Sunday, March 29, 2009, 3/29/2009 08:30:00 PM
I want chunky monkeyyyyyyyyyy.
Grrrrah! I wanna sobsobsob already laaa. >D Inanimate things HATE me, I swear. -7zip is termed "unsafe" by windows messenger. Then have to download whatever crap VirusScan thingy before it can be sent over. But I click on the INSTALL button and nothing happens. Screwwww >D -Why the hell isn't there a sharing folder in the new Windows Messenger? Or is there, and it's just hiding from me? Grrrr >D -WHY CAN'T I LOG IN TO MY NUSWEBMAILLLL. Whatever happened to my password? Why does this keep happening to my account? I swear, once I'm able to access that darned thing, I'm gonna redirect all my emails there to be sent elsewhere. Stupid thing. Grrrh! >D Wtfffff. I need sleep. I wannnnnnnna sleep. But nooooo, there's so much homework to do. AND projects, PHYSICS PROJECT IS SO SIANNNNN. Arghh! Oh and anyway, -ryan : Hiatus is "a break or interruption in the continuity of a work." or "a gap or opening." jaa? :D Alright, whatevs. I'm hungryyyy. Shall deal with homework and all other piss-off matters after I have filled that organ with longitudinal/circular/oblique muscles.
Saturday, March 28, 2009, 3/28/2009 12:25:00 AM
Hiatus temporarily over!
With CT Spam officially over (for most people), my blog can now come out of hiatus! Aaaaand.... So did my camera! :D
   And not to forgetttttt....
Welcome the newest member to our group and my home! :D Thanks to my wonderful pretties up there, I love love love LOVE you three!! Big-brown-bear-in-the-photo, I name you Rocky! rest will be up on facebook, as usual. :D
Things have been rather eventful lately. And the common tests were like, wtf. Needn't have slept at 2am last night to study for GEOG and CHEM. I didn't finish the geog paper properly anyway, lol. And chem was, finewhatevs. Most prolly will be taking the Bio test next week. Almost finished studying already laaaaa~ :D
Now all that is left is the wonderfully dreaded projects. Oh, joy. I don't believe it, I survived the entire day on less that 4 hours of sleep. 5.45am all the way till now, 12.45am. Call me pro jaaa. :D
OH. This I will never forget, you guys gotta read it. gen is really really smart. She dropped a golf ball on her phone, and the LCD screen cracked, lol. Sent it to repair, lived without my phone for 2 days. 0.0
Also, thanks for all the cards that everyone wrote for me and my sis :D every single one of them is greatly appreciated, will be kept nicely, and, tralallala! Heh heh heh(: Took alot of pictures after training todayy! Will not be posting them up on facebook (cause I don't look very glam ahhaha) because I'd think many people would prefer me not to. And not because I don't look glam la. I always look glam. Hee(: So, you guys that want the photos, come ask me through MSN yaaaa :D So guys, I hope this post satisfies anyone who has been visiting this blog for the past week, but got disappointed to see no new posts. Hhahaha, it's one heck of an update, you guys better be happy. Okay, I now need my sleep. Caffeine effect of this morning is wearing off. Goodnight! :D
Monday, March 23, 2009, 3/23/2009 12:43:00 AM
To all you wonderful, amazing, best of the best-best-BEST! warren peepos... :D I don't know what to say. Truth be told, I never expected so many of you guys to come down. Sorry if I didn't like, straight away inform you guys about it, it was hard. I'm sure you guys will understand :x Anyway, Uncle Thomas would've spread it already la. No difference. I am heartened by you guys all coming down, right on the day itself, straight after training. Thanks a whole lot, you don't know how much this means. (: Thanks for the jokes, the cards, encouragement ( even though this has been repeated countless of times. I swear you guys have a script somewhere. hahaha xD), and even just for your presence. Don't worry, I will be strong, definitely. (: My sister needs me to be. Love you guys lots, gen.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 3/18/2009 10:17:00 PM
be my big fat meatball.
