Sunday, May 31, 2009, 5/31/2009 08:58:00 PM
Everybody has a summer holiday...
Whooop de whoohoo. I don't know, I'm not feeling particularly excited about the June Hols. Maybe it's 'cause of the new amount of homework that we got to do, or 'cause of the Cheena 'O' Levels coming up, or 'cause my Semestral GPA/CAP wasn't up to my standards, or 'cause I know that once these holidays are over I'm gonna have to revert back to my old school lifestyle, which so happens to be sleeping at ungodly hours and studying my ass off. Sigh. Just think of it makes me wanna hurl. Omfh. Something else to make my start-of-holidays more awesome is that I developed an upset stomach, a fever, and a pounding headache over the course of a single morning. So, 'till now, every few minutes or so, my head feels like I just rammed it into a wall, my stomach churns forcefully, and goosebumps erupt all over my body. Probably because I'm still not sleeping properly. Oh, how and why, you may ask. Really, I have zilch idea why I still can't sleep. My body still forces me awake a 5am in the morning, and I hate it. Then today I got so tired, I fell asleep almost as soon as I lay down on my bed to rest. Oh, and when they say that fever does weird things to your mind while you sleep, it's absolutely true. I had a succession of 4 nightmares over the course of 4 hours. And boy were they weird O.o hahaha. parent-teacher meeting tomorrow. And I'll be going over to Esther's place for sleepover cum moviemarathon later on! :D:D Oh, and in case you were wondering, my fever subsided after the nap. :D * I was reading through my previous posts, probably dating back up to 2 years ago, and I realised how my writing style has changed over these two years. I couldn't tell you how much I looked down upon my own style of writing back in year 1. I read it, and I feel so disgusted. How could I have produced such sub-standard writings? Ew. Hahhaa, and there was a drastic change from year 1 to year 2, and another drastic change in mid-year 2. Which is sort of my writing style now, hehhehheh. Ah, well. I'm gonna go off now.
Thursday, May 28, 2009, 5/28/2009 11:27:00 PM
Ahai ish vahry sard.
Man. If only my internet was down today, maybe I would've been a much happier person for tomorrow. But, ah. Oh no, of course not. Now, I have the espace page staring straight at me.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 5/27/2009 11:29:00 PM
is hell endo-/exo-thermic?
Heyyo, hey-hey-heyyyyyyo :D First things first. Chinese O Levels so-called "mock oral exam" today. I got Dong YQ as my invigilator, and, I am totally, utterly freaked by her. I was so nervous before the oral cause cheena by far was never my best subject, so I was practically shaking my ass off. Hence, my reaction to this would be to smile, bigtime. No kiddin, that gigantic curve was like, plastered to my face for the entire duration of the oral. Must have looked like some kinda freak. I still remember somewhere in primary school, I got so nervous that I was grabbing onto the chairlegs just to stop shaking. But it didn't do any good. The entire chair shook along with me. Yikes. Anyway. Dong was grinning at me the ENTIRE duration of the oral! ohmy, ohmy, what does that mean? :x * Went out with Esther after script-checking yesterday! :D headed down to the Shaw House to catch " THE YOUNG VICTORIA". And, it. was. awesome. I just loved it. Q. Victoria: "well, a queen can't be away from her duties for more than three days!"Albert: "Well, since we only have three days so... *ahem, ahem*"And they had nine children altogether. Wow, that must had been some really busy three days. O.o . . . JOKING! hah hah hah! Anyway, good movie. (: HAHA. I wanna watch like, tonnes and tonnes more! -Ghost of Girlfriends' past. -Night at the Museum 2 -Monsters vs Aliens -Demons and Angels. Probably. -X-men Origins. Probably. -Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. and more and more and more! hehheh. after the movie, walked around isetan, and I bought a dress. O.o Along with esther. whoa. I don't believe it. I. Just. Bought. A. DRESS. O.O don't know when I'll be wearing it uh. It's sorta long printed beachdress. Will wear it when I get a chance to go to the beach, maybe. Hahahaha. * SLEEPOVER AT ESTHER'S PLACEEEEEE!. Can't wait. :D * X-cultural is coming uppppp. raah. * Insomnia is setting in again. I can't get myself to sleep more than 5 hours at one time. No joke, if I sleep at 11pm, I auto-wakeup at 4am. And every subsequent hour. It's frustrating. ugh. * OHOHOH. Read this. :D:D IS HELL EXOTHERMIC OR ENDOTHERMIC?Dr. Schlambaugh, a senior lecturer at the Chemical Engineering Department,University of Oklahoma, is known for