It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight |
Monday, September 28, 2009, 9/28/2009 06:09:00 PM
soldier down
It's almost, amazing, for lack of a better word, to see how much your perception of a person can do a 180-degree flip and walk on its hands as you look on, aghast and pertrified. Questions zoom through your head, whereas answers are nowhere to be found. You find yourself asking, why is this so? You ask yourself, what happened? You question, what is wrong? Slowly but surely, this question will pop up: "Did I do something... wrong?" You think back, far as you can, as much as possible. But you cannot figure out what did you do. You're most likely on the verge of hair-pulling, because, of course! It MUST be YOUR fault! It's not his fault, not her fault, not anyone elses's fault. It's YOURS. Then you will come to the conclusion that, yes, it's true, you did nothing. The only wrong is you. You are the wrong. Oh dear! What are you going to do then? You're guilty. It's you. It has ALWAYS been you, nothing else. You, guilty. You are desperate now. Desperate to keep him here, no matter what. HE will NOT leave YOU. Anything he says, you say yes. Whatever he asks for, you give. Of course! It was your fault in the first place, isn't it? Shouldn't you make up for your wrongdoings? Do you have the right to say NO to him? But, he gave you no promises. He gave you no reassurance. He leaves you thinking you are still guilty. You may be oblivious to it, but he is taking advantage of you. He likes this game, seeing as he gains without loss. He wants to continue this game for as long as he likes. For as long as he wants, until he tires of you. It is easy for him. So, so easy. Oh no! What if he decides that being with you doesn't give him a 'kick'? What if he says you are too boring, grow up! Have fun like an adult! If not he'll just go find someone else instead. Someone more avaliable, someone easier. What will you do? You can barely stand the thought. It tears you apart. You decide that you have had enough, that you don't want to go through this torment anymore. Surprisingly, it works! But only for a few days. He 'respects' your decision, true, but only for a few days. He decides that you are actually very fun to play with, to torture, to torment. He decides to poke, prod, and push you until you oblige to him. But no, oh no. You are smarter now! No more a push-over! Whoo! But, nostalgia kicks in, and you desperately miss the old person, the person you knew from before all the bullshit. And you want this old person back. You cling on to all hopes and faith that maybe, just maybe, something you change and lo-and-behold, you have back the one you knew from months ago. He'll never return. You don't know what had gotten into you to make you think like that. * Well, I guess he was the right person at the exact correct moment. I was just the wrong person. and... I'd like something new already.
Saturday, September 26, 2009, 9/26/2009 12:42:00 AM
Draw w miie.
One of the sweetest clips I have ever seen.
Sunday, September 20, 2009, 9/20/2009 09:37:00 PM
A little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me.
Hello! (: It's 20/09/2009! HEEHEE anyone notice that? Hahhaa didn't 09/09/09 keep you guys busy enough already, xD. Anyway, I know I did say I'll be moving to tumblr, but I think I'll use blogger for long posts when I have the time, and when I have a whole ton of pictures to share. :D:D ? Also also, today is 10 freaking days after I turn 15! And I know I have not posted the photos from septemberthetenthtwentyohnine. Shermaine has been bugging me for it hahaha. Gear up for photospam (once again) and a rather detailed post today to make up for my lack-of-content posts for the past few days. (: So, on the TEHTH OF SEPTEMBER TWENTY OH NINE. GENEVIEVE ANNE KIESEKER TURNED 15. YAY OKAY DONE. (: . . . . . . YOU THINK. HAHA. Got up rather early, went down to warren to swim cause I wanted to. Then it rained, grahh. Had to get up, change, go back home and sulk. yadah. yadah. NOT. Why sulk when I have an overnight date complete with MOF dessert and 2 awesome hours of POOL with the bestest girlfriends on the surface of the earth? :D Firstly I went down with The Family to Lot 1 to watch them eat lunch. Bugged The Sister to go down to look at some clothes shop with me. (: Ended up getting a few