I'M WATCHING A SHOW WHERE A GUY HAS BOOBS LOL. teenage... hormonal imbalance... angst... whatevs. BUT HE'S HOT. WHY MEDIACORP GET HIM TO DO THIS TYPE OF WEIRD THING? I bet there are guys in our school with bigger boobs than him. WHY NOT PICK FROM THEM? . . . hehehe xD Anyw. Darwin tagged me to do a quiz. 1. Beside your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed? -top of the head? o.o 2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning? - *semi-conscious state* I needa use the damn toilet. 3.who was the last person who you took picture with? -vivian! 4.Would you consider be spoiled? -If I'm spoilt, uhm. wth. o.o 5.Would you ever donate blood? -NO. VIVIAN KNOWS I NEED MY BLOOD. :D 6.Do you have a good friend of an opposite sex? J'ai un tres bon ami.Je le connais depuis trois années.Je lui parle de tout.Je lui raconte mes secrets, je lui explique mes problemes.Je l'admire parce qu'il est toujours là pour moi.Je l'aime! ♥7.Do you want someone dead? -if it was for the better. 8.what does your last text msg says? -lol? 9.What are you thinking of right now? -Swimming... a particular someone, and the scores of homework left undone. 10.Did you wish someone was with you right now? -hahha, yes actually. 11.When did you go sleep last night? -11.30pm. Eh you know sleeping late and getting up early can cause cancerous growth in your body during your later years? 12.Where did you bought your t-shirt that you are wearing now? -orientation tee. School gave it to us. 13.Is someone in your mind right now? -quite a lot of people are, actually. 14.Who was the last person who texted you? -sisterrrrr. She's coming back from taiwan tomorrow! :D 15. 10 people taqqed to do this quiz you guys don't have to do it if you don't want to. 1. SERMAINAH 2. ESTHER 3. VIV! 4. SHARLEYYYYYY 5. LYDIAAA 6. DARWIN! I tag you back. xD 7. B.ONG! 8. J.C. 9. HILDA. I'll let you ego. (: 10. I TAGG MYSELFFFF. o.o 16.who is 2 having a relationship with? -far as I know, I don't think she's in one. 3 a female or male? -definitely female. 18. if 7 and 10 gets together,wil it be a good thing? -OUCH! 19.What number 1 studies about? -Ahh, exactly the same cheem stuff as I do. 20.Is number 4 single? -still innocent. (: 21.Say something about number 5 -I WANT YOU TO COME BACK AND SWIMMMMM!!! 22.what do you think about number 3 and 6 tgt? -uhm, hahahha. It'll be for a good laugh xD They two are damn joker, funny pair. ahhahah. 23.Describle number 9 - HILDA TAY KAI LIN HER NAME IS THE BIGGEST HERE NOW ARE YOU HAPPPPPY? 24.What will you do if number 6 and 7 fight? -It will be a rough one. I hope this situation does not occur, ever. I don't want two of my best friends fighting. 25.Do you like number 8? -Okay vivian, allow yourself a laugh. And a week's worth of kitkats. :D
Saturday, March 14, 2009, 3/14/2009 07:44:00 PM
A nicely sadistical way.
I ain't gonna blog about my SNAG swims. Cause I think they sucked. Ewww. And you guys probably don't wanna hear me rant again, either. If you wanna read my swimming rants, go search my archives. There's bound to be countless there. I don't have the energy to begin a rant la, please. This is really draining. I look at the amount of homework we have, and all the commontests after the hoildays, think about how I would probably reach home at 8pm after school for most of the days during commontest week. My calendar stares me in the face, reminding me, almost mockingly, how many assignments and projects I have to complete, how many teachers I have to meet up to have remedial lessons with, how many subjects I have to study for, as if it's daring me to go out and relax. Like, " see? you have so many more assignments to do! And you still think about going out? You're in NUSHigh, therefore you have NO LIFE are not allowed to have one. And thus you have to study every single day because CAP fucking matters in this school." SCREW YOU. ARGH. Look. I sleep late each night not because I want to. Who the hell sleeps at 12-1am and wakes up at 5.30am? We NUS High-schoolers are not given a choice. Just look at how much homework we're given!? Plus, believe me, I'm so, so, SO much more busier than the majority in my level, so what're you all complaining so much about? Oh, yeah, sure. Welcome to my life. you wouldn't last a day. okay, maybe you would. But that's none of my problem. I couldn't be arsed to blog. Shall only blog either when I feel like it, have the time to do so, or if people tell me that my blog is dead and that I should begin to update again. So, harharhar. In your face. _____________________________________________________________________ well... I don't know how I should comment on this. entering SSS: -K, me, *Apollo*(name changed, not for you guys to know anyway.), random girl. K: sees Apollo sitting on the steps talking to random girl. "is that Apollo?