It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight |
Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 6/30/2009 11:38:00 PM
WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL ALL. or, primary/secondary/highschoolers. heh. So, how was the first two days back? Mine was, well. Rather expected. It sucked because of the extra half-and-hour they assigned for TEMPERATURE CHECKS. Fuck, we only need like what, 5 minutes or so to take our body heats and have them recorded down by the crank at the front, why is there a need to spend HALF-A-FREAKING-HOUR ON IT? I get to leave school half-an-hour late everyday, until further notice. Joy much? Expected cause, I dunno. I just sank straight into my usual school routines. It's like the June Holidays never existed. :/ This sem's timetable is gonna suck. Every damn thing is so packed that once the homework and projects come flying in, there ain't gonna be time for anything else. Sigh. And, I wanna take Sports Nutrition, been dreaming of taking it ever since Year 1 when Ms. Lee told me okayyy! Don't care, must take. But that'll be an extra 4 hours worth of lessons in term 4 leyyyyy. Aiyoh, aiyoh. zzz! 5 hours of math a week, and 4 hours of physics! WHAT JOY! Ahmann. School hours are getting longer and longer. Sleeping hours are getting shorter and shorter. OH SHAT. CHEM QUIZ, ME NO STUDY YET. You say me die? Methinks I will die. Hope it's not like graded or anything. But with Teh, I guess any horrendous thing is possible. *shrug* Oh, yay. Thursday I end at 2pm for this term. Methinks, I gotta go out. Chem quiz will probably be that day anyway. So no need studayyyye after that, HAHA. Hope you'll be free, I'll call you out. SHERMAINE NAHHH. Hahahha, I love to type your name here. xD Eh, blog leh! Very very long never blog already. ESTHERRRRR. :D:D omg talking to you guys about, yeah you know, is so, like, WOW! Or maybe that's not really the appropriate word for it, but whatever. You guys know what I mean. If you don't prefer me to continue yakking on non-stop about it then tell me, kay? Don't feel left out cause I, hmm... Cause you're more innocent than me. :D It's so awesome having you guys around, xDDD OHOH. I momentarily forgot. Remember the Wall-e thing? REMEMBER, REMEMBER? And the fire extinguisher part? I remember the movie was paused for a long-ish amount of time before it started playing again until all the way till the end. >.^ Quite a few things are really frustrating me out right now. Most include a few big-desicion questions. Mr. Yee already caught me sleeping twice in Maths two days in a row. I guess it means I gotta sign off now, it's late. If he catches me again, I tell you the shit I'll be in will be so high you can't see me, haha. Anyway, goodnight!
Saturday, June 27, 2009, 6/27/2009 09:43:00 PM
I think I'm fallin for you, these seem like symptoms to me.
Hey hey all. I PIERCED MY EARS. LIKE, FINALLY! *does a happy dance* They look awesome. (: But for now I'm still wearing the plain earstuds that they gunned it through my flesh with, can only change it a week later. But, ahhhh. My ears are fugging red! They're still a little sore to the touch, but on the whole, I think they're awesome. :D:D HAHAHA IMAGINE. I BET RY OR SWS WILL COME AND CATCH ME IN SCHOOL. Y'know. It certainly does feel good yeah. I feel so much better about my ears now, cause they're not all plain and whatever. It just feels really nice to be able to decorate your ears in any fashion possible! I never really knew how it feels like to spend a day without my earhole, because they practically have been there (almost) ever since I was born! I think, doing whatever you want to any part of yourself just makes you feel more confident about that part, like I really love to show off my ears! xD It's like, you're in total control! I now have a grand totale of six piercings! xDD A third one on my left earlobe, and one new one on my right cartilage. How fantastic is that? LYDIA! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU PIERCE YOUR EARS TOO! (: Maybe when the swelling and redness subsides and I can change the earrings then I'll show you guys how it looks like! :D * OMGOMG. I know what to write for my Sci-Fi essay already! YAY! You just gotta love inspiration, (: I've still have Chemistry worksheet left to do. Sigh. There are the downsides in life, I guess. HEHE. (: * Anyway, I'm just procrastinating from my essay for awhile while I think and sort out my ideas. Just to make sure that my ideas will actually GO SOMEWHERE. HAHA(: Oh, and just so you guys know, I'm in a supremely good mood today. Must be because I just pierced my ears, HAHAHAH. - Type down your reactions when someone says these phrases to you. 1. Why are you always like that? - Why are you always making me act like that? 2. I just realized now that i love you. - *smile and handshake* Congrajulations, I do/don't. 3. Leave him already! You'll be much more happy with me. - That said, your maturity level in which I view you at has now dropped so low, I can't see it anymore. 4. Come on. Smile. You're cute when you do! - Don't associate me with cute. It means UGLY but ADORABLE, fyi! If you think I'm ugly, why'm I adorable when I smile? 5. Please do my maths homework too! - Then can I get your grades also? 6. I am so blessed to have someone like you. - I am so blessed to have been given someone like you. (: 7. Why does monday come before tuesday? -It says so in the dictionary what! 8. I have two tickets to the Linkin Park concert. Wanna come with me? - AWESOME. 9. You are one of the most special people in my life. Did you know that? - Thanks, (: you've been amazing too. 10. I think im falling for you.. - Talk to me when you've fallen. 