posing questions on final exams like: "Why do airplanes fly?" In May a few years ago, the "Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer " exam paper contained the question: "Is Hell exothermic or endothermic? Support your answer with proof."Most students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law or similar. One student, however, wrote the following: First, we must postulate that if souls exist, they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls also must have a mass. So, at what rateare souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving? I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it does not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for souls entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some religions say that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions, and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to Hell. Withthe birth and death rates what they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change in the volume of Hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of the souls and volume needs to stay constant. [Answer 1] So, if Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose. [Answer 2] Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase in souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over. So which is it? If we accept the postulate (given to me by Teresa Banyan during freshman year) that "it'll be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you", and taking into account that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then [Answer 2] cannot be correct; ...... thus, Hell is exothermic. This student got the only A. HAHHAHHAH.
Monday, May 25, 2009, 5/25/2009 02:47:00 PM
you do this to me, everytime.
Arghhhh. Scripts just came in, and I think I just died. Or rather, shoot me instead. raah. *shakes head*
Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 5/20/2009 10:48:00 PM
You went like "that", and I went like "shrug".
Heyy :D Photos courtesy of me and cheryllin here. Others are up on facebook. Go create an account and go get'em from there. I ain't uploading 100 photos. Siao. So, morning we took the MRT down to bedok.  "We" as in Mabes, Cheryllit, christine, ryaaaaan, joelle, naaaar and Angela! :D  Down the stretch from the underpass...  ...and out into the open! Anyway, say HIIII to Stitch! HAHAHA, Charlene got it from the $1 coin machine, where you move the metal claw to get the toys in it. heh heh heh.  Aww. Ainit cute? (:  Looking mighty awesome with the DSLR. Hehhehheh!  Hahaha, compare my shot to the DSLR. O.o Down to Bedok Jetty first!   Cheryl looks HAA-HAA-HAAAAAPY :D  Hehhehheh :D Okay, MOVING ON.  Just beside the MOE Camp thingo that we had our year 1 camp in. Not one of the greatest camps I had anyway, but whatever. I'm digressing. Oh yeah, I love that stretch of cycling path. Just go there, you'll see why. (:  Pitstop for nice picture shots and backgrounds. :D And then we decided to turn back. To the beach near SAFRA, or whereever it is.     205 girls shot! (With Ryan walking lame-ly at the back, HAHAHHA!)  GUYS SHOT! AHHAHA, so few people. Many didn't turn up ):   A few last shots at the beach before we decided to head back.  Smile :D Yadedah. Cycled back for Macs/slurpee! Hahhahhah, Slurpee=motivation for Charlene! xD Then, cheryllin and kat went back, and some others went to suntec to watch Angels&Demons. Heard it was a nice show, but I didn't go hahaa. BROKE! ): So then, joelle angela nar mabes and I took the train back home, and wahlah! The end. :D Yeah, that day was so majorily fun. Too bad a few people didn't want to go, but I must say this time was really different from the other few times. Mmhmm. (: Uhm, and as a last note?  I lovelovelove 205. :D
Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 5/19/2009 10:43:00 PM
I think I fried quite a few skin cells today. O.oAnyway. Photos from ECP will be up later ah, me tired today. I'll put them up one facebook first. :D
Monday, May 18, 2009, 5/18/2009 01:13:00 PM
Holy crapzzz !!! I 'm now officially free ! Free from torture , free from exams , free from french , free from homework ! XD I think imma go catch up on sleep . Night ! (: :D
Sunday, May 17, 2009, 5/17/2009 08:10:00 PM
