Sunday, January 31, 2010, 1/31/2010 11:29:00 PM
Stone hearts and hand grenades
Physics suck. Been working on it all day and... effff. I'm going waaay too slowly. I wanna sleeep! ):
Friday, January 29, 2010, 1/29/2010 01:27:00 AM
I was drawing a dinosaur face in class and was going to write "nom nom nom" beside the mouth when said math teacher came by my table to check if I had already expanded my formulas. I wonder if he was as surprised as me when I jumped up in my chair and smudged my "nom nom nom." O.o
the fourth drink instinct
High school never ends
I wonder if I should start posting longer posts. . . . . Ah heck. School's too busy for that.
roses by the stiarcase.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1/27/2010 11:23:00 PM
She's my Winona.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 1/26/2010 11:52:00 PM
Whooowmaigawsh. I wonder how many other people know how embarassing and awkward it is when you doze off somewhere and you wake up to find someone staring intently at you. ... Especially if that someone is your math teacher who has been calling your name repeatedly. In class. To give you back a Graded Exercise that got a pretty sucky grade. Uh. Whoops.
 Happy 16th my dear friend! I LOVE YOUUUUUU (:P.S. GUESS WHO? xD  Happy birthday to nathan and marni too! Hope you guys are reading this! So sorry I couldn't call over, school has been keeping me busy. I promise I'll write cards or something soon! (: Miss you guys loaaaaads. xD
Sunday, January 24, 2010, 1/24/2010 06:59:00 PM
My heart is the worst kind of weapon.
Take your taste back Peel back your skin And try to forget how it feels inside. You should try saying no once in a while. . Will blog/upload photos of esther's NC16 legalisation later. Physics is killing me now. DRAW DRAW DRAW GAHHHH.
Thursday, January 21, 2010, 1/21/2010 12:07:00 AM
We've got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
 WELL HAI. School is draining. Oh no, homework undone! Byebye, me is go do. =.= I ish haz eyebagz.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 1/13/2010 11:35:00 PM
In keds and tube socks.
 We played with blindfolds in ACE today. You know, the usual trust here and there thingamajig. VIVIAN TOOK AWAY MAH BLINDFOLD NOW I CAN'T SLEEP NO MORE ): School is gonna get so, ohmygah. Plus competitions, I think I'll be seven-eights dead by the June holidays. Man, I'll be crawling out of March on all fours screaming hysterically. You wanna bet? Hummm. X-cty interschools, SNAG, Track interschools, Swimming interschools. CUE MAJOR GAG REFLEX. Plus, I don't know whether to take Econs or notttttttt. Damnit. YOU BUTTHOLE YOU'VE STOOD ME UP LONG ENOUGH SO GO GET YOURSELF WELL AGAIN AND BACK AT SWIMMING IF NOT I SWEAR I'LL GO CRAZY WITH ALL THIS SCHOOL SHIT. I is tired. Goodnight. QUOTE OF THE DAY! "It's just like RAPE! only, with... toes?" -Sharmaine Wong, while we were talking about some bedroom scandals. xD
Monday, January 11, 2010, 1/11/2010 10:39:00 PM
look how they shine for you.
I don't know why people don't understand that it's just so hard to part with things that you've have for such a long time. Others just don't understand that removing said item will cause a massive, gaping hole in the place where it once was, and of course in its place in our hearts. So many things I'd hate to part with. But have to, darn it. My room is too cluttered! >:( It's a B freaking 3 anyway. Gahdamn. Omg, 2hours of math tomorrow DEAD! Oh but cool we have bio, YEAH :D Oh, damnit. Tuesday sucks just about as bad as Monday. 8am-6pm with 2 half-hour breaks. *CRY!* So tired, needs. to. get. sleep! I hope I'd survive to see Wednesday. Oh, and hair-and-attire check.