11. I cant smile without you. -You can count on me to be there to make you smile. 12. Thank you for everything, but you just aren't 'her'. - *Shrug* Figures. 13. What's your mobile number? -What d'you want it for? 14. Can i have this dance? -If you have two right feet, xD 15. May i escort you? - I can walk, but your effort has been appreciated thankyou. 16. Do you still love him till now? - Like, EXCUSE ME. 17. Haha! You were everything, everything i ever wanted. - "were"? "wanted"? Whatever happened to "am" and "needed"? 18. When will i get your sweet eyes? - Literally, you have to gouge them out, but figuratively, anytime you want. (: WHO'S 19. Who is in the house with you? - Sis, aunt&uncle, ryan. 20. Who are you thinking about now? - You guys don't needa know. 21. Who did you last talk to on the phone? -Goddad. 22. Whose house did you last go to? - My mom's, hahaha. 23. Whose birthday is next? - Angela's! 24. Who was the LAST person you loved? - Bullshit am I answering this question. 25. Who do you hope will take this survey? - I'm not choosy. WHAT's 26. What was the last thing you ate? - RICOLA. Grape flavoured. :D 27. What was the last thing you drank? - Sprite+ice lemon tea. 28. What is the closest item near you that is blue? - Tissue box. 29. What instant messaging service do you use? - Singtel. 30. What is your favorite color? - green. :D 31. What is your favorite website? - ! 32. What is your favorite shoe brand? - Asics. 33. What song are you currently hearing? - Only Fooling Myself - Kate Voegele. Wonderful song. WHERE's 34. Where do you live? -CCK. 35. Where do you sleep? - On my bed? In my room? 36. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? - Fila. WHEN's 37. When is your birthday? - 10th Sept :D 38. When did you last burn a candle? -sister's birthday. 23rd june. 39. When did you last see your dad? - About, I dunno. 3 months ago? WHY's 40. Why do we have to go to school? - You're askin' me? 41. Why are you taking this survey? - Purely procrastination purposes. * Objective: Are you mean and sarcastic? Have you ever answered people ‘meanly’ and sarcastically? If yes, show us how mean and sarcastic you are! If no, then you should try at least once in your life with this note. Rule: Respond to these as sarcastic/mean as you could.(YR stands for Your Response.) If an annoying person says: 1) I am cute. YR: It's the same way I define my pet bulldog. 2) I am the most beautiful/handsome... YR: When you get round to believing in reality, ring me up for my opinion then. 3) See, everyone likes me because I am rich and famous! YR: Paris Hilton is Rich and Famous, but not everyone likes her. Don't be self-dislusional. 4) Unlike you, I am perfectly multi-skilled. I do everything very well from sports to academic thingy.. YR: It's academia, honestly. 5) You don’t know me? I am a Bruneian artist; I have albums. YR: Then perhaps you're not famous enough to have paparazzi surrounding you. If an annoying pretty woman/handsome man says: 1) I know you like me. YR: I apologise for your nescience on this matter. 2) What are you looking at? I am not interested in you! YR: What a querulous person! The only interest I have in you is because you're at my eye level, and that by itself is already amazing. 3) Sorry, you are nice but seriously not my type! YR: Oh, sorry lor. But try not to get a megrim thinking about which type is yours, I doubt your brain can take the stress. 4) UNLESS you are rich, then don’t dream that I will get a ride with you! YR: Then get down the bus/MRT la! Talk so much! 5) Look, I am pretty/handsome; I can make people hate you! YR: What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger. If an annoying extremely ugly woman/man says: 1) I think you and I can make a good couple. YR: I know you and I can't. 2) May I have your cell phone number? please please please? YR: 97283600 (add a 66 at the end, and you get dallas' rejection hotline number! Singapore should get one!) 3) Hi, wanna hang out? I want you to be with me the whole night... YR: Sorry hor, I am nocturnal. Means if I spend the entire night with you, I won't have a life. 4) What do you like about me? YR: I like the fact that you are bold enough to ask me what do I like about you even though I have never expressed such. 5) I want you to say that I am pretty/handsome and you like me sooooo much! YR: Sorry, I'm not an iconoclast. If your enemy says: 1) Hi bitch! YR: yeah, that's where I got my awesome tan. 2) You smell like shit! YR: I believe you use the same deoderant/perfume as I do. 3) I know you hate me because I am much better than you! YR: They say to hate is an art. I say I'm pretty artistic. .4) What an ugly creature you are! YR: I'm lean and mean, really mean. 5) I am going to own your ass in this race for sure! YR: I prefer to have ownership to my own assests, thankyou very much. If your annoying ex says: 1) I still love you... YR: Huh, that's a change. 2) I know you still love me! YR: You don't know me well enough to know what I think. Why the hell d'you think I called for a break? 3) Please, go back with me honey/hubby... YR: Please, do not associate me with food. 4) Please call me... YR: Uhm, what's your number again? 5) The break up hurts me so much... YR: Then you shoulda known. If an annoying salesperson says: 1) Wow! You are so pretty/handsome! YR: You say that to everyone, don't you. 2) Seriously, I used this product and i've changed! YR: Are we talkin' for the better here? Cause, it doesn't really seem so... 3) We are giving a discount up to 50%! YR: yeah. UP TO. 4) This one good sir/madam. Buy sir/madam, buy.. YR: Until you learn a more descriptive language, my wallet stays closed. 5) That product is not good; it causes pimples all over your face. YR: Why not worry about yours instead?