yeowchies, yeowchies, yeowch. My abs hurt. :D And you know why I'm glad that they hurt? xD Caauseeeee...... It means that I have finally trained them! Y'know, it's been ages since they last ached. By ages, what I really mean is eons and eons. No joke, I can't remember when did I last worked them to this extent. heh heh heh. 6-pack, here I come ! xD Hahaha, but in the mornings I feel like a tortise. Cause I can't get out of bed without rolling to front and then pushing myself up. Yeah, my abs hurt until I can't even do a proper situp. Goodness, how long have I not trained? O.o Seesh, I love this feeling. It feels so, accomplished. xD Even though I still have a long long long way to go before I even get the 6-pack outline. heh. Shat. Jon's not gonna be at the pool on monday and tuesday. Which means I gotta think up a few training sets. :x * Y'know? I'm really supposed to be studying for french right now. But I don't feel like it. Ugh. Anyway, I was revising a little just now, and I came up with a few, uhm, cheesy quotes. Okay, correction. I didn't come up with it. Jean-Marc did. I just ammended it a little, ahhaha. I must have been influenced by that over-egoistical frenchman laa. He always uses those cheesy cheesy lovey-dovey quotes to teach us the way of arranging french verbs. Now I use them too. Raah. AND they stick BETTER in my head than normal ones. Goodness. O.o But, whatevs. Here are a few, cause I have not completed my revision yet. I might put up somemore later. *shrug* So, if you guys out there are looking for french to wow/woo the chickas out there, HAHHA, rip ahead! xD (meh, no translation provided okay. Go translate yourself. hurhur.) Je tombe amoureuse avec toi. Je suis amoureuse de toi. Tu me fait tourne la tete. Tu me tente. Pour qui me prenez-vous? Il me rends a l'aise. Te me prendras dans tes bras. Tu me rends essouffle. It's not an impressive list. But whatever. Told you I might add somemore later. For better ones, go to Amanda Tang's blog! Muahaha, I ain't gonna tell you when she posted it xD hint, it was posted this year, though. Gosh, I just cut down the search for you guys by like, a whole damn lot! * Seesh, I really am tired. I mean, sure, major exams are all over, and I don't wanna think about script-checking right now. But, well. Many things have been nagging on my mind ever since, I don't know, quite some time ago. Raah. Okay, basically ( omg, I'm actually using that word! Seesh, I really hate that word you know? It's like, so over-rated.), it started out as a really random thought, that I got hooked onto thinking about. It's just that, because of exams, I pushed this to the far back of my mind. Now it's coming back to haunt the living nightmare out of me. Dead serious. Maybe, perhaps I've put it off for too long. Sigh. And also, I've been sleeping late, again. Shat. Because of my exam late-nights, my body's accustomed to sleeping really really really late. I'm still wide awake at 1am wtf? No matter how much I toss and turn, I still can't sleep. Furthermore, my internal alarm clock woke me up at 4am for the past two days. It's used to 3 hours a day, OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY BODY??? :'( If anything helps, I really am sorry, for temporarily disrupting all my daily habits. Seesh. Maybe maybe maybe. All my accumulated lost sleep, it adds up too much, waaaay too much. This semester has been, holy cow, draining. If next sem's like this again, whew man. I might just go belly-up and flop around by term 3. Now with the exams gone, true, I feel extremely relieved. But, it also gives me more time to think about things. Things that were normally pushed back and ignored by the excuse that " no no no, exams are coming, gen has gotta study." But now, no. With my head empty of exams, I find them now stuffed to the brim because of these things. Gone were the times where I could just use the need to study for an excuse to escape. Argggghhh. Phbt. I don't like being kept on my tenterhooks all day. By people around me, not just in school. It's like, I don't know what they expect from me. They ask me a question and, this I really don't know why, they all have double meanings behind it. No, don't chide me for thinking too much into it. It's just like a true/false question in an exam, false means false, it can't be true. Same goes here. Wrong answer means you get a blackface from them. Correct answer means you make them happy, even at the expense of sucking up to them. A.K.A. being a hypocrite. Which I really, really, really hate. Imagine, degrading yourself till that level? I don't think I can put myself through that. * Sorry 'bout this, I'm gonna rant a little. Don't worry. If I haven't specifically stated that it's you, don't bother worrying cause it might not be about you ( whoever you are) anyway. -tradeladela. Now you see it, now you don't. (:- * On a slightly different note, i'm actually enjoying french (: omg that was sick, but, yeah. No kidding, seriously. There must be something wrong with me. *shakes head*
Saturday, May 16, 2009, 5/16/2009 12:20:00 AM
...and cause stan has a small weiner.
