything. Cause you never know the outcome. I might just do badly): my chinese sucks, can help it? then wanted to do bio, so went com lab. But I just stared at the screen for like, an hour and a half. gahh:D Today. math/english common test. math was easy. and I didn't study heh:D I was sleeping through english. summary writing sucks. seriously. Oh, so I wrote on this wrong page so that it will be more convenient. Then I scribbled in big block letters NEXT PAGE(: on one side. Yong Kiat beside me saw it, and laughed. HAHAH(: Physics car race. LAUKOKKOK CAR ROCKS(: my car moved like wall-e, serious! so funny! anyhow. All the cars moved. except nick's ): and apparently limpeipei was in a good mood(definitely better than last week's PMS-ing) so then we were all waiting for the clouds to pass so that the sun will show and the cars can move. and LPP got tired of waiting sometime later. Then she went back into the shade and took off her dark sunglasses. then she remarked: " EH THE SUN COME OUT ALREADY." abit, dumb leh. she just took off her shades so it'd obviously seem brighter =.=" anyway, she went for her photo taking later, and then we sat in the sun and played netball. SLAMDUNK HEE(: AXIS next. WOOHHOO last lesson for axis! Today's lesson on three gorges dam was dam boring. (: we had this Ms. We and this guy teacher. Eurgh. So I drew cartoon on the table:D It was so cute! I felt kinda sad to erase it later. bussed back with Shermaine <3 ! haven't been doing so for quite long already, I MISS YOUU(: Piano later. Didn't practice anything, neither did I do theory): and no swimming later again. Sheez): Then later at night(just now actually) I dropped a cup on my big toe. porcelain, not the type of flimsy glass cups that don't hurt at all. The big, big heavy porcelain type. anyway. Now I got a bruise on my toe under the nail, which hurts): but it got slightly better after awhile, so yay(: and the cup broke): apparently I thought the cup was over the sink already, but I accidently let go. And I wanted to catch it but was too late it fell down and I was like OHF**K before it hit my toe apparently I have ESP HAHAH. Okay jokes. It was so sore at first I thought I'd cry, but didn't HAHAH. Mum was laughing, so it made me laugh too in spite:D cleared the cup and threw it away. Aww, I liked that cup. Why did it have to break): Oh, and exams will start on the 24th Oct, but french oral is on 22nd Oct. Wahh. Must start revising again): not very fair can. All my friends already started PARTAE-ING already WAHH. Irritating lah, xi ying(:
Tuesday, October 07, 2008, 10/07/2008 11:16:00 AM
2 tests down yoz. bigbig projects due tomorrow yoz. stared at bio paper without doing anything for 1.5 hours yoz.
Thursday, October 02, 2008, 10/02/2008 09:14:00 PM
School's crazy. Oh my sleep. If it continues for more than the next week, I tell you I'll be sleeping longer in school than at home. Good luck to you gen. Next week no need sleep liao. Just do projects. Sorry guys, might nit be blogging much for the next week. So you all might as well forget that I have a blog for awhile. I now pronounce my blog- d.e.a.d. If it doesn't die, then I will die.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 10/01/2008 11:27:00 PM
Shit. Chemistry is wasting my time. I've been sitting in front of the bloodied screen for like, half an hour, and the bloody chemistry file doesn't want to fucking complete loading. I WANNA SLEEP DAMMIT. I hate this computer, super slow, laggy, and all that shit. Someone, please print it for me?? come on, be nice? just for once? Stupid, stupid, slow computer. *kicks it*
HELLOH(: there's a lot of projects to rush this week): all of them are due like, next week gosshhh. Can't slack already yahhhh): see: (this week) -chem nuclear thingy -english test(-.-)
(next week) -bio report on the hydroponics farm thingy. -geog. presentation -physics solar car -physics report on solar car -english advertisment( boring): ) -H chinese test -geog. test 2 -(possibly) geog. quiz -(possibly)H chinese kouyuchengxian next week will be hella busy, gotta chiong EVERYTHING on this list): okay, for the next 10 days or so no need sleep already(: good news is I found GEARS for physics solar car:DDD I dismantled a wind-up toy aeroplane for it, but heck. I don't even play with it anymore(: oh, and I never knew that there was this wound-up metal thingy in the gear compartment of the toy.  then when I cracked it open with the screwdriver it just sprang up in my face o.0 Well, you don't wanna know what happened to the poor toy aeroplane(: YES! I made the car work! woohoo! but solar panel got broken, jeez. Tomorrow have to go get it soldered back on:D and will probably need back wheels, cause cardboard itsn't steady o.0/. ohwell. Later then go find(: tralala(: oh ya, LYDIAA gave me a notebook for my belated birthday yesterday:D So sweet, she even wrote inside! Aww... ILOVEYOU(: and dillon posted these few songs on his blog-.-" erugh*shivers* btw, my chinese name is 珍莉, and not the other 丽. cause the first 'li' looks nicer, the second 'li' not nice de HAHAH(: *V-sign!* :D oh no... I think I'm gonna have a headache. Must be math. Stupid bearings. Damn, feel like sleeping. But then I also wanna complete what I have now. gah, nevermind. Later at night then sleep. hopefully it'll pass soon for now(: Just read lydia's blog, and I feel sad for her): imagine not training for 3 entire weeks! But studying during training time! And even after exams some more! And then straight after will be x-cultral already, and you go for a competiton totally without training? It's crazy! Well, actually I can empathize with her, cause my mum does it to threaten me all the time. Only for her, I don't think her mum is threathening her. I think it's serious. OHNO!!! with lydia gona for 3 weeks then I'll only be left with sharley to pace! not that girlfriend's bad, cause she's same pace as me, but lydia can make me push myself. Lydia, if you read this, I'LL REALLY MISS YOU CARROT! ): You know what I think? I think that parents are demanding. And almost totally unreasonable at times. see for example the situation above. just because your grades for 1, just ONE, subject detoriates you force your child to study by removing the sport/thing/justwhateverlah that your child loves and enjoys the most. isn't that very emotionally pressurising? I mean, what has the child have left to enjoy? true there may be other things not just that, but really. What's the point? okay, so forget that. Then after... when he/she finally gets the grades that satisfy you, then only you allow your child to continue on with what you removed from him/her. and then she/he performes badly for it, because she/he has been out of touch with it for so long. Then it not only disappoints her/him, but you too. Because you also want her/him to do well in it. And THEN you blame him/her for not training for it, for not being up-to-standard. well. What do you think? " all for your own good." bullshit. For your own face, more like. gwahh. I don't wanna do chem. I don't wanna do anything at all): I'm so bored of studying.
Yo sup.
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,
and that's all you needa know.