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 6/25/2009 07:15:00 PM
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.
UGH. YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE HURLING. Honestly. My stomach churns top-speed when I see you, this being especially disastrous after I eat. My cardiac spinchter appears to have failed in it's function. I feel bile, HCl and whatever remnants of my past meal rise up my esophagus, and if I'm lucky, most of the times it would be mostly digested. I feel my internal organs constrict. It's just sick. * Anywayanywayanywayayayayyyyyy.... WATCHED DRAG ME TO HELLLLLLLLL just now. With ANDREA BELLE DARWIN LYDIAAAAA SHARLEY AND MEMEMEME. Hehh, ^.^ The show was damn shocking la, like literally. The main female lead in the show just kept getting repeated scares from some freaky dead old gypsy bitch that wanted a loan but couldn't get it. The show wasn't really scary, but don't watch if you've got a weak heart. Each time the gypsy bitch appears it shocks you half to death. And that doesn't count her appearing every 15minutes or so. It's so very sick. Like, what, vomitting slugs and eyeballs and disgusting green juice-like-sheez and maggots and all that dead things into the main female lead's mouth. Bloody bogeh gypsy. But, it was predictable as hell. The ending was expected, very much obviously. Muahahaha, Sharley screamed, and Darwin kept covering his eyesssssss, xD Isabelle was dictating, and I was zzzzzzz. Aiyoh some people say wanna come then in the end say not free! ): ME WANTS TO WATCH HARRY POTTERRR!!!! Omgomg, they're like so old already! Have been watching their movies from when they were barely kids at 13, to funky teenagers at about 15 and finally now! All grown up already! I think Daniel's 20. HE HAS A BEARD. Ahhh... I feel so nostalgic every time I watch HP1. It brings back memories. HAhaha, cutesy(: AND AND AND. TOM FELTON. HOTHOTHOT! You have just gotta love Draco Malfoy :D:D:D * And seriously? It's selfless. Ugh. *eyeroll*
Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 6/24/2009 03:05:00 PM
All men are born manly, but some are more than others.
Welcome back y'all! So today, I have got a reason to blog. Though it might be kinda late. But, ahwell. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM!! Eh eh eh. ELEVEN years old already ley. A decade plus one year. A DECADE PLUS ONE YEAR OKAY. I TAHAN YOU FOR SO LONG ALREADY. You better grow up liao hor! Fold and keep your own clothes and make your bed every morning okay! I hope darling sister dearest will love the bunny pillow-plushie I got for her. hahaha, it's so cute I can't stand it. xD * Hmm. Where'd I leave off the last time. I've not completed any of my homework. HAHA. And there's only a few days left to school term starting. Ah, will have to chiong again later. Manzxc. Stoichiometry will eventually kill me. UGH. Should I blog about the recent AWSM? Perhaps not. It pisses the bloody hell out of me. I still can't get it into my system that he said it to me. It was so bloody blunt, that I can't get myself to believe that it has spilt out of his mouth and into my unwilling ears. and also because he told me that right as I climbed out of the pool after my 50m Free race, it killed my competitive spirit for my next 4 races. Screw his sorry little ass. Sigh. Then after the whole event, which ended at about 3pm, in stark contrast to ending at 6pm usually, a bunch of us went out for lunch-cum-dinner, hahaha! Then, down to MOF for dessertsssssss! I got a banana chocolate frappe. Omgomg, caffeine. I love caffeine. Needs. More. Caffeine. Argh. Have not had a single frappe in ages. Whoaaaa. And then, as I was walking home, I saw two Bangla men holding hands across the road. Omg, traumatised. Which will also lead to me saying that, serious, I have had enough of random strangers smiling at me from all weird places. From the MacDonald's delivery boy who flashed his pearly whites at me while zooming by on his motorbike, to that freaky Indian guy who less-than-innocently asked for directions. OHOH. Can you imagine, I got stalked! D: I don't even believe it. I was walking home from shopping for my sister's birthday present, when I was heading down to the lift lobby of my block. At a nearby pavillon that I passed, I saw a guy dressed in mostly black, age I'm guessing to be around 16-18? He wasn't paticularly noticeable, I just happened to walk by him. Then again, as I walked down to the block opposite mine, I saw him again. This time, I was starting to get a little suspisious. Nonetheless, I acted like I didn't know or noticed and just kept walking on. It wasn't until when I walked into the lift lobby of my block that he called out to me. And. Asked. To. Be. My. Friend. Holy. I just stood there dumbfounded. Apparently he got my 'stunned' message, and left. Thankgoodness. Honestly! He didn't even know me, that's for sure. Why'd he ask to be my friend, I couldn't be bothered to guess. * And also, if you've been wondering how to make yourself seem more MAN, or if you're worried you'll turn gay or something. Here's a few way to earn MAN POINTS and somehow 'become' more manly. muahahhaa. : 1) +1000 Man Points if you have killed something of equal or greater size than yourself. 2) +5 points if you make out with a chick(a guy if you are gay). Under no circumstances is a heterosexual male allowed to make out with another male. It doesn't matter if you are offered obscene amounts of money, if it's a bet, or if two girls dare you to do it and then they'll make out with each other too. When two girls make out with each other, it's +20 Hotness points for them. If two guys kiss, it's -100 Man Points. 