* Me: "uhm," not wearing spectacles, puts them on, squints. ( uncertainy) "uh yeah." nodding. K: ( questioningly) "Another girlfriend?" Me: shrugging, couldn't-care-less pretence. "I doubt so. Unlikely." K: ( protectively) "Don't get too close to him." huh? like, I mean really. huh? Names are in abbreviations and some are changed due to my own privacy, which none of you should be poking your overly-sized noses in, thankyouverymuch. K is my elder la, but don't bother finding out who cause you might never come close. Anyway, if this helps, the Apollo guy is my friend. This was pointless, I don't know why I posted it-.- ______________________________________________________________________ Dearest _______, I _______ you. You have a nice _______. You make me _______. You should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me = ________. If I saw you now I'd __________. I want to ________ you. I would build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________. We could __________ under the stars. Love, _______________ (P.S. ______________.) Oh and I am __________ (going/not going) to post this under my notes and see what you write about me. I tagggg.... sharleylydiadarwinvivianshermainenah to do this! actually, cause I'm lazy to think of more. heh heh heh. * Dearest homework, I abhor you. You have a nicely sadistical way of torturing me. You make me really wanna tear my hair out and scream SCREW THE TEACHERS. You should be less tedious and easier to do. Someday I will actually get down to finishing you up, but not now. You + me = some genius, I wish. If I saw you now I'd gobble you up and act innocent when the teachers ask questions. I want to kill you. I would build a projectile project just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be High School Never Ends. We could screw my eyesight under the stars. Love, gen. (P.S. Do you really want to kill me?) Oh and I am not going to post this under my notes and see what you write about me (because I can only write you, hahahaha.)
Thursday, March 12, 2009, 3/12/2009 11:25:00 PM
that which we call a rose, by any other name will smell ever as sweet.
 Yup, I drew that. Comments will be appreciated! Oh, it's in negative, by the way.
This is the original one. And this is cartoonised! This is my favourite one. xD
Love the shadowed effect. Anyway. TOMORROW'S SNAG 50M FREE! I WANNA SLEEP EARLY, AND DO WELL TOMORROW! WISH ME LUCK, ALL THE BEST! :DDD oh, me and esther were bored on MSN and did shakespearean language. [_illusionist_] says: sigh. where art thou, my pretty sleep.
hahaha xD oh no. gen has read too much romeo and juliet.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: Ah! Through yonder window breaks the cloudy skies, 'tis is thines true torture.
sleep be'eth o'er the far away lands. XDXP
[_illusionist_] says: tonight, prayeth I, that I deep slumber I shall fall into.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: truly truly, 'tis is what thee wish'eth as well, may peace arrive'eth.
[_illusionist_] says: oh! my pretty sleep, homework hast eated you away.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: Alack! 'tis be true.
[_illusionist_] says: kind may our educators be, no homework shalt they give to thee.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: Pray'eth we shall, but let not be in folly, for as what thee wish'eth, thee receiveth not.
[_illusionist_] says: Thy wisdom is bittersweet to my ears, but alack, most sad, that 'tis be true.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: Thou art' to humble, thee only think'eth the same as thine.
Let us hope, for the awakening of tomorrow, that all will be well.
[_illusionist_] says: Good heart, 'tis hope shalt bring us thru' the night.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: Merry part, me lady, thee bid ye 'tis bittersweet farewell.
[_illusionist_] says: Good night, good night, a thousand times, good night. Thee rest'eth well 'till it be morrow.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: Ay me, to ye as well.
[_illusionist_] says: hahaha, okay. that was entertaining. Back to proper english. good night then ;D need. to. get. SLEEP.
エスターEsther Candice [c=55] Honey [/c] says: Yes. Meeeee too. NITOS! __________________________________________________________________ Did you guys understand all that? I know people like SHERMAINE NAH WILL NOT GET IT, EVER. HHAHAHAHHA Sister's gonna go overseas to Taiwan tomorrow! So I'll be rid of her for almost the entire week! HURRAH xDxDxD I might be able to enjoy my March Hols afterall! I pray for her safe flight, and may she have an enjoyable trip!(: tradelalala. Gotta sleep early, so good night, good night, a thousand times good night!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 3/10/2009 11:12:00 PM
He who jests at scars that never felt a wound, is terribly fake.