HAHAHA! Major exams over! Not gonna blog about them cause, I don't wanna vomit. Thinking about exam questions AFTER the exams make me sick. D: There's only French left, on Monday, eww. THEN I GET THE ENTIRE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK FREEEEEE! xD xD xD heeheeheeeeee(: zomg, shermaine esther and I watched 17 again at JP today, and it was AWESOME. :D wahhwahwah, I'm totally in love with Zaaaaaa~c and alex! :D:D Shit, damn cool harhar, about basketball again lor! Use same storyline as HSM. Ah, but whatevs. Zac looks is hot when he plays bball. (: after, went back home and proceeded to sleeeeeep! I needa sleep my eyebags away mann. Disgusting, ew. * training later at night! wheeeehew, I finally can go back to swimmingggggg! lovelovelove. zomgzxc, another competition coming up, 30th may. Gonna swim a few sprints, but I don't like sprints! I like my 100m s and 200m s okay, why don't haaave? ): Sprints no kick one. 30s and you're done. seesh, phbt, over. Ahwell. Hopefully I can get my form back up by then, and get a good time for my events. Shat, 2 more weekz. 0.0 Ohmy, ohmy, my muscles will ache tomorrow. :x
Thursday, May 14, 2009, 5/14/2009 03:19:00 PM
we gon' run the show-oh-oh..
 ZOMGZOMG. I SO LOVE BABY PHAT. I want that romper. * Whee~! I'm in like, a super good mood now, I don't know why. Must be because of the physics paper, hahaha. I mean, PHYSICS! DONE! Isn't it amazing to string those two words together? Awesome, no? xD I've only left Chemistry tomorrow and French (ew.) on Monday. THEN I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEE. This exam season has been ultra horrible. I MISS DEAR SLEEP. I WANT SLEEEEEEEEEEP. After physics today, I straight away went home to mug Chem sleep. That's another reason for my supremely good mood, I think. xD ALSO ALSO ALSO, I CAN FINALLY GO BACK AND SWIM AGAIN TOMORROW! sheeeeez man! I missed it for like, more than two weeks! Ever since interschools, I've not been swimming, and I miss it like crapzzzz. Aiyah, then add on exam stress, no exercise, and constantly raiding the fridge ' just for something else to do' rather than study, I must have gained a lot of extra body faaaaaa~t. Yuck, I gotta go work it all off man! * I'VE GOT THE ENTIRE OF NEXT WEEK FREE! RING ME UP FOR A DATE PEOPLE! xD so far, Monday's with my sister, and Tuesday has been booked by 205 :D * OKAY ENOUGH WITH HOLIDAY-ING. THERE'S STILL A CHEMISTRY EXAM TOMORROW AND GEN HAS NOT YET STUDIED. SOMEONE PLEASE WHACK HER.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 5/12/2009 11:32:00 PM
one night only, words get in the way.
6 hours today. 6 hand-breaking, finger-snapping, feet-cracking, mind-blasting, soul-ripping, hair-raising hours. A quarter of my day, gone. I don't believe it. I spent a quarter of my day on exams. I swear, I have never felt this drained. I wanna go submerge myself in some dirty longkang right now. Y'know, drained. Hum, whatevs. I'm utterly freaked over math. Apparently Hilda said it's be alot on proofs. I'm screwed. Joy. I have not started on physics. Totally. Dead serious. I have not started on chemistry. Totally. Dead serious. Shit, I'm not thinking coherently. School tried to stave us today. Effing canteen only had 3 stalls open. My right hand shook like crap today. I don't know how'm I gonna pull through to Friday, then Monday. Sigh. How I'd love a nice, long, 10-hour sleep right now. But that'd be impossible. I wonder what time I'll finish math today. Hopefully I can squeeze in 3 hours of sleep. Shit. I didn't just say I'd sleep only 3 hours. Nevermind. 3 more days till friday. I'll pull through. Somehow. * Math is waiting for me. We have an overnight date, apparently. well, I'm gonna go enjoy myself now. Math is so charming. Polynomials are so cute. And Logarithms are so squishy and cuddly. Oh my, I might just end up having an affair. Oh well. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. (:
Sunday, May 10, 2009, 5/10/2009 11:22:00 PM
(o.=) ... (=.0) ... (=.=) Look, honey. Don't worry, after this, you ain't gonna be training a panda anymore. (:
Saturday, May 09, 2009, 5/09/2009 08:36:00 AM
to be strong, you just have to move on.