3) -10 Man Points for watching a chick flick. No, not even if your precious girlfriend forces you to watch it with her. 4) +5 points if you can body slam someone and add +1 points for every pound over your own weight. Body slamming small children and/or midgets is perfectly valid, though not really right to do so. 5) +21 points for doing a 21 Gun Salute, which is drinking 21 shots of hard liquor at once. Usually, this is done on your 21st bday, but if you are hardcore, you can do it just for the hell of it. 6) +1 point if you have a friend that has been shot. +100 points if you have been shot yourself and +100 more points for each bullet you took. Chicks dig guys with scars. 7) +25 points if you have been in a fight and won. Anybody can get into fights and lose. It takes a special caliber of man to actually win fights. 8) -50 points for intentional cockblocking. Nobody likes a cockblocker, so don't do it you jerk. 9) +25 points if you give a girl a bizarre orgasm. By bizarre I mean she pees the bed, bites her lip bloody, or shivers for half an hour. 10) -25 points for holding a girl's purse. Minus an additional 25 if that girl isn't even your gf. -credits : So, how many MAN POINTS you got? xD Oh, and on your right hand, if you've got a longer ring finger than pointer finger, it means you've got more testosterone. Which means you're more aggressive and all that guy sheez. But if your pointer finger is longer than your ring finger, then you've got more estrogen. Heh, which means you're more sensitive and all that girl sheez. Oh, and if both of them are the same length? Homosexual tendencies. (: Personally, my ring finger is wayyy much longer than my pointer finger. Which figures. -raises squiggly eyebrows-
Saturday, June 20, 2009, 6/20/2009 10:16:00 PM
the sun is always rising in the sky, somewhere.
Yooow. I don't really have a reason to blog right now. Like, nothing to discuss, nothing to report, nothing at all. Bleargh, bleargh, bleargh. My life is hella boring. I've still got a pile of homework left for me to do over the course of the next remaining week. . . . . Holy shit. 1 week more of holidays. - Y'know, they say realisation might not be the best feeling in the world. When you 'realise' something good, it's like, enlightenment or something big and nice. Like those gigantic American apples. Yumm :D, but anyway. Then instead when you 'realise' something not so nice, it's like, whoo boom. Depression. Like bitter gourd, disgusting I know. Okay, I know depression sounds a tad bit harsh, but just think of it on the terms of day-to-day lowtimes. Not the clinical depression. Nevermind. Sigh. I really should go to bed. I'm having serious trouble keeping up my eyelids. Plus, competition tomorrow. Need rest. Raah. Maybe I'll do a quiz. Then go to bed. Dream dream dream. Hopefully, I'll get some inspiration for the dammed Sci-Fi essay. Sheez. Tag 10 people Honestly, whatever. 1)Are you really ready for 111 questions? I don't believe it's EXACTLY 111 questions. But hell, sure anyway. 2) Was your last real relationship a mistake? HAHAH. I'd say it wa-... wait. REAL relationship? Whatever the hell is a real relationship? Can have fake one meh. Oh wait, yes it can. If I ignore the 'real', then I'll say it was. 4) Who did you last say “I love you” to? SEE I TOLD YOU. There isn't a question 3. HA HA. 5) Do you regret it? What, who call the quiz editor don't put in question 3. 6) Have you ever been depressed? Everyone gets depressed once in a while. The serious ones go emo. 8) Are you a boy or girl? Boy is the opposite sex. 9) What is your relationship status? Truth be told, I don't the hell know. 10) How do you want to die? If I tell you, it won't be a mystery anymore. Muahahha. 11) What did you last eat? Mixed rice. 12) Played any sports? I still swim. 13) Do you bite your nails ? Uhm no. I can't play the piano with broken fingernails. 14) When was your last physical fight? Can't remember. 15) Do you have an attitude? I have enough to not need yours. 16) Do you like someone? 'Like' would be a tad bit of an understatement. 17) What is your real name? rekeseik enna eveiveneg. That's what you get if you read my birth cert. backwards. 19) Are you gonna get high later? Please, it's 11pm, and I'm practically alone. I ain't gonna get high with my sister. 20) Do you hate anyone at the moment? They say to hate is an art. I say I'm pretty artistic. 21) Do you miss someone? Well, yea. 22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl. 23) Do you tan a lot? Not very much. 24) Have any pets? Nope. 25) What exactly are you feeling? I can't describe it. 26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? -.- duh. 27) Ever made out in the bathroom? WHYYY? Bathrooms aren't the most romantic places you know. All the ghost thingies happen there. 28) Would you take any of your exes back? Ew. 29) Are you scared of spiders? Not really. 30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? If only to relieve the moments, not to change them. 31) Do you regret anything from your past? I'll get over it. 32) What are your plans for this weekend? It's almost half over, what the hell are you talking about. 33) Do you want to have kids? Waiting for the maternal instincts to set in. Hopefully, not any time soon. 34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? No. 35) Do you type fast? Rather, I guess. 36) Do you have piercings? How many? Yea, 4. 37) Want any more? Yeap, another 2 more. 38) Can you spell well? W-E-L-L. 39) Do you miss anyone from your past? Yea. Not excessively, though. 