    305! <3! Hello dearies, had a good week? If you all did, well then good for you. Cause I totally didn't. First things first, I am terribly sleep-deprived. To those that think that sleeping 7 hours a day is oh-so-little, try sleeping 5hours a day, every single day from the start of the year. Excluding weekends, of course. Perhaps I am in no right to complain, but I'm just saying in comparison to the last few years. This is very very bad. My sleeping cycle has totally changed. I can't sleep at night, but in sleep in every single lesson of the day. Once, I was caught for sleeping in Math for an entire week. Mr. Yee looked ready to slaughter me. Then, Yeo commented that I looked extremely 'gloomy'. To quote her, of course. I just said I didn't sleep well. How was I to explain? Another teacher commented on my eyebags, but I forgot who. Shit, this is depressing. I miss my sleep. Grrrrh. Next, I don't take proper meals almost anymore. Especially when your bio teacher just ate up your lunch break. Screwwww... Which was the reason why the class bought Macs up to class for lunch during a lesson on digestive system.Dinners are the worst. Don't even get me started. UGH. Finally, I see Foo's lovely face, white as snow, on mondays and fridays. Which means... I begin the week with him, and end the week with him, also. And you can barely imagine just how traumatising that is. I mean this in it's literal context. Common tests are coming up right after the March Hols. Which sucks, really really bad. And whyyyy? -Common tests are EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE damn WEEK. And here we are, innocently wondering whatever the hell happened to the limit of 3 tests per week. -All our lessons get effing pushed back by an hour each frigging day. Which means... I end at 7.30pm on monday. 4pm on tuesday. 7pm on wednesday(actually not, because I have interschool X-country that day, lucky me) 4.30pm on thursday and 6.30pm on friday. -My March Hols are now non-existent. Homework is piling up by the ton each day. Projects are streaming in galleons. Commontest-revision has fully dominated each and every single day of my holiday. I miss swimming more than ever. Just thinking about the sport itself is torturous when I can't train. I'm considering writing in to Miss Loh about pushing Track as my 2nd CCA so that I won't have to go for Monday trainings. Put Swimming as my main CCA and that shall be that. I don't care. Well... enough of depressing talk. On a lighter note, I'll be heading down to SSS on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of March for the Singapore Nat'l Age Group! 50m and 100m Free with 200m IM, wish me all the best yeah? I'm afraid my swimming performance has not been up to standard. I need some motivation to get myself going on again. Sincerely want to do well for this. At least prove to myself that my swimming isn't completely shit compared to the others. AND. Swimming Interschools! In late April, I'll be swimming 200m free and IM. Wish me all the best too! :D:DDDDD OKay. I really needa sleep. It's already past 12am. Oh, gosh. This is so not good.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009, 3/03/2009 11:42:00 PM
screw insomnia.
 YES! I AM FINALLY TIRED ENOUGH TO SLEEP! :D -dances and twirls gay-ly around- Prolly cause school events today were, more or less, very disturbing and... traumatising. rawr, hahahahah xD I swear, I'm mentally scarred. For life probably. Ewwww... D:
Monday, March 02, 2009, 3/02/2009 12:07:00 AM
See-through meh?
OHMYWAAAH. What happened to Feburary? And here I was, thinking that there still are a few days before the end of Feb. Well, hello March. May you be a good month. Nah, scratch that. Screw year 3, there ain't no good months.
Shit, I really need sleep.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Chen Wei! Your "Sweet" Sixteenth! xD *cough*
Went out with these peepos. :D
 Su Chang! :D Uhm. SORRY! -apologetic- I forgot his name ;x
ANZHI!  ESTHER :D  BILLY! And of course... Birthday Boy. :D :D written in chocolate! My pretties(: Rest are up on facebook!:D Pariss is super ex can. I'm never gonna eat there again, no matter how NICE the dessert is, hahahaha.
Then after played pool! :D sorry, no pool photos. Never took any... Rest In Pieces, cheesecake. Sorry I had to squish you up. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Full details up another day. I'm way too tired. Hopefully tired enough to sleep.
Yo sup.
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,
and that's all you needa know.