new tops while Shermaine and Esther ran overtime with Mr. Tien in physics. (SHH DON'T TELL THEM KAY (: PINKY PROMISE. ) And soooo... at around 1pm-ish... GUESS WHICH PEOPLE ARRIVED? :D Say hellloooooo to.... SHERMAINE NAH :D (I love this shot HAHAHA) aaaaand.... ESTHER. :D Yay-ness. Up to M.O.F. for lunch and fantastic jap. ice cream for dessert! Yummm... I got a bento. Damn cute! It came with a small kiddish-like spoon. Loves! ![]() (stop looking at my bra-strap, you perv.!) See the spoon? HEEHEE(: They're trying not to look jealous while they're waiting for their food cause mine's already arrived! HEE(: Lookin' happy with her sandwich! And so is Shermaine :D Dessert after main course, that's the rule! . . . . AVOCADO AND HAZELNUT SMOOTHIE. Pure awesomeness (and fats) I tell you! "QUICK QUICK snap a photo if not it'll all be gone in like, 10 seconds! Just like Hilda's cake!" Oh, so yum! :D:D I'm suppoed to look like I'm totally in love with that Oreo MochaFrappe, but... well. I just look surprised at having the stupid picture taken. HAHA. This is MINE. MUAHAH. Shermaine looks ultra-happy too! And why not? Cause this Mango sundae is teh bestest. Yummmmmms. Ooh-hoo. Almost done with it! Shermaine doens't like the jellies underneath. Drinks! Iced lemon tea, and iced macha (green tea)! Afterwards, caught a bus down to Warren for pool! Professionalism. NOT AHHAHA. (Don't look at my cleavage, you perv.!) HAHAHA SHARMAINE WONG, when she saw that photo. Bewilderment. haha! Cannot reach the ball! "Oh damn, did the white ball go into the hole, again?" We played a few games each, but hahaha ended up dragging each game for almost 45mins cause we're slow like that HAHA. ![]() ![]() "Stoopid ball, why so near to the edge?" Shoes! ![]() OH YES I MUST TELL YOU THISSS. There was this time before we began to play pool, while we were waiting for the table, I had to go to the ladies. So I passed my bag (along with phone) to Shermaine first. Apparently, while I was gone someone tried to call me, TWICE! And, yeah guess what my ringtone was "OLD TIME'S SAKE" by EMINEM. My phone blasted out a string of profanities in an all-quiet room with Shermaine holding on to it and desperately trying to shut it off! Heh, sorry girl! So paiseh hahha. :/ Later at round 5pm-ish, we left for Esther's house to sleepover! While walking down Bukit Batok MRT there was this lady giving out fliers to promote this hair salon's services. Guess what it includes. . . . . Guessed it yet? . . . . It's... Rebonding of hair, UP TO ARMPIT LENGTH. Caused a great deal of laugh from us HAHAHAHHAHA. Oh damn, I think I lost the flier. Could've taken a photo! xD Wanted to watch P.S. I Love You with Shermaine first, but she had to go early so we skipped that show. ): Sharmaine came round 6.30pm. Ordered PIZZAH. Ate my face out until was so stuffed! ![]() While waiting for PIZZAH. I found Esther's hat and fell in deep, deep love with it :D Sharmaine says it makes me look like a 19th-century pageboy. Nevermind. It's the 19th-century pageboy's birthday, anyway. :D Supposed to look serious. Failed, apparently. heh. I found that tie, that's around my neck, in my bag, so it wore it ahhaha. (oh lookie you can see my nice arm muscles. HAHA KIDDING.) This was.... I dunno. It was supposed to look "not boring", I don't know how this came about. heh. Esther's artpiece. So awesome isn't it! Shermaine left at around 8plus or something. Then, me Esther and Sharmaine watched P.S. I Love You! Damn, it was suppoed to make people cry but I ended up tearless throughout the movie raah. But it was a good watch though, :D After the 2hour-long show, it was about 11pm-ish I guess. Can't remember. Washed up and bathed and all the necessary girl things haha. Sat down and TALKED. For 5 hours! Don't bother asking, cause what was said there remains there. It ain't no fun if you bring it out. We started off with school gossip down to "WOULD YOU RATHER"s and by the time we finished I didn't know I was asleep! Of course, I only realised the next morning at 10am in my blurry sleepy state. Like, "eh? I fell asleep!" After breakfast at Esther's place I left at around 11am and reached home. (: Thanks girls for such an amazing Fantastic Fifteenth! :D Esther! Lookin' forward to your sweet sixteenth coming up! :D:D:D P.s.
Thursday, September 17, 2009, 9/17/2009 10:57:00 PM
big and bouncy.