40) What are you craving right now? Uhm, yeah man, I've not eaten hotcakes in a LONG time. I miss hashbrowns. 41) Ever been to a bonfire party? Hhaha, yea. 43) Have you ever been on a horse? I think so. 44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck? Why specifically in a pick-up truck? They choose the weirdest places to make out. 45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Oh, then they'd better get over it. 46) Have you ever been cheated on? Somewhat. If you wanna describe it like that. 47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? I thought guys don't like to cry. ahhaha. 49) Would you live with someone without marrying them? I live with my sister, and I sure as hell ain't gonna marry her. 50) What should you be doing ? Sleeping, chemistry, physics, Sci-Fi essay. You pick. 51) What’s irritating you right now? I can't think of a damned storyline for the Sci-Fi essay! 52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt? It wouldn't hurt to say yes. 53) Does somebody love you? DUH. 54) What is your favorite colour? green. :D 55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? -.- yes. 57) Do you have trust issues? Why should I tell you? 60. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Not bad. 62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? Shit, ew. No, I hope he doesn't. 63) Who was the last person you cried in front of? Rocky. He's my teddybear. Okay, that sounded pathetic. No, that never happened. 64) Do you give out second chances too easily? It really depends on the person and the mistake. 65) Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive. Just like how elephants don't forget, peanut butter is awesome. 66) Is this year the best year of your life? In a few ways, yes and no. I mean, I had higher highs, and lower lows than ever. How you want me to decide? Besides, only half the year has passed. 67) What was your child hood nickname? gen. it still is, though. 68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked? no duh. 70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? If it doesn't happen because of this, then it happens because of that right? 71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Think. 73) What is bothering you? Sci-Fi essay. 74) Have you ever been out of your province? Uhm, yeah. 75) Do you play the Wii? Can't bother. 76) Are you listening to music right now? If not then what? 77) Do you like Chinese food? Have to like it, right. If not I don't need to eat already. 78) Do you know your fathers b- day? I've got a good guess, but I'm not really counting on it. 79) Are you afraid of the dark? I embrace the dark. 80) Is cheating ever okay? If you're cheating in ting xie cause you forgot to study just for this once, I guess it's okay. 81) Are you mean? To people who don't deserve me being nice. 82) Can you keep white shoes clean? Depends on how long. Usually, they're clean before they leave the house. 84) Do you believe in true love? I don't exactly have a reason not to believe right? 88) Do you like the outside? Yes, some places. 89) Are you currently bored? Oh, no. Of course not. Why d'you think I'm actually doing you when I could be doing something more constructive? like, sci-fi essay? 90) Do you wanna get married? In the future. Don't really matter how long. Just as long as the kids come after. Haha. 91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I shiver. It has that kind of effect. You never know who else they used to call 'baby'. 92) Are you hungry? Not really. 93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? hahaha, *raises squiggly eyebrows* It sounds like the quiz editor has been watching Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging. 94) What makes you happy? The simple pleasures of life, hahaha. 95) Would you change your name? What? rekeseik enna eveiveneg not nice meh? 96) Ever been to Alaska? Nope. 98) Do you watch the news? yeah, occasionally. 99) What’ s your zodiac sign? Woof, woof. 100) Do you like Subway? HELL YES. 101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? What type of hard are we talkin' 'bout? 103) Do you talk like your friends? When they have an accent worth copying. 105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? Yeah. 106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yes. But recently, I don't really know what's my complete self much. 107) Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Ryan, cousin. 108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? Eww. Yes of course it does. Imagine, when you kiss, you taste -whatever number- -hand smoke? 109) Who’s the last person you had a conversation that lasted for more than 10 mins with? I rarely have a conversation lasting more than 10mins. I guess it's Esther. 110) Favorite lyrics right now? hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide. 111) Hey. 111 QUESTIONS JUST FOR THIS? * Screw it. I'm offta bed. Life was so much easier when the biggest problem was the monster in your closet. - Well, I don't know. But, if ever it happens: When she forgets about you, don't you dare remember me. Don't bother pushing me off the same cliff twice.
Thursday, June 18, 2009, 6/18/2009 10:08:00 PM
All hail sleep.
"During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, builds bone and muscle, and appears to strengthen the immune system." HAHAH. Now I know why I don't have my six-pack... Cause I don't sleep enough. Okay, okay, internet. You freaking win. I'll get over my insomnia. "If I said, there's no 'maybe' to loving me."
Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 6/16/2009 02:54:00 PM
Cause I can ride my bike with no handlebars.