gen is disallowed from swimming until her exams have ended. OhBlahrdyHell. And, I don't think you wanna hear how I screwed up my bio paper. Hand cramped, then started spasm. Couldn't write fast/properly. Words came out like a chunk of YongKiat's handwriting. And I lost 7 marks cause I didn't do a few questions. But on the whole, I think it should have been okay. If not for the YongKiat handwriting OR the seven marks. English compo/compre was shit. * Maybe I should change and become a lefty. My right hand feels wasted. * My head's so full of exams that I can't even mentally allow myself to relax. On my way home, whenever I closed my eyes, I see my undone biology questions. And then start freaking out. All over again. I don't feel like doing anything except to studystudystudy. Because everything else is a waste of time. Blogging included, no doubts. Even sleeping. 1 hour of sleep = 1 hour wasted. I'm just... drained. Really. I survive on caffeine now. Okay, whatever. Time to study again. I HATE geog.
Thursday, May 07, 2009, 5/07/2009 11:15:00 PM
self-induced insomnia.
305th post, and. I don't think I should sleep tonight.
Monday, May 04, 2009, 5/04/2009 06:32:00 PM
oh, and when I said "get a life", i sure as hell didn't mean 'mine'.
I'M SOCIALLY IRRESPONSIBLE YEAH, JUST CAUSE I FORGOT TO BRING A THERMOMETER.WHATEVER MAN.YOU GET DEMERITS FOR FORGETTING TO BRING A THERMOMETER BEING SOCIALLY IRRESPONSIBLE! HOW NICE RIGHT!I'm totally gonna add that one to my list. Make history you know! * Man, sometimes you just gotta love school. 7 people in my class had no/faulty thermometers. We made up 10% of the people who had no/faulty thermometers. Awesome!
Practice is 90% physical-10% mental. Championship meets are 10% physical-90% mental. * You might be a swimmer when... -If whenever you hear an electronic beep, and you instinctively jump -If you have rings around your eyes unrelated to the amount of sleep you got -If waking up before dawn to exercise seems normal( it still is.) -If jamming a piece of Styrofoam between your legs is not a kinky sexual activity - If bugs die of chlorine poisoning when they land on your skin(HAHAHAH holy crap! No wonder why I'm insect repellent! xD)-If you sport long, curling hair with split ends on your legs -If the phrase "This set with fins" is better than hearing "You just won $1000," -If you answer, "I don't need to" when someone asks when you showered last -If you love a good lightning storm when you have outdoor practice -When you learn how to squirt water 15 different ways -When your long term goal is to slap your bicep on your lat ( BUT I CAN'T T_T) -When you wake up before six for the free doughnuts -When you go through so much latex in one season you could wallpaper your room -If a friend asks how a certain guy dresses and you reply, "I only see him without his clothes on."( HAHAHAHAHAHA) -If your friends have stopped asking you about your plans for the evenings -If you go from store to store desperately trying to find your favorite sports drink -If the first place you go when you're stressed out is a swimming pool( mmhmmm.) -If among your heroes are Janet, Jenny, or Amanda, or you know who I'm talking about -If your daily apparel is held together by knots or is torn and see through -If you have an inhaler in every color of the rainbow -If the phrase, "50 double armed backstroke with a breast stroke kick makes you happier than anything -If being fish-like is a compliment -If your friends don't even call you anymore because they know that you have no time to do anything -If your nightmares consist of a series of numbers ending in 0 or 5 -If you have hickeys on your neck(From the costume. Grrrh, always gets mistaken.)