Friday, January 08, 2010, 1/08/2010 12:11:00 AM
Oh GAAAAH Orientation was so draining. Shoutshoutshout me throat painpain. Ah but hell fun it kinda was! Loads of the activities were done in our respective houses. To forge HOUSE SPIRIT and whatever shit they can think of. Mass Dance song was fantastic, but the danceeee..... ugh. Campfire was kewl. OH GOSH THIS IS SO MUNDANE WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT. Back-to-school again todayyyyyyy. Sian, I fell asleep in Math, and was late for 2 lessons hahahaha what a good way to give a first impression to new teachers. -.- Oh oh and I think physics 4105 will be a, ahem, interesting module this semester HAHHAHA. MR. YUEN WIN LA. ... I finished Brisingr today. Gosh I feel damn empty, like nothing else to read. WAITING IN DESPERATION FOR THE FOURTH BOOK OF THE INHERITANCE CYCLE TO COME OUT GAHDAMMIT! So feel like Eragon is such a huge part of me now. HE'S BEEN FOLLOWING ME THROUGH AT LEAST 2500 PAGES OKAY, and my DECEMBER HOLIDAYS. LIKE WHOA. Ugh. So many times I wanted to scream while reading the book because everything felt so real, and of course me thinking things like, why would Eragon be SO STUPID? and such hahahah. But ah, inapporpriate places and their hostile, siao-zhar-bor look don't seem very unnerving. I miss Eragon already. okay it's 12.34am and school's tomorrow PLUS TRACK OH GOSH DEAD. Night!
Friday, January 01, 2010, 1/01/2010 10:20:00 PM
Dear 2009, You were so yesterday. Now 2010 takes centerstage and wrestles it's way to outshine you. But don't feel too bad though, you're still one of the best years I've had in the ages I can remember, and you contain a myriad of wonderful memories that I've come to treasure, a chest of new experiences I appreciate having gone through. You sucked some terrible shit now, didn't you. Hahaa, come on. Own up. Even so, I feel as if I've learnt a lifetime from you. You've been pretty cool to me so far. You gave me awesome friends, teammates and family members. No doubt you sure as hell did take away some, but eat shit la. Life sucks that way anyway. You've bestowed upon me so many happy moments that I've spent with so many people, with countless of times I might've peed myself from laughing so hard. And you made me go through some serious shit that I never thought I'd actually crawl out alive. Contradiction sure is a bitch now, ain't it? Shermaine Esther Hilda Vivian, thanks for making school life all the more enjoyable and lessons more bearable (: even though I know you guys had to endure long hours of me ranting about swimming and every little thing concerning, and how vivian and shermaine had a semester each of having to wake me up in almost every lesson, TEEHEE! Of course, this earns you a free pass to copy my homework for the next year. (xD) Of course, I have to also thank all of those who lent me their homework to, ahem, REFERENCE. I think I'd have flunked my ass outta this school without you guys. (: WARREN PEEEPS! Oh, gosh. I can't even start here. All the times training, joking, and doing every other random thing together. I think we're super epic at studying together. xD I can't remember a time during training where we all weren't super high at one time or another. Thanks for being a place where the topic of homework is considered taboo and 'exam' is some sick ritual in the religion of science/math/languages/arts etc. For being a place where saying, "I'll show you my breast if you'll show me your fly," is a common occurence and does not induce sexual peversion. BRANDON FOR COMING UP WITH JOKES SO COLD IT LOWERS THE WATER TEMPERATURE A LITTLE. xD And for being the best bakers/basketballers/badminton players/bowlers anyone has EVER seen. (: To the Bastard Stuart, thanks for never having a serious conversation with me, and for deciding all our fights with scissors-paper-stone. Plus I think we do nice tango, AND I THINK SOMEONE LIKES YOUR HOT SQUEEZABLE ASS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. XIYING DON'T BE AFRAID OF STALKERS WHEN YOU HAVE ME! YOUR LESBIAN PARTNER! xD And Blackie! Time to let your continents undergo some major conflict and separate! :D BAH TO A PEACE TREATY! xD And also as a New Year's Resolution to myself (for now) : MAKE SURE YOU FIND AWESOME SHOES IN YOUR SIZE. To end off, I HOPE 2010 LIKES ME!(and you guys too! ;D)
Yo sup.
My name is gen, swimming's my second nature,
and that's all you needa know.