![]() (I see... It's a very very violent game, eh.) Well hey. This big ass has sat 14hours to and from Genting, and is now, finally, exhausted yet happily contented in front of the 13.3" screen. Remnants of shopping bags and receipts litter the room floor, RM randomly stuffed in wallets, pockets, and the small compartments of carry-on bags, and dirty laundry still not washed, but hey. The washing machine's packed. Okay, so it's not the best excuse ever, but whatever. It's still an excuse. I'm still fighting a dilemma. To get down and do my holiday homework, or to leave it for later? Because originally, I promised myself that I'll get down to working on it after I come back from Genting. Also because, there's less than two freaking weeks before hell returns. And no, you got me right there. School's not hell, actually. It's what happens before, during, and after school that is hell. Just thinking about what's gonna happen kills me a little bit evey single time. Sigh. But, whatever la. Maybe I'm just irritated that I didn't get even a single shot of caffeine my entire trip to the city in the clouds. Honestly. The kids kept me away from coffee. ): (holy shit. I sound like some mother with crazy snivelling brats circling my ankles.) I walk past the Great Starbucks Building and the Starbucks At The Lobby almost a thousand times everyday, and I DON'T STINKING GET A SINGLE FRAPPE): Instead, my day was "supposedly" satisfied by rounding ticket-vomitting machines and repettitive loud blaring music from technology meant to cater to the need for internet entertainment of seriously deprived kids. Sounds like fun? (HAHA.) Hell, I try to bring my sister shopping, because I think that she is seriously deprived of proper dress sense, and also partly because there are great sales there, and she freaking only wants to go back to cyber-gaming. Is this what I sacrificed my caffeine for? Ah well. At 11, I never saw any sense in buying clothes either. But what I really don't like is how people comment on how my dressing sense has changed, EVER SINCE I WAS 12, or something the like. Sure, I need to change my wardrobe by now, maybe get a few accessories for good occassions or when I just feel like primping up, but, does it really call for bigtime stupid comments on how I decorate my ears with as big hoops as I like? If I look decent, live with it! At the very least, I'm not an eyesore, or at least I hope I'm not. (don't worry, Rihanna can still own the biggest hoops I have ever seen.) (Don't worry, I'm keeping my hands where they're safe.) Well, other than that, Genting has been alright for me. I greatly relished the cool. From the blistering heat of blasted Singapore weather, I'd say being in the clouds was largely refreshing. Ohoh, know what? When I was still a young and naive kid, I used to think that people could actually walk on clouds. Honestly! . . . . Along with the second star to the right, and straight on till morning. Sound familiar? hahaha, to childhood imagination. Oh yeah. I lost my hairband. somehow. raaaawrl. Aaaaand........ You guys ever seen lip-locking? :D:D (Screw it with the PG ratings, not like as if you all will care. haha.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To cross that line, put your lips on miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. did I catch anyone? xD Anyhoo. I guess that's all I have for Genting. It's been a lengthy post. Thanks for reading up to here! :D:D I GOT SUNBURNT IN GENTING. * Okay, so I'm done with Genting. I bought a (male) jacket for mad cheap, and I absolutely lurveee it. It's brown, with those cool cool designs. It looked so familiar to one of what someone had. Everytime I looked at that jacket at the store, wrapped around the male mannequinn, the Converse jacket just kept popping up in my mind's eye, and I would be plunged into the vivid imagery of my past memory. It was a wonderful one, mind you. It was as if I just had to get that jacket. And I'm glad that I got it. :D A pair of shorts, two tees, yup. (: * 8 hours coach-ride is a long time to think. I played my phone's music player throughout the enitre thing, hahaha. Kept a few songs on repeat, repeat, repeat. TEEHEE(: Anyway, the more I think of it, the more certain I become of.... MY LIFE IS LIKE A DRAMAAAAA. Those dumb, cliche'd dramas you see on tv. And because it's MY life, that's why it DESERVES to be in my favourite colour. :D:D "Because, baby, tonight could churn into the rest of our lives... Are you ready?" There were times when I was afriad to venture out into, where ever. Just cause, I didn't want to know if what I predicted would become reality. You were right, I do think too much. Hahaha, what'm I talkin' 'bout inexperience, man. It makes me wanna laugh at the things I've said. You said Innocence. We'd probably laugh over it now. Cliche'd, but good quote... Never let anybody convince you they know your wants and needs better than you do. They don't. And although their intentions may be good, it is ultimately your own opinion, no one else's, which matters.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 6/10/2009 11:40:00 PM
why're we up 3am on the phone?