-If you sweat chlorine even after showering -If you just don't understand the charm of the swim suit edition -If getting smacked on the butt doesn't bother you at all -If someone asks if you have any siblings and you start listing teammates -If you cut yourself every time you shave, because you only do it 3 or 4 times a year and are out of practice -If you are determined, strong, smart and tough -If you shamelessly walk around the hallways at school in your bathing suit -If you think bald heads are hot -If the person who sits behind you in you're math class always tells you that you reak of chlorine -If land is your second home-If you sometimes have trouble walking because you aren't use to it-If you suck at running -If your stronger than many of the guys and all the girls in your grade -If you have to try on 30 shirts just to find one that fits your shoulders -If your hair remains in a wet ponytail throughout the day -If when the life guard tryouts say you have to swim a 500 in less than 9 minutes you laugh -If you have a permanent suit, goggle, and cap tan-If all you ever do is eat and sleep during school -If all your saturday and friday nights are spent around water -If The Toadies "I Come From The Water" is your theme song -If the first thing you look at in a guy is abs-If you are at the school so early in the morning for practice that you beat the janitors there and the lights in the parking lot are off -If a practice of only 5000 yards sounds like heaven to you -If you practice 3 or more times a day during the summer-If your used to takin a 2 miinute shower and rushing to get dressed just to make it to class a minute after the tardy bell rings -If every time someone complains about how early they got up to get ready for school, you turn around and bite their head off and almost beat the living **** out of them -If your shoes always squeak when you walk down the hall -If you walk around with minimal amounts of clothing on -If the only thing you can talk about is swimming -If you pee on the pooldeck then walk around barefoot -If there are wet towels over every door in your house -If your siblings call you beefstick, man-shoulders, Amazon, or Behemoth (emphasis on HE) -You keep track of your daily sets or mileage on your handheld.-You know of at least 5 different ways to adjust your goggles in advance of diving in for warm-up. -You complain if the water is warmer than 81 degrees F. All of them are true, except the pee one. HAHAHA, I'm CONFIRM a swimmer :D
Sunday, May 03, 2009, 5/03/2009 08:15:00 PM
I wanna go hoooooooome~
 Sigh. I really, really, really oughta be studying now. I totally forgot Math. >.< size="5">CAN SOMEONE PLEASE WHACK GEN? * I miss swimming. So, so, so badly. Dumb exams. My thoughts aren't exactly very coherent right now. This should explain why.... The Results of Insanity Take this test only if -you think you may be insane -you’re curious if you’re insane -people have labeled you insane/sociopathic/psychotic ( ALL THE THREE MAN, ALL THE THREE.) Part One – School [x] You have come back to your locker, and then forgot what you wanted from it (HAHAHA) [x] You forgot your locker combo (WHOOPS. That's why I write it down.) [x] You said hi/ smiled to a complete stranger in the hallway [x] You’ve winked flirtily at a complete stranger in the hallway (got dared to) [x] You’ve made a sarcastic remark to the teacher behind her back [ ] You’ve had a crush on your teacher/ one of the staff (COUGH. eww) [ ] You’ve forgotten your gym clothes more than five times [ ] You have worn something to school either inside-out/backwards/tag sticking out [x] You’ve had a food fight at lunch [x] You’ve written a message on your desk [x] You’ve written a flashy message on the white/black board [x] You’ve chased after the bus in a flurry [x] You’ve been in trouble on the bus (too much noise.) [x] You’ve played turn-off-the-neighbor’s laptop in the lab/classroom [x] You’ve sucked up to a teacher just to spite them [x] Your locker looks like it’s been hit by a tornado (and a hurricane, and a cyclone) [x] You’ve kicked/socked/slugged/punched your locker in frustration [x] You’ve made up an answer to a question the teacher asked you when you weren’t listening [x] You’ve gotten locked out of your own school (gate closed. whoops.) [ ] You have at least 5 different hilarious slogans you thought your team/school t-shirt should have [ ] You’ve screamed randomly in the halls/classrooms/lunchroom [ ] You’ve dropped something coyly onto the hallway floor, meaning for other people to find it So Far: 