It's time for new things. I'll seeyou all there (: . . . . Will still be keeping blogger though. You never know when the passions die down and old flames return. (HAHA)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 9/16/2009 10:28:00 PM
celsius or fahrenheit?
A bunch of UK exchange students are currently in MY SCHOOL. Anddddd... guess what. ^.^ I hope they stay for a week or so... HEEHEE. Eye candy :D
BAD KANYE. Why suan Taylor until like that?
Scratch that. I'm just eating into sleeping time. Anyway, blogger has been a good pal lately, and allows me to upload photos. (: SO, YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? OF COURSE. 305 BBQ @ INFINITI (I promised, didn't I? :D) So, on the 09/09/09, the wednesday of our precious 1-week break, this was what appeared on my phone at exactly 14 00hrs, GMT +8 : Hey gen where're you? Half the class is here. In the canteen. Guess where I was? Walking to the canteen! Haha figures I couldn't even be slightly late. So anyway, met all the awesome class peoples at the canteeeeeeen. and waited for a few more extras to stream in. Extras like, SHERMAINE. (Heehee(: ) Makes me wonder when the turnstile will fall over again. Toan! Jun Rui trying to kick Anzhi. HEEHEE I CAUGHT THEM IN ACTION. So when everyone arrived and so did Joelle with the charcoal and stuff like that... we left for Mrs. Yeo's condo, the INFINITI. "what, WHAT? I WHACK YOU AR." Esther's crazed. xD ![]() Bestie shot. (HAHA that sounds lame.) Had to cross the overhead bridge to catch the bus. Nice smile! (: toan looks serious. At the Infiniti bus stop, waiting for Mrs. Yeo to open the gate and let us in to the condo. ![]() Shot with Amanda. :D MARSHMALLOWS SHOULDN'T BE SPILT ONTO THE FLOOR T.T ESPECIALLY COLOURED MARSHMALLOWS. Picture of, rows of trees. Duh whadd'ya expect? In we went! Failed backshot. Joelle! JiaQin and Su Chang! I like! Looks very, serene. (: (sorta) flower patch beside the playground. BBQ areas, and pool! speaks for itself. ahah. Pool! People and pool! She calls this the BIMBO shot. HAHA. Walking towards her appartment. Nice right?! GYMMMMM. Condo beside us. This is what you get when Yong Kiat decides to play with my camera. Cherie JunRui TeckLim and Toan. Shot of all of us squished in the lift. Her home! Very classy, very nice! I like :D Even Mrs. Yeo's phone is super classy. HTC DIAMOND ! Same cameraaaaa :D So down we went to swimmmm cause it was just mothaeffin' hawt. What a relief... Shermaine looks very happpy :D Guys. I doubt they brough their swimming trunks... ...OH WAIT THEY DIDN'T. ![]() (: I don't know what is she doing here. Looks like she's trying to scratch her face off! Guys playing volleyball by the poolside. Bags! okay mine looks super unglam together with shermaine and esther's... heh! betcha can guess which is mineeee. ![]() :D Look like an old, married couple, don't they? HAHA. HEE. :D Puts on goggles. But they snap later anyway. HAHA. :D The guys don't dare to BARE THEIR HAWT BODAYES. (do they have any in the first place? wait and see for yourself. :D) RUN AND JUMP INNNNN! one of my favourite shots. :D Then we start playing monkeyyy with the volleyball. ![]() Of course, me and Shermaine sidetrack a little. :D I swear, I never took this shot. guys play too much with my camera. ![]() (: ![]() floatingggg. Thenafter, went to washup bathe and change in time for the BBQ! (Told Shermaine and Esther about the disadvantages of having bad breath. DISGUSTING.) Husband and 2 kids! They're like super sweet :D (kids, not husband) Thao! Chen Wei dancing to some song. Esther looks nice in that ruched dress :D Fanning and blowing at the charcoal. Same cameraaaaa :D FOOD. heeheeee. :D whoops too dark, but it's Minh. it's me, though not very clear haha. Shermaine and Anzhi! Lovely shot of Esther. :D Sweeeet. (: Nice going! This must be how the world looks like when you're Cherie. joking! Teck Lim ahhaa PEACE. I luv heights. Hah. This must be how Jun Rui looks like when you're Minh. And vivian too. :D Last shot! Had to go off for training already. Had a really really really fun time, :D 305, loves! |
and that's all you needa know. |
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,