I'm scared to go outside. There's like some kind of war going on. I guess it's best to pretend that I'm sleeping, hor. * I'm only posting now because Hurberg wants to see MY POST ON MELVIN'S MANLY LEG HAIRS. well, ta-daaa. You got your post. * YAY YAY YAY OMGOMG. HILDA GOT HER PHONEEEEE. :D:D:D:D tell me your number hor! You know you have mine. (: * Shermaine Shermaine Shermaine!! I'll seeyou in Genting yeah :D * SHARLEY SHARLEY!!!! Wha'cha gonna swim for annual Age Group??????? * Sigh. How long can I keep this up? It's like I'm raging a war against myself. Should, shouldn't; could, couldn't; have, haven't; would, wouldn't; had, hadn't. I think I'm going bonkers. Je mets mon main sur votre visage, je sens tout ce que vous voulez faire. Puisque, il fait rage dans moi, aussi. Ne pensez pas que je ne sais pas. WELCOME TO THE WORLD. I think I'll give blogger a break for now. Catch up with you guys after I come back from Genting(: Don't miss me too much! Go do your homework instead. xD
Tuesday, June 09, 2009, 6/09/2009 04:49:00 PM
Tra-de-la-de-la. AHAI WAN NOBAHDY NOBAHDY BUTCHEWW. Cause I'm so hoooo~t.... Irony, da dum de dum, Ironyyyy. Come on, I BET you guys listen to WonderGirls too. :D I don't seem to have anything interesting to blog about these few days. Hoildays are, well. Holidays. Nothing much to do, just more exercising, and more sleeping. I guess I really should be doing something more constructive. Like, my Sci-Fi essay, or the masteringphysics practice, or even chemistry holiday assignment. Sigh, I really really really wanna write my Sci-Fi essay. But I don't know what to base it upon! Should I write a medical thriller? Alien/monsters invasion (okay, this is so over-rated)? I don't know what to write. ): haiyoooooh. Dumb writers' block. I just sat in front of the dammed screen for hours, and not a single word came out. UGH. I don't even feel like blogging anymore. It's just so like, whatever lor. Nothing much has happened to me yet, interesting stuff has not begun. Nothing to complain about. Nothing to comment on. Oh crap. My life is boring. Oh, well. I just swam 7km during training yesterday, ahaha wow. O.o OHYAY OHYAY. Shermaine just asked me out. :D:D ShermaineNAH ley, ShermaineNAHNAHNAH. She practically NEVER asks anyone out. HAHAHA. SHERMAINE NAHHHHH. HAHHAHA. Are you reading this? xDxDxD Okay anyway. The skin under my arms are now sore. (ouch!) My biceps and lats rubbed against each other too much I guess. ahhaha. However that is possible, I don't know. And I just got wolf-whistled at. WHAT?! But it was dark, and probably the group of guys were blind. So yeah. HAHA. Or, they loved the CJ7 on my shirt. HAHAHAHHAHA. But it was light-hearted fun, definitely not the lecherous type that's absolutely disgusting. I tell you, there was this time when I was like, Year 1 or something, a group of malay guys wolf-whistled at me. Like, grahh! that's disgusting! In their lecherous tone and how they stalked me all the way back to my block. They're sick. Ewwwww. * I just read through the horoscope. It's actually amazing how true it describes you. Virgos are rational, practical, intelligent people who are able to think clearly thanks to the ruler of their Earth sign, Mercury. If you ever decide to question a Virgo, make sure you know your stuff because it will be hard to convince them they are wrong. A Virgo's thought is so precise that they are not very tolerant of other people's procrastination or lack of common sense. They simply cannot understand why other people cannot function at the same level as they do. Because Virgos have such clear thought, they may be critical of others. They are perfectionists who despise carelessness and incoherence in others. However, as critical as they are of others, they usually turn that criticism inwards on themselves. They dislike being criticised by others because they already know their own faults. Most Virgos have an intensity that makes them both industrious and efficient. Sticklers for detail, they are very organised. They are also hard workers as they are driven to do, not daydream. They are weary of making decisions until they know all the facts. Virgos are shy by nature and function better in one-on-one situations rather than in large social gatherings. To the world, Virgos appear calm and collected, but underneath that, they have a great intensity that demands they bring order to their worlds. Beneath the calm exterior is a frantic interior that needs to rearrange until everything is perfect. Whether it is balancing a checkbook to the penny or measuring something five times until they are sure it is precise, Virgos are perfectionists. This works well with their analytical thinking and practicality. Virgos are cautious in most of their endeavors. They like to examine all variables before making decisions, and they are slow to trust because they don’t like to be vulnerable. Because of this, Virgos don’t fall in love easily and they are very choosy about their mates and friends. They are drawn to people through intellectual curiosity rather than shallow physical attraction or passion. Virgos need intellectual stimulation, and will quickly grow bored in the company of those who make small talk rather than speaking of serious, important things. - Although, this isn't all of me, of course. Don't judge me until like that la! xD I'd better go off now. Dinnertime! Catch up with you guys later, ja ne!
Saturday, June 06, 2009, 6/06/2009 10:59:00 PM
I shouldn't be lonely in this big old world.
I must be bored. But, whatever. I really am supposed to be sleeping right now. Or, I really wanna sleep right now. Cause I just promised myself I'll wake up early tomorrow. Ah. I'm so lazy to prepare for sleep. I just wanna fall onto bed and zzzz. I think I suck at multi-tasking. I wanna read Angels&Demons. Wanna write out the english essay. Wanna read stories on the net. Wanna do some chemistry homework. Wanna blog a little. I'm failing terribly at this, damn. There's a song on my iTunes that has been playing on REPEAT every since I got it downloaded there. And I realise that I'm either singing or humming that song everywhere I go, just so I can hear that song. I blame the person who got me hooked onto this song, grrh. Oh, and smart me only just realised that this year's Annual Swim Meet will be on the 21st of June. Signup date is this monday, and I am clueless what to swim. Which also means that I'll be missing out on the first day of class CAMPING, HAHA. Ohmann. I want a Swim Training Camp. Hopefully, it doesn't get POSTPONED during the December hols. arghahaha. Jonathan promised a set in the dark. Oooowah, I like, I like. :D This post was, completely irrelevant to anything. Ahwell. Call me up when my brain's working, yeah.