16 Part Two – Home [x] You’ve snuck out/broke into your house [ ] You’ve played in your backyard after age twelve (no backyard T.T) [ ] You’ve slid down the banisters (no banisters T.T) [x] You’ve played skip-the-stairs or tried to jump long distances [x] You’ve accidentally locked a room before [x] You’ve broken a door before (pulled the handle out) [ ] Your bedroom has a dent in its wall where you’ve kicked it (but I know of somewhere else...) [x] You’ve played a house prank on your brother/sister/parents [ ] You’ve broken valuable objects (don't collect them) [x] You’ve sat in your driveway for no reason whatsoever [ ] You’ve blasted music which neighbors got annoyed at [x] You’ve attempted gymnastics in your house So Far: 23 Part Three – Strangers [ ] You’ve hugged a stranger [ ] You’ve kissed a stranger [x] You’ve winked at a stranger [x] You’ve smiled at a stranger [x] You’ve went up to a stranger and had a deep, meaningful conversation [x] You’ve acted drunk in front of a stranger (they THINK I'm drunk, hahahah xD) [x] You’ve pushed a stranger (they were blocking the escalators) [ ] You’ve punched a stranger [ ] You’ve asked a stranger for his/her number [x] You’ve danced in front of a stranger (got dared to, again) [ ] You’ve used a catch phrase to a stranger [ ] You’ve sang crazily in front of a stranger [x] You’ve frowned at a stranger [x] You’ve gotten mad at a stranger So Far: 31 Part Four – Friends [x] You’ve told a joke and were the only one who laughed [x] You’ve acted bipolar in front of your friends [x] You’ve laughed hysterically in front of your friends [x] You’ve played a hilarious prank on your friend(s) [x] You’ve fallen in love with a friend [x] You’ve slowdanced with a friend [x] You’ve boogied with a friend (xD !) [x] You’ve mistaken your friend(s) for somebody else [x] You’ve tickled your friends so hard they cried [ ] You’ve slipped an ice cube down your friend’s back [x] You’ve rode piggyback on a friend, or vice versa [x] You’ve had a completely intelligent conversation with a friend [x] You’ve played lovers with your friend(s) [x] You’ve slapped your friend’s butt [x] You’ve slapped your friend across the face [ ] You’ve exchanged clothes with your friend (they sure as hell can't fit into mine) [x] You’ve break danced (or attempted to) with a friend [ ] You’ve had a fashion show with a friend [x] You’ve done an extremely crazy dare with a friend [x] You’ve called your friend a different name [ ] You’ve trashed your friend’s house (Imma good girl (: ) [x] You’ve poked your friend in the stomach and laughed hysterically So Far: 49 Part Five – Clothes/Appearance [ ] You’ve had piercings besides the locations of your ear [x] You’ve worn only one color in your outfit [ ] You’ve worn more than ten colors in your outfit [x] You’ve worn something to a place and changed before you got home [x] You’ve done an absurd hairstyle [ ] You’ve dyed your hair an unnatural color [ ] You’ve tried to make a fashion statement [x] You’ve worn something out of place [ ] You’ve been a clown for Halloween [ ] You’ve worn unmatching shoes So Far: 53 Part Six – Misc [x] You’ve been fully in the water with your clothes still on [x] You’ve been to a country where you are the least associated with [x] You’ve petted a dangerous animal [ ] You’ve played ding-dong ditch (huh?) [ ] You’ve egged a house (huh?) [x] You’ve gotten lost at a mall [ ] You’ve screamed your heart out [x] You’ve sang your heart out [x] You’ve danced your heart out [ ] You’ve imitated a different religion/ethnicity [x] You’ve tried the British accent [x] You’ve tried the Indian/ Asian accent [x] You’ve tried the southern accent (I still do it, sometimes. Y'know, y'all? :D) [x] You’ve eaten something so spicy you cried [x] You’ve put a weird, quirky status message up for anything [x] You’ve walked out of a store with an item without knowing it was still in your hands [x] You’ve burst into song in a public place [x] You’ve drawn a stupid picture of your enemy [x] You’ve walked someplace and then forgot why you were there and what you were doing [x] You’ve swallowed gum on purpose Total Amount: 69 There’s 100 total. Whatever you have, its your percentage of insanity. So, are you really insane? 