Friday, June 05, 2009, 6/05/2009 11:47:00 PM
She's got what I want, you've got what I need.
![]() Yaww. Hahah, I'm back for another updateeeee. Oh yeah, before I continue: FACEBOOK HATES ME, I KNEW IT. It doesn't let me upload photos anymoreeee. ): Haiyoooh. Screw fb. * Okay 'sup. hahaha. There has been nothing much in my life so far. ): Except that the carmerlengo cheated and ran away with my feelings, so I'm like dead now. - 'xcuse me. ahahaha. Angels and Demons. Was a rather good watch. Awesome suspense and whatevs, but a few points were slightly off. Like, "eh? wtf?" But if you've already read the book then, maybe the movie wouldn't be as awesome la, haha. Cause it was almost entirely off from the book. But it was a good movie by itself, nevertheless. (: There're so many things I wanna say, but. My lips would be better off zipped. Hahaha. When I'm with you, when I'm with you, when I'm with you you you youuuuuuuu... When you're not around, I'm feeling like a piece of me is missing. ... Stupid, I hate those spam mail from MSN. Aiyoh, aiyoh. I just whiled the first week of June holidays away! Ohno, ohnoo.... ): Doing totally unproductive things. Like, not getting down to homework, not swimming as often as I SHOULD, not sleeping more whatthehell, and serving the net for totally useless purposes. I'm not looking forward to school reopening. I don't want the eyebag-cycle to emerge again. I don't want, I don't want. Don't make me go through hell again. I don't wanna tahan another repeat of sem. 1. Sigh. I needa go out and shop. Needa get some shorts and blouses that caught my eye over the past sem. Cause always no time to shopshop. Jeeeeez. raah. Oh oh. I'm gonna be in Genting from the 13th to the 15th. With Shermainneeeeeeeeee :D:D:D Ah, girl girl girl. I haven't seen you in a weeek! YOU. YOU AH. Better ask your mum to let you go out with meeeeeeeee. Whoa. It's late already. I should go and sleep hor. Oh ya. Hansum guy up there already has got someone to call 'baby' already. Hahaha, so he's completely out-of-bounds. (to everyone including meee aswell. HAHAHAHA. Whacha'll expect?) Eh, hansum guy. My photoshopping skills not bad hor. :D you ah, you ah. Better 'shh!' hor! If I hear anything... then if you no longer hansum, call your girlf. don't blame me ah. HAHA. MMMMMMMMM. I could go on la. Be exciting, be enthusiastic, be original, be innovative, be practical, be mysterious. Be a gentleman to the parentals, be a badboy to the girl.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009, 6/02/2009 11:12:00 PM
now let's all be truthful to each other: jennifer, this is my other girlfriend jess.
I say HEY :D yeaaaaahman. I'm back from esther's place. After watching a grand total of 6 movies, I feel so dead-beat! whooa! xD But first had to go for PTM. And, I swear, the parentals could yatter on and on about me for an entire hour straight. Wow. I put my hands down man, I'm impressed. Then, headed down to Esther's house pour la premiere du movie marathon. :D Pride and Prejudice is a totally awesome show. If I had the CD and the time, I can go on watching it over and over again for an entire day and not get sick of it! I lovesslovesslovessssssss Elizabeth, and Darcy. HAHA. "D: What do I call you when I'm angry? Mrs. Darcy? E: No, you may only call me Mrs. Darcy when you are extremely happy. D: Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Darcy." Ahhh.... (: Thenafter, dinner and washup and walk-the-dog and SPEED and a short chat before Sharmaine came at 9. Where our REAL moviemarathon begins! -DIRTY DANCING 2 : HAVANA NIGHT. -WILDCHILD -ANGUS, THONGS, AND PERFECT SNOGGING. -JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE. WHEEEEE~! Gosh I love the British accent. (: Spanish guys are so, so, so SMEXY. Love it when they danceeeeeee. Arrrrrl. (: omgomg, that night was an influx of hot guys laaaa. Seeeeee, it was quite an entertainment to see Sharmaine squealing everytime a hot guy appears, or when the couple kisses. HA HAH. :D Hahhahhah, we watched all the way till 5am. Only slept at 6am. Whoo! And, guess what, woke up at 1pm. xD Had, uhm, breakfast?, then another movie! Bridge to Terabithia. Man, I love this show. (: Halfway, had lunch, then I had to go. But esther and sharmaine continued on with the show. I'd already watched it many times before so, haiyah nevermind lah ahahhaha. :D Now, after training, I'm dead tired, and I wanna sleep. Off for now, goodnight all! P.S. Anyone up for another movie marathon? I believe I can last all the way from dusk till dawn if need be :D P.P.S. I want to watch Angels and Demons. Is it still showing? Who wants to come watch? :D |
and that's all you needa know. |
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,