1-20% = Yawn—boring 21-35% = Normal 36-50% = A bit insane 51-70% = Pretty insane 71-90% = Insane 91-100% = Flipping insane * [x] You know someone that cares about you. [ ] You have a boyfriend/ girlfriend/ fiancee/ husband/ wife [ ] You have your own room. [x] You own a cell phone. [x] You get good grades [x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player. [ ] Your parents are still together. [x] You have more than 2 best friends. [ ] There is a swimming pool in your backyard. [x] You live in a house/apartment. [x] You have received a valentines card TOTAL: 7 [x] You dress how you want to. [x] You hang out with friends more than once a week. [x] There is a computer/laptop in your room. [x] You have never been beaten up [x] You never cry more than twice a month [x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to. [ ] Your room is big enough for you. [ ] People don't use you for something you have. [x] You have been to a concert [x] You laugh more than twice a day. TOTAL: 15 [x] You have over 100 friends on facebook. [x] You have pictures on facebook. [ ] You have more than 200 wall posts on Facebook. [x] You get allowance. [x] People don't make fun of you to be mean. [ ] You look forward to going back to school. [x] You don't wish you were someone else. [x] You play a sport [x] You do something after school. [x] You shower/bath daily. TOTAL: 23 [ ] You own a car [ ] You usually don't fight with your parent(s). [x] You're healthy. [ ] You've never had a cavity. [x] You are happy with your appearance. [ ] You aren't self-conscious at all. [ ] You have never gotten a failing grade in your life. [x] You have friends. [x] You have so many inside jokes with friends. [x] You know your parent(s) care and love(d) you. TOTAL: 28 [x] You know what is going on in the world. [x] You care about many people. [x] You are fully happy with your life. [x] You usually aren't sick. [x] You know more than one language. [x] You have a screen name. [ ] You own a pet. [x] You know the words to more than 5 songs. [ ] You don't have any enemies. [x] You are happy you're living. TOTAL: 36 Now count up the numbers and multiply by 2. This is how perfect your life is. Repost this as ''My life is 72% Perfect" couldn't be bothered. * hahahaha. ughhhh. *faceplam.* *eyeroll.*
305 dayyyyy :D:D:D Well, being in 305 has been awesome(: I shan't say anything more, it's late already. * changed blogskin. cause this looks more glam. Not fully completed yet, I'll finish it up after exams. * Y'know what? I don't know either, hah hah. I just wanna... wanna... wanna something. You back. Miss You. Why not? It's weird. I want. You don't. Can we? Say it. Really? Oh please. Damn it.
Friday, May 01, 2009, 5/01/2009 11:23:00 PM
thrrrrreeee hundreeeeed.

300th Post!
it's in green cause I love green and also cause NOBEL rocks. :D
This ain't gonna be long, I suppose. Anyway, it's the 1st of May :DDDDDD
Awesomeness, I hated April. Like, bleargh xP
Exams are in exactly a week, and what exactly has gen studied?????
Hell, I have no idea. I only just know that I'll be superbly screwed for biology exam. I can't get a single thing about the cardiac cycle into my head. :x We've still got 2 bio assignments to go, neither of them completed, both due two days before exams.
wheeeheeeheeeheeeew. Cross-country was cancelled, never run. Manzxc! >.<
Bio Proj. group! wahahhahaa. :D + a whole lot of retarded photos. + I NOW LOVE SUPER JUNIOR. and KOREAN POP. :D I wanna finish up all the projs, all the homework, all the revisions, and all the exams. Like, right now. I wanna play, have fun, and relax! :D I wanna trainnnnnnnnn! I want to have more sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Sigh. o.o I want that plaid button-down blouse with a ribbon accessory from Macy's. * Facebook says I'm a midnight strangler. So if I ever turn into a raving lunatic or a screwed psycopath, you know what to expect, and what caused it. :D
Yo sup.
